Discussione Data post instagram

I server di instagram hanno il loro orologio. Non puoi cambiare la data. Appena invii la POST request per pubblicare un post, instagram lo salva nei suoi database con l'orario attuale.
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Reazioni: basax1
Instagram uses your device's timezone settings to determine when a post is published. When you upload an image or video, the timezone set on your device's clock will be the time the post is published. Therefore, if you want to change the time when a post is published, you will need to change the timezone settings of your device.

That's not true, it may seem that this method works, but Instagram as most of web services stores the creation time as a timestamp which is in UTC timezone. Then your local device timezone is used only for calculating the delta and displaying dates in your local time, but other users with other timezones will see the date in their local time.
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Reazioni: DjCanigia


Utente Iron
28 Dicembre 2022
Scusate non so se è la sezione giusta,ma volevo sapere come fa istagram a sapere quando io pubblico un post.

Perché volevo provare a trovare un modo per cambiare la data di un post,anche se credo sia impossibile e volevo capire il meccanismo dietro l orario delle foto.

Non so se mi sono spiegato bene
Instagram uses your device's timezone settings to determine when a post is published. When you upload an image or video, the timezone set on your device's clock will be the time the post is published. Therefore, if you want to change the time when a post is published, you will need to change the timezone settings of your device.