[Guida] Registrarsi e Download Warrock Filippino

Sir ho fatto delle ricerche e come da quanto ho scoperto sembra che vi vuole un plugin (NON sono sicuro)
Infatti ho letto che in warrock coreano per loggare c'era bisogno di un plugin che una volta inseriti id e pass ti faceva entrare direttamente in game
ragazzi dobbiamo trovare un metodo ho trovato un sito che ha il mio stesso probelma ke dice "If you get the “Cannot get version.txt” error then this usually means that the game is being blocked from connecting to the patch\game server. The number 1 cause of this issue is that any security or anti-virus software that you have installed is not allowing the following War Rock programs access to the internet.
WRLauncher. exe
WRUpdater. exe
Warrock. exe
To fix this you should open your anti-virus or security software and allow these three programs full access to connect to the internet. Most anti-virus and security programs have a way to manually add these to a list of allowed programs and you will have to consult the User Manual for the particular software you have have installed in order to figure out how best to add programs to the list."
War Rock Forums

“Cannot get version.txt" appare quando non attivi l'antivirus, se lo attivi va.