[ITA/EU] Rust World | Vanilla Biweekly | BP Monthly


Utente Iron
17 Ottobre 2022

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Vanilla Biweekly con stack di materiali 2x / Vanilla Montly with material stack 2x
- Decay diminuito del 50% / Decreased Decay by 50%
- Condivisione dei blueprint con il team / Blueprint shared with your team
- SkinBox con in piu' skin del workshop (Skin) / SkinBox with skin of the workshop (Skin)
- Reskin per le Hazmat (hazmat (arctic|space|nomad|lumberjack)) / Reskin for the Hazmat Suite (hazmat (arctic|space|nomad))
- Raid Alert con Rust+ / Raid Alert with Rust+
- Vending machines monumenti sempre piene / Vending Machines Always Refilled
- Trash Loot piu' raro / Trash Loot Decreased
- Spawn Minicopter random nelle strade / Random Spawn Mini on the street
- Reciclatore in tutti i monumenti / Recycler in all monuments
- Zaino / Backpack
- Smelting Velocizzato / Faster Smelting
- La torcia ti protegge dal freddo / Torches give protection from cold
- Le lanterne cinesi o la Lampada di Tonno si accendono in automatico / Tuna Lamps and Lantern turn on automatically at night
- Sistema Anti Stream Sniping / Anti Stream Sniping System