Domanda Metasploit - Exploit completed, but no session was created.


Utente Iron
25 Giugno 2022
Ultima modifica:
Buongiorno sto provando a ricevere un shell inversa con il Meterpreter ma ottengo sempre "Exploit completed, but no session was created." invece della shell :/
Sto utilizzando un Host Kali Linux con una Virtual Machina Metasploitable2 in collegamento "Host Only" perche` se utilizzo il "bridge" non mi assegna nessun IP.

Se invece faccio da VM a VM (una VM Kali e la VM Metasploitable) funziona tutto perfettamente :/ Come posso fixare?

Qualcuno puo`darmi una mano?
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

FUCK THIS S**T lol I have solved sorry.
So I was using the wrong LHOST ip because with Host Only I need to use the IP for the network interface to communicate with the VM and no the IP of my LAN.

Anyway do anyone know why with "bridge" network option I don't get any IP assigned on any VM I try to use? Thx
Anyway do anyone know why with "bridge" network option I don't get any IP assigned on any VM I try to use? Thx
Are you using VirtualBox or VMWare? I had a similar issue in VMWare and I solved it going inside the Virtual Network Editor and specifying manually which External Connection I want to use (by default VMWare uses the "Automatic" option, that in my case was choosing the wrong adapter).

After some trial and error I identified the right adapter (for you it could be different), but now everything works fine: