Discussione Proxy Fetch Bot

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Utente Silver
7 Novembre 2012
Ok, so I have made a major update to the bot, no longer using the old sites that the last bot used. This means there aren't as many proxies pulled, however this bot pulls AND validates the proxies.

Please note that Validation is only available to Subscribers.

This update also features the ability to provide a link to a proxy, and have it automatically parse the page for proxies. Please note that this method uses the Web Browser (Where as the other sources don't) since a lot of the proxy sites use JavaScript to try and trip up bots .

[X] 25 Posts
[X] Sub (If you want to validate the Proxies inside the bot)
[X] .Net 3.5 +
[X] IE 7+ (if you want to provide your own custom link)

Be sure to let me know of any errors you get. If you would like me to add a list to the bot, let me know and I'll see what I can do!


Old Bot Information:

[x] .Net 3.5 Framework
[x] Internet Explorer 7.0 +

Here's how to use:
Click on "list 1". When the popup alert tells you it is done, and it fetched "x" amount of proxies, you can click on "List 2". When it loads, type in the Captcha. Once the captcha is entered correctly, click on "List 2 Step 2"

That should be it.

Download link V 1.0:

AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid!:blabla:

Download V 2.0:

AdF.ly - shrink your URLs and get paid!
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