Tool Heavenly Hope "Open Source" - File Server + Source Client

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25 Febbraio 2010
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Here I post the GitHub of the owner of Heavenly Hope file.

"This project is not finish, you can use this project for optimize your project.

You can also update this project by forking it for help me and every other peoples who want to make a server.

This project is free to use and cannot be sell for money. I don't take any responsability of selling or bugs or issues."

Here I post the GitHub of the owner of Heavenly Hope file.

"This project is not finish, you can use this project for optimize your project.

You can also update this project by forking it for help me and every other peoples who want to make a server.

This project is free to use and cannot be sell for money. I don't take any responsability of selling or bugs or issues."

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Controlla i link donwload , sono scaduti
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: KING911
No, github è una piattaforma di hosting per codici sorgenti, viene spesso utilizzata per condividere codici e modifiche di codice in tempi brevi.
se vorrei scaricare tutti i file source server-client e file server in uniche cartelle come dovrei fare ? siccome il link in mega non funziona
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