Tool NosByte Source


Utente Bronze
12 Agosto 2018
This source contains :

- Titles
- Arena kill/death packets
- Evtb packet implemented (not fully)
- New Loigin system (you can use latest launcher with it)
- A lot of add random boxes items working
- Some bugs fixed (infinite snacks, skill bar reset sometimes, dupe partner stats)
- NosBazard duplication fixed, Mini-Game infinite fixed
- Portal in the center of Tundra now teleport angel to angel camp & demon to demon camp
- Act5 & 7 Ship are working well
- Act7 packets added & resistance fixed for monsters with resistance higher than 125
- A lot of missings recipes are added
- Right click on nosbazard equipments is fixed (no more error out of range)
- Martial Artist all stats reviewed
- Fix music in timespaces
- Add NosBazard working in Act7
- Add new full inventory backpack
- Fix a bug where some pets where not catchable
- Implement a lot of n_run for events like Valentine, Easter & others...
- Fix wings of angel usable in some zone where it shouldn't be usable.
- Updated mounts
- Fix respawn in act6.2 & act 7
- Add HUD lock function
- Fix a bug with job level & quest xp that made your character crash
- More things fixed but too long to write all...

This source is not outdated.

  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Aerzy47
Ultima modifica:
log in and world not working cause ScsRemoteException value cannot be null masterserver comunication service cs.line 42(cs line 103) string authkey and login program cs line 84 like every source coming with a crash.. (and yes i changed the authkey and still not working9)
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

i dont understand the meaning of posting source with all login error fully the only sens i can see here its this people host a source and they (fixing) for people who pay him money thats the only sense in posting error source the source its very outdated


  • Log in.PNG
    Log in.PNG
    41.8 KB · Visualizzazioni: 236
  • world crash.PNG
    world crash.PNG
    42.8 KB · Visualizzazioni: 230
I wanted to personally thank you for uploading these sources. Thanks to you I was able to create a pserver with almost all the features to play with friends, since I had given up on it for a few years now.

I take this opportunity to confirm to all concerned people that these sources works. If there are compilation errors they are due to the fact that the "app.config" files of the servers are missing, which can be easily rebuilt.

In any case, however, some bugs are still present in the code, and I intend to post the solutions as soon as I am able to find them.

For example, to fix the client disconnection bug from the ACT4 server just change this piece of code to CharacterScreenPacketHandler.cs under "// Load account by given SessionId" :
            // Load account by given SessionId
            if (Session.Account == null)
                bool hasRegisteredAccountLogin = true;
                AccountDTO account = null;
                if (loginPacketParts.Length > 4)
                    if (loginPacketParts.Length > 7 && loginPacketParts[4] == "DAC"
                    && loginPacketParts[9] == "CrossServerAuthenticate")
                        isCrossServerLogin = true;
                        account = DAOFactory.AccountDAO.LoadByName(loginPacketParts[5]);
                        account = DAOFactory.AccountDAO.LoadByName(loginPacketParts[4]);
Ultima modifica:
I wanted to ask which parser should I use for that source?
I got a link but from KILL009 from epvp but there are more parsers like NosCore-Opennos Parser, Nostale Vendetta Parser or should I use a other one?
Cause there are more of them

After I parsed I got this error at Master Server:
[16:59:05][ERROR][Initialize]: [DATABASE_INITIALIZATION]Database Error
System.InvalidOperationException: The model backing the 'OpenNosContext' context has changed since the database was created. Consider using Code First Migrations to update the database (
   at System.Data.Entity.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists`1.InitializeDatabase(TContext context)
   at System.Data.Entity.Internal.InternalContext.PerformInitializationAction(Action action)
   at System.Data.Entity.Internal.InternalContext.PerformDatabaseInitialization()
   at OpenNos.DAL.EF.Helpers.DataAccessHelper.Initialize() in C:\Users\XXXX\Desktop\NosByte-master\NosByte-master\OpenNos.DAL.EF\Helpers\DataAccessHelper.cs:line 78
[16:59:05][ERROR][Initialize]: [DATABASE_INITIALIZATION]Database may not be up to date. Please consider updating your database.


And do you have discord maybe?
Hello MarlboroDE.
First, sorry if I made some errors in the post, but English is not my first language.

Regarding the Parsers:
NosByte sources are based on OpenNos, so always use those for OpenNos.

I used the "Best Parser" offered by Zanouu on GitHub:

I don't know these are better than those of KILL009, some NPC were missing and i needed to add them manually, but at least there is not the problem of the dupicate NPCs in the maps.

Regarding your problem with MasterServer:
I think there is something wrong with the SQL database, or you need to update it.
Did you use the update-database command in the NuGet console on Visual Studio to apply the last migration to the database? If not, maybe that is the problem.

Also, I wold like to offer another minor bugfix for the sources today:
Since there is a problem with a piece of code for ACT4, sometime your inventory will quickly be filled with the items with the vnums 767, 769 and 771 when you kill random monsters... To fix this, go in Character.cs and search this line: int drop1 = ServerManager.RandomNumber(1, 100);

Then, disable this piece of code with /* and */ like this:
                /*    int drop1 = ServerManager.RandomNumber(1, 100);
                int rnd = ServerManager.RandomNumber(0, 7);
                if (monsterToAttack.MonsterVNum == 753 && drop1 < 3)
                    Session.Character.Inventory.AddNewToInventory(767, 1, InventoryType.Equipment, (sbyte)rnd, 0, 0);
                   // Missing message item get
                if (drop1 >= 3 && drop1 < 7)
                    Session.Character.Inventory.AddNewToInventory(769, 1, InventoryType.Equipment, (sbyte)rnd, 0, 0);
                    // Missing message item get
                if (drop1 >= 7 && drop1 < 11)
                    Session.Character.Inventory.AddNewToInventory(771, 1, InventoryType.Equipment, (sbyte)rnd, 0, 0);
                    // Missing message item get
                }    */

Hope it could be useful. :frog-good:

If some kind user have some fixs for the family, the nosmate and the companion system and would like to share it with the community, it would be very apreciated since with the new client many packets changed and if you create a family with these source strange things happen that make the game unplayable. :(

Right now the client crash when your character have a family and you change map with a portal for two time, and it's very frustrating... It happens only when you are alone and not in a group, oddly. I tried to make some test but for now I didn't find any fix... So I hope someone more competent in the matter can help.
This source contains :

- Titles
- Arena kill/death packets
- Evtb packet implemented (not fully)
- New Loigin system (you can use latest launcher with it)
- A lot of add random boxes items working
- Some bugs fixed (infinite snacks, skill bar reset sometimes, dupe partner stats)
- NosBazard duplication fixed, Mini-Game infinite fixed
- Portal in the center of Tundra now teleport angel to angel camp & demon to demon camp
- Act5 & 7 Ship are working well
- Act7 packets added & resistance fixed for monsters with resistance higher than 125
- A lot of missings recipes are added
- Right click on nosbazard equipments is fixed (no more error out of range)
- Martial Artist all stats reviewed
- Fix music in timespaces
- Add NosBazard working in Act7
- Add new full inventory backpack
- Fix a bug where some pets where not catchable
- Implement a lot of n_run for events like Valentine, Easter & others...
- Fix wings of angel usable in some zone where it shouldn't be usable.
- Updated mounts
- Fix respawn in act6.2 & act 7
- Add HUD lock function
- Fix a bug with job level & quest xp that made your character crash
- More things fixed but too long to write all...

This source is not outdated.

Thanks for sharing , but problem at the select server.
When i click to the server i get redirect to the login :/