Tool C++ [40250] Reference Serverfile + Client + Src [15 Available Languages]

qualcuno sa come aggiungere i nuovi bonus? per esempio mi servirebbe usare POINT_RESIST_CRITICAL / 136
quando provo ad inserirlo su navicat ottengo questo errore, immagino che non ci sia nei file, qualcuno sa dirmi se ci sono i file aggiornati con bonus nuovi tipo questo?
Immagine 2023-02-25 144040.png
Ciao volevo chiederti...ho scaricato i tuoi file server però adesso vorrei iniziarci a lavorare con un amico per iniziare a fare dei piccoli fix. Come posso far si che entrambi possiamo accedere ap gioco e modificarlo insieme?

[40250] Metin2 Reference Serverfile

Download link: *** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

"Il mio obiettivo era quello di creare dei files di riferimento r40250 più ufficiale possibile rispetto a quello che GF aveva quando i loro file sono trapelati all'inizio del 2014.
Nessun nuovo sistema aggiunto, solo correzioni di bug. Anche se ho trascorso diverse ore di test, ci possono essere ancora bug. Si prega di segnalare bug a me in modo da poterli risolvere in futuro, voglio rendere questo progetto il più possibile libero da bug."

Lingue disponibili: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR
Apri il file Languages.txt per capire come cambiare la lingua inglese di default.

SSH for VM: root/123456789
MySQL: root/123456789
Ingame: admin/123456789

Aliases and it's commands:
start        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
close        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
clear        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
backup        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
questcompile    cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python
dbclean        cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean
dbcompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake
gameclean    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean
gamecompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

Video sull'installazione e cambio di lingua:

Re-upload video sull'installazione

Posto il file changelog.txt, dove sono riportate tutte le modifiche fino ad oggi:
[40250] Reference Serverfile By TMP4

Note: Starting 2021.08.01. I dropped version numbers, instead I'm using timestamps (date).

2023.08.05: - New freshly installed VM with FreeBSD 13.2.
            - Installed a fix about an exploit:
            - Expect this as the last update unless there will be some serious problem.

2023.07.09: - MySQL5.6 got depreceted and removed from FreeBSD's ports. You have to install it manually further on
              in a vps, check Server/ for the package files and instructions about installing it.

2023.06.11: - Re-enabled precompiled headers in client source. To be able to compile with pecompiled headers enabled in the
              latest Visual Studio with /std:c++latest which this project uses, we have to turn off the "Build ISO C++23 Standard
              Library Modules" in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Language (in each project in the solution). Longer explanation:

2023.06.10: - In the client src Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h> since the
              launcher does not use MFC, so you no longer required to install C++ MFC while installing Visual Studio.
            - Disabled precompiled headers in all project to be able to build them in latest Visual Studio. You can do it by
              right click on a project and select properties, then in Configuration -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers select
              "Not using Precompiled Headers" for Precompiled Header. You have to do this for each project in the solution.
            - Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h.

2023.04.09: - Char.cpp CHARACTER::ResetPoint's POINT_STAT was modified, changed back to original code. (Line: 5934-5939)

2023.02.25: - There were 2 empty lines at the end of the map_index file, and the server only expects 1, so it reloads the last
              map in your index file which results in npc.txt, boss.txt, regen.txt and stone.txt being loaded twice.
            - PROXY_IP only worked with ip addresses but Karbust extended his tutorial to work with domain names so
              now you can use DynDNS, for example, if you want.

2023.02.11: - Libdevil, libmysql, cryptopp and boost was in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder. I modified these extern stuffs
              folder stucture to the commonly used /usr/metin2/src/extern/include and lib layout. By doing that, the src
              folder moved a folder upper to /usr/metin2/src/server, don't forget to modify the aliases paths in root/.cshrc.
            - Libmysql removed, it was the old 5.1.35 version from Kraizy.tgz while we're using 5.6 in the vm. We don't need
              seperate libmysql because when we install mysql it installs the lib and include files too to /usr/local/lib/mysql
              and /usr/local/include/mysql. Now we're using that in game's, db's and libsql's Makefile.
            - Mysql 5.6 lib needs OpenSSL so OpenSSL libs linked in game's and db's Makefile. (Look for # OpenSSL)
            - Added $(MAINOBJ) to game's Makefile's clean command so you don't need to manually delete main.o after you
              do gameclean command. Ymir just forgot it when they made the Makefile.

2023.02.07: - DevIL had a glitch with uploading guild marks. It's not about the recent change that I linked it
              statically, it existed before, the bug is in the DevIL 1.8.0 itself. Marty helped me to fix the bug, check
              his commit here:
              If you want to fix this bug, please take these files & folders:
              /usr/metin2/server/src/etc/libdevil (whole folder) and /usr/metin2/server/src/game/src/Makefile
              Be aware of symlinks in libdevil folder, because if you extract it in Windows, you'll loose symlinks.
              Here is a tgz of the libdevil folder which you can extract in FreeBSD to keep symlinks:
              And here is the Makefile for the game/src if you don't want to redownload the sf:
            - CH1-2 CONFIG files had "" in the DB_ADDR, while CH3-4 CONFIG files had "localhost" in it.
              I changed the latter to "" just to be uniform.
            - The MirrorTableIntoDB functions does not mirror item_proto's specular and mob_proto's mob_color column to the
              database by default, because they just skipped them at saving. I added them, so now the item/mob_proto.txt
              and item/mob_proto table is the same. If we want to be strict, this was not a bug, but I decided to fix it.
              Here is a tutorial:

2023.01.11: - DevIL's libs are now statically linked to the game file by default, so you don't need
              to install any libs to your vps. Also cleaned libdevil and libmysql and some Makefiles.
              Modified files and folders to grab if you want to update manually:
              If you want to use shared objects (.so) again for DevIL, there's a switch for it in the
              game's Makefile: ENABLE_STATIC_DEVIL = 1, set it to 0.
            - Libs.txt and deleted since you don't need them anymore.
            - FAQ.txt updated with "What packages are needed to compile the source?"
            - Installed a fix about player change name item duplication exploit:

2023.01.07: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "şŻ°ć ˝ĂĹł ĽÓĽşŔĚ ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2023.01.05: - Size column's "SAMLL" value changed to "SMALL" (Dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp and DB's ProtoReader.cpp)
            - Fixed myshop_pricelist (needs item 71049), tutorial:
            - SetRaceFlag column in mob_proto was missing some value, here's a query:
              ALTER TABLE `mob_proto` MODIFY COLUMN `setRaceFlag` set('ANIMAL','UNDEAD','DEVIL','HUMAN',
              'ATT_WIND','ATT_EARTH','ATT_DARK') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
              NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `mount_capacity`;
            - Space between level and alignment (PythonTextTail.cpp CPythonTextTail::ArrangeTextTail)

2022.12.19: - Changed the command name clear to clean and to just to be match.
              Clear command is used to clear the console output, now you can use it if you want.

2022.12.16: - Fixed the imgFileNameDict in root/ (number 7 was twice in the list).

2022.12.15: - Changed sql_mode in the VM from sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to
              sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION in /usr/local/my.cnf to prevent DATA TRUNCATED errors with MySQL56.

2022.12.14: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "´ő ŔĚ»ó ŔĚ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔ» Ăß°ˇÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2022.12.05: - Added level refresh for other players at RecvPointChange in PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp line 1540-1550.

2022.12.03: - Fixed 71115, 71117, 71119, 71121 (blue seals) ride time in

2022.11.20: - MySQL55 replaced with MySQL56 in the VM, because MySQL55 got deprecated, you can't install it
              anymore in a new machine via pkg. The server file itself has not been modified.

2022.05.21: - FreeBSD13.1 and C++2b (C++23) update. If you want to manually update to C++2b please check Mali's commit:

2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
            - Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
            - Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
            - modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
            - Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
            - Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
            - Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.

2021.12.18: - Added ENABLE_AUTODETECT_INTERNAL_IP so the internal ip fix is cleaner now. (config.cpp)
            - Added a FAQ.txt with the most common questions what I got over the months.

2021.12.08: - Added a trailing slash to the client source's Discord project's output directory ending,
              one less warning at compiling. Output directory: $(SolutionDir)extern\library\

2021.12.06: - Added a little fix regarding the black screen issue after minimized client window:

2021.12.01: - Changed the VM's hostname from metin2 to metin2.code so FreeBSD sendmail will not cry about
              unqualified hostname. The serverfile itself has not changed.

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

2021.11.22: - Project migrated to FreeBSD13.0. CryptoPP (8.4.0) included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder,
              and placed all non-main project folders to that 'etc' folder like libmysql, libdevil, teen etc.
              Here is a patch file if you need:
            - Hackshield commented out from the source, it's lib was not compatible and it was unused anyway.
            - Googletest code commented out, it was totally unnecessary and mostly unused. (main.cpp)
            - Changed a return null to return false in bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart. (DragonSoul.cpp)
            - removed, please use and update your Visual Studio to 2022.
            - Fixed EterLib/NetStream.cpp, if you enable _PACKETDUMP it will work now.
            - 71051 & 71052 clientside description was swapped, fixed it in itemdesc.txt.

2021.11.14: - Added so you can use Visual Studio 2022 from now. Every changes I made in
              ClientVS19 have been done in ClientVS22. Special thanks to Mali for his VS22 release!
            - Fixed dump_proto, there was some missing empty subtype and while it wasen't a problem with
              Visual Studio 2019, it crashed with Visual Studio 2022. (ItemCSVReader.cpp)

2021.11.13: - Changed the default bind_ip from 0 to in db/ClientManager.cpp to prevent
              attackers to make a fake auth and join to your db when it's port publicly available.
            - Fixed player/object_proto table to silence syserr. I used Shogun's version previously. I took the
              reg_x original values now but since it is hard to place objects with them (that's why Shogun edited
              it), I divided them by two. If you need full original table I left it as object_proto_original.
            - Fixed LoadMonsterAreaInfo syserr, it is a feature for WorldEditor, not the client, so I wrapped the
              call for it with #ifdef WORLD_EDITOR [...] #endif in MapOutdoorLoad.cpp.
            - Added Extensions folder to the Mega drive what contains: 4 Inventory tutorial, 6th skill
              tutorial and an IPFW Firewall script prepared to use. Those are optional.

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/ (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

2021.11.01: - Added a fix for Guild Comment Flood Exploit. (guild.cpp CGuild::AddComment)
            - Added P2P Port Protection:
              You can disable it by removing the #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY in common/service.h (not advised).
            - Changed g_stLocale = ""; to g_stLocale = "latin1"; in db/ClientManager.cpp to silence syserr when
              you use English locale (All other locale have their own code set in ClientManager).
            - Fixed an issue in some locale_game.txt: %, --> %. (Leadership skill and fish lenght fix).
            - Added missing locale_string value: "%sŔĚ ÇĘżäÇŐ´Ď´Ů."; "%s needed.";.
            - Enabled dragon soul alchemy items linking in chat. (
            - Removed the unnecessary '\' backslashes from item_names_fr.txt.
            - Repacked: Property, Season1, OutdoorA1 so now you can extract-repack it with Eternexus too.
            - White NPCs fixed in Season1 (wrong lod files renamed with _backup postfix).
            - Warrior Bunny costume model fix:
            - Shaman Female King model fix:

2021.10.24: - Applied a fix regarding a sound issue:

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:

2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
              They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

2021.09.28: - Added if you want to install the database via .sql files.
              It is optional, you can still use metin2_mysql.tar.gz if you prefer that way.

2021.09.16: - Fixed locale_ro's item_proto & mob_proto names at clientside.

2021.09.09: - Applied two fix: 1. for level update next to your name, 2. for picking up items:

2021.09.07: - 6-7 bonus add/switch blocked on equipped items. (char_item.cpp case 71051 & 71052)
            - Fixed gameland's (gm_guild_build) server_attr.
            - Added the missing locale_string_GR.txt.
            - Removed unused dll files from the client.

2021.08.23: - Made LibServerkey compatible with OpenSSL v1.0+, so you can compile it in FreeBSD12+.
              The changed file is /usr/metin2/src/libserverkey/RSACrypto.cpp.
            - Locale/es/ui/guild files fixed, only spanish locale was wrong.

2021.08.06: - Dragor (Wild, Brave) can attack now. (pvp.cpp serverside, InstanceBase.cpp clientside)
            - The Admin character could not use soul stone because of a bugged/leftover quest state,
              that is removed from table. (training_grandmaster_skill with char id 1)
            - Added missing locale_string value: "ą®Á¦ ŔÔ´Ď´Ů."; "OX-Question: "; for OX event.

2021.08.01: - Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from
              every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
            - Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
            - Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

2021.07.30: - In some locale's skilldesc.txt I left CLAWs, that is removed now. Version stays V1.1.

2021.07.29: - Added Readme.txt and Install.png to ClientVS19_v*.zip to help resolve compiling issues.

2021.07.22: - Added CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR languages!

2021.07.20: - Initial release, check below.

- Internal IP Fix 192.168... (config.cpp)
- Limit_time removed (limit_time.h)
- DragonSoul_ActivateDeck --> return true was missing (char_dragonsoul.cpp)
- Added LC_ENGLISH to part of IsEurope like Germany/USA/France and others... (locale_service.cpp)
- Equipped belt to safebox fix (input_main.cpp)
- Guild Invite crash fix (input_main.cpp)
- Cube Crash fix (cube.cpp)
- Dungeon crash fix (char.cpp)
- Enabled 6-7bonus (char_item.cpp)
- Fixing 0 yang items in npc shops (shop.cpp)
- Enabled pc_change_name function (questlua_pc.cpp)
- Disabled 6-7bonus for costumes (char_item.cpp)
- Removed time limit for bonus changers (char_item.cpp)
- War command's crash fix (cmd_general.cpp)
- Max priv rates to 1000%
- Fingerprint fix (config.cpp, input_login.cpp, input_main.cpp)
- Equipped item bonus change or stone (de)attach fix (char_item.cpp)
- Invisible fix (char_affect.cpp)
- Hp-Mp bug fix (tables.h)
- Fix kill count twice in quest (questmanager.cpp)
- Fix immune bug by P3NG3R (item.cpp)
- Fix enchanted blade hp loss (char_battle.cpp)
- Drop hack (core down) fix (char_item.cpp, char.h, char.cpp)
- Kick hack fix (char.h, char.cpp, input_main.cpp, cmd_general.cpp, messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- SQl Inject fix in RemoveFromList (messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- CancelServerTimers fix (questmanager.cpp)

- Item award socket2 fix (ClientManager.cpp)
Note: I did not applied the "db start fix" since the db started fine for me.
If you get trouble with db, apply it yourself:

Client Binary:
- #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)
- #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)

- Fixed flame dungeon quest, map (fully tested)
- Fixed flame map's server_attr (it had the old without flame dung. entrance)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist serverside
- Added the new bonuses: RESIST_DARK, RESIST_ICE, RESIST_EARTH
- Added missing refine_proto rows for newer things
- Added Jae Seon Kim stuff to cube.txt
- Added guild lands to database (map1, map3, guild_village)
- Added 'DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY','BELT_INVENTORY' to the item table
- Fixed database missing/wrong columns
- Added 6-7 bonus add & switch item to proto
- Fixed dragon soul item's item range in proto

- Fixed Sell bug when it displayed other items
- Fixed Demon's catacomb map and Azrael model
- Fixed Demon tower atlasinfo (black screen)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist clientside
- Fixed Baby Azrael Pet animations
- Fixed Dragon Soul refine settings
- Fixed "Error While Connecting to Server" message not shown when server off
- More transparent trading window prices 99999999 -> 9.999.9999
- Beta map's skybox switched from low textures to higher textures (still official)
- Fixed char select visual status bug (it will display the actual values)
- Switched the login.jpg to a new one (I left the old one next to there)
- Enabled older loading screens too, you can find them at uiloading.eix-epk.
- Corrected some icons for pets
- Added icon for OX (animal) armors (11000, 11010, 11020, 11030)

I crediti vanno a TMP, ricordo inoltre che questi files sono in costante aggiornamento dall'autore, e probabilmente i migliori free e clean in circolazione al momento.



[40250] Metin2 Reference Serverfile

Download link: *** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

"Il mio obiettivo era quello di creare dei files di riferimento r40250 più ufficiale possibile rispetto a quello che GF aveva quando i loro file sono trapelati all'inizio del 2014.
Nessun nuovo sistema aggiunto, solo correzioni di bug. Anche se ho trascorso diverse ore di test, ci possono essere ancora bug. Si prega di segnalare bug a me in modo da poterli risolvere in futuro, voglio rendere questo progetto il più possibile libero da bug."

Lingue disponibili: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR
Apri il file Languages.txt per capire come cambiare la lingua inglese di default.

SSH for VM: root/123456789
MySQL: root/123456789
Ingame: admin/123456789

Aliases and it's commands:
start        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
close        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
clear        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
backup        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
questcompile    cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python
dbclean        cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean
dbcompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake
gameclean    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean
gamecompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

Video sull'installazione e cambio di lingua:

Re-upload video sull'installazione

Posto il file changelog.txt, dove sono riportate tutte le modifiche fino ad oggi:
[40250] Reference Serverfile By TMP4

Note: Starting 2021.08.01. I dropped version numbers, instead I'm using timestamps (date).

2023.08.05: - New freshly installed VM with FreeBSD 13.2.
            - Installed a fix about an exploit:
            - Expect this as the last update unless there will be some serious problem.

2023.07.09: - MySQL5.6 got depreceted and removed from FreeBSD's ports. You have to install it manually further on
              in a vps, check Server/ for the package files and instructions about installing it.

2023.06.11: - Re-enabled precompiled headers in client source. To be able to compile with pecompiled headers enabled in the
              latest Visual Studio with /std:c++latest which this project uses, we have to turn off the "Build ISO C++23 Standard
              Library Modules" in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Language (in each project in the solution). Longer explanation:

2023.06.10: - In the client src Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h> since the
              launcher does not use MFC, so you no longer required to install C++ MFC while installing Visual Studio.
            - Disabled precompiled headers in all project to be able to build them in latest Visual Studio. You can do it by
              right click on a project and select properties, then in Configuration -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers select
              "Not using Precompiled Headers" for Precompiled Header. You have to do this for each project in the solution.
            - Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h.

2023.04.09: - Char.cpp CHARACTER::ResetPoint's POINT_STAT was modified, changed back to original code. (Line: 5934-5939)

2023.02.25: - There were 2 empty lines at the end of the map_index file, and the server only expects 1, so it reloads the last
              map in your index file which results in npc.txt, boss.txt, regen.txt and stone.txt being loaded twice.
            - PROXY_IP only worked with ip addresses but Karbust extended his tutorial to work with domain names so
              now you can use DynDNS, for example, if you want.

2023.02.11: - Libdevil, libmysql, cryptopp and boost was in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder. I modified these extern stuffs
              folder stucture to the commonly used /usr/metin2/src/extern/include and lib layout. By doing that, the src
              folder moved a folder upper to /usr/metin2/src/server, don't forget to modify the aliases paths in root/.cshrc.
            - Libmysql removed, it was the old 5.1.35 version from Kraizy.tgz while we're using 5.6 in the vm. We don't need
              seperate libmysql because when we install mysql it installs the lib and include files too to /usr/local/lib/mysql
              and /usr/local/include/mysql. Now we're using that in game's, db's and libsql's Makefile.
            - Mysql 5.6 lib needs OpenSSL so OpenSSL libs linked in game's and db's Makefile. (Look for # OpenSSL)
            - Added $(MAINOBJ) to game's Makefile's clean command so you don't need to manually delete main.o after you
              do gameclean command. Ymir just forgot it when they made the Makefile.

2023.02.07: - DevIL had a glitch with uploading guild marks. It's not about the recent change that I linked it
              statically, it existed before, the bug is in the DevIL 1.8.0 itself. Marty helped me to fix the bug, check
              his commit here:
              If you want to fix this bug, please take these files & folders:
              /usr/metin2/server/src/etc/libdevil (whole folder) and /usr/metin2/server/src/game/src/Makefile
              Be aware of symlinks in libdevil folder, because if you extract it in Windows, you'll loose symlinks.
              Here is a tgz of the libdevil folder which you can extract in FreeBSD to keep symlinks:
              And here is the Makefile for the game/src if you don't want to redownload the sf:
            - CH1-2 CONFIG files had "" in the DB_ADDR, while CH3-4 CONFIG files had "localhost" in it.
              I changed the latter to "" just to be uniform.
            - The MirrorTableIntoDB functions does not mirror item_proto's specular and mob_proto's mob_color column to the
              database by default, because they just skipped them at saving. I added them, so now the item/mob_proto.txt
              and item/mob_proto table is the same. If we want to be strict, this was not a bug, but I decided to fix it.
              Here is a tutorial:

2023.01.11: - DevIL's libs are now statically linked to the game file by default, so you don't need
              to install any libs to your vps. Also cleaned libdevil and libmysql and some Makefiles.
              Modified files and folders to grab if you want to update manually:
              If you want to use shared objects (.so) again for DevIL, there's a switch for it in the
              game's Makefile: ENABLE_STATIC_DEVIL = 1, set it to 0.
            - Libs.txt and deleted since you don't need them anymore.
            - FAQ.txt updated with "What packages are needed to compile the source?"
            - Installed a fix about player change name item duplication exploit:

2023.01.07: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "şŻ°ć ˝ĂĹł ĽÓĽşŔĚ ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2023.01.05: - Size column's "SAMLL" value changed to "SMALL" (Dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp and DB's ProtoReader.cpp)
            - Fixed myshop_pricelist (needs item 71049), tutorial:
            - SetRaceFlag column in mob_proto was missing some value, here's a query:
              ALTER TABLE `mob_proto` MODIFY COLUMN `setRaceFlag` set('ANIMAL','UNDEAD','DEVIL','HUMAN',
              'ATT_WIND','ATT_EARTH','ATT_DARK') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
              NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `mount_capacity`;
            - Space between level and alignment (PythonTextTail.cpp CPythonTextTail::ArrangeTextTail)

2022.12.19: - Changed the command name clear to clean and to just to be match.
              Clear command is used to clear the console output, now you can use it if you want.

2022.12.16: - Fixed the imgFileNameDict in root/ (number 7 was twice in the list).

2022.12.15: - Changed sql_mode in the VM from sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to
              sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION in /usr/local/my.cnf to prevent DATA TRUNCATED errors with MySQL56.

2022.12.14: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "´ő ŔĚ»ó ŔĚ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔ» Ăß°ˇÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2022.12.05: - Added level refresh for other players at RecvPointChange in PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp line 1540-1550.

2022.12.03: - Fixed 71115, 71117, 71119, 71121 (blue seals) ride time in

2022.11.20: - MySQL55 replaced with MySQL56 in the VM, because MySQL55 got deprecated, you can't install it
              anymore in a new machine via pkg. The server file itself has not been modified.

2022.05.21: - FreeBSD13.1 and C++2b (C++23) update. If you want to manually update to C++2b please check Mali's commit:

2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
            - Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
            - Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
            - modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
            - Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
            - Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
            - Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.

2021.12.18: - Added ENABLE_AUTODETECT_INTERNAL_IP so the internal ip fix is cleaner now. (config.cpp)
            - Added a FAQ.txt with the most common questions what I got over the months.

2021.12.08: - Added a trailing slash to the client source's Discord project's output directory ending,
              one less warning at compiling. Output directory: $(SolutionDir)extern\library\

2021.12.06: - Added a little fix regarding the black screen issue after minimized client window:

2021.12.01: - Changed the VM's hostname from metin2 to metin2.code so FreeBSD sendmail will not cry about
              unqualified hostname. The serverfile itself has not changed.

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

2021.11.22: - Project migrated to FreeBSD13.0. CryptoPP (8.4.0) included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder,
              and placed all non-main project folders to that 'etc' folder like libmysql, libdevil, teen etc.
              Here is a patch file if you need:
            - Hackshield commented out from the source, it's lib was not compatible and it was unused anyway.
            - Googletest code commented out, it was totally unnecessary and mostly unused. (main.cpp)
            - Changed a return null to return false in bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart. (DragonSoul.cpp)
            - removed, please use and update your Visual Studio to 2022.
            - Fixed EterLib/NetStream.cpp, if you enable _PACKETDUMP it will work now.
            - 71051 & 71052 clientside description was swapped, fixed it in itemdesc.txt.

2021.11.14: - Added so you can use Visual Studio 2022 from now. Every changes I made in
              ClientVS19 have been done in ClientVS22. Special thanks to Mali for his VS22 release!
            - Fixed dump_proto, there was some missing empty subtype and while it wasen't a problem with
              Visual Studio 2019, it crashed with Visual Studio 2022. (ItemCSVReader.cpp)

2021.11.13: - Changed the default bind_ip from 0 to in db/ClientManager.cpp to prevent
              attackers to make a fake auth and join to your db when it's port publicly available.
            - Fixed player/object_proto table to silence syserr. I used Shogun's version previously. I took the
              reg_x original values now but since it is hard to place objects with them (that's why Shogun edited
              it), I divided them by two. If you need full original table I left it as object_proto_original.
            - Fixed LoadMonsterAreaInfo syserr, it is a feature for WorldEditor, not the client, so I wrapped the
              call for it with #ifdef WORLD_EDITOR [...] #endif in MapOutdoorLoad.cpp.
            - Added Extensions folder to the Mega drive what contains: 4 Inventory tutorial, 6th skill
              tutorial and an IPFW Firewall script prepared to use. Those are optional.

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/ (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

2021.11.01: - Added a fix for Guild Comment Flood Exploit. (guild.cpp CGuild::AddComment)
            - Added P2P Port Protection:
              You can disable it by removing the #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY in common/service.h (not advised).
            - Changed g_stLocale = ""; to g_stLocale = "latin1"; in db/ClientManager.cpp to silence syserr when
              you use English locale (All other locale have their own code set in ClientManager).
            - Fixed an issue in some locale_game.txt: %, --> %. (Leadership skill and fish lenght fix).
            - Added missing locale_string value: "%sŔĚ ÇĘżäÇŐ´Ď´Ů."; "%s needed.";.
            - Enabled dragon soul alchemy items linking in chat. (
            - Removed the unnecessary '\' backslashes from item_names_fr.txt.
            - Repacked: Property, Season1, OutdoorA1 so now you can extract-repack it with Eternexus too.
            - White NPCs fixed in Season1 (wrong lod files renamed with _backup postfix).
            - Warrior Bunny costume model fix:
            - Shaman Female King model fix:

2021.10.24: - Applied a fix regarding a sound issue:

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:

2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
              They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

2021.09.28: - Added if you want to install the database via .sql files.
              It is optional, you can still use metin2_mysql.tar.gz if you prefer that way.

2021.09.16: - Fixed locale_ro's item_proto & mob_proto names at clientside.

2021.09.09: - Applied two fix: 1. for level update next to your name, 2. for picking up items:

2021.09.07: - 6-7 bonus add/switch blocked on equipped items. (char_item.cpp case 71051 & 71052)
            - Fixed gameland's (gm_guild_build) server_attr.
            - Added the missing locale_string_GR.txt.
            - Removed unused dll files from the client.

2021.08.23: - Made LibServerkey compatible with OpenSSL v1.0+, so you can compile it in FreeBSD12+.
              The changed file is /usr/metin2/src/libserverkey/RSACrypto.cpp.
            - Locale/es/ui/guild files fixed, only spanish locale was wrong.

2021.08.06: - Dragor (Wild, Brave) can attack now. (pvp.cpp serverside, InstanceBase.cpp clientside)
            - The Admin character could not use soul stone because of a bugged/leftover quest state,
              that is removed from table. (training_grandmaster_skill with char id 1)
            - Added missing locale_string value: "ą®Á¦ ŔÔ´Ď´Ů."; "OX-Question: "; for OX event.

2021.08.01: - Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from
              every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
            - Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
            - Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

2021.07.30: - In some locale's skilldesc.txt I left CLAWs, that is removed now. Version stays V1.1.

2021.07.29: - Added Readme.txt and Install.png to ClientVS19_v*.zip to help resolve compiling issues.

2021.07.22: - Added CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR languages!

2021.07.20: - Initial release, check below.

- Internal IP Fix 192.168... (config.cpp)
- Limit_time removed (limit_time.h)
- DragonSoul_ActivateDeck --> return true was missing (char_dragonsoul.cpp)
- Added LC_ENGLISH to part of IsEurope like Germany/USA/France and others... (locale_service.cpp)
- Equipped belt to safebox fix (input_main.cpp)
- Guild Invite crash fix (input_main.cpp)
- Cube Crash fix (cube.cpp)
- Dungeon crash fix (char.cpp)
- Enabled 6-7bonus (char_item.cpp)
- Fixing 0 yang items in npc shops (shop.cpp)
- Enabled pc_change_name function (questlua_pc.cpp)
- Disabled 6-7bonus for costumes (char_item.cpp)
- Removed time limit for bonus changers (char_item.cpp)
- War command's crash fix (cmd_general.cpp)
- Max priv rates to 1000%
- Fingerprint fix (config.cpp, input_login.cpp, input_main.cpp)
- Equipped item bonus change or stone (de)attach fix (char_item.cpp)
- Invisible fix (char_affect.cpp)
- Hp-Mp bug fix (tables.h)
- Fix kill count twice in quest (questmanager.cpp)
- Fix immune bug by P3NG3R (item.cpp)
- Fix enchanted blade hp loss (char_battle.cpp)
- Drop hack (core down) fix (char_item.cpp, char.h, char.cpp)
- Kick hack fix (char.h, char.cpp, input_main.cpp, cmd_general.cpp, messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- SQl Inject fix in RemoveFromList (messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- CancelServerTimers fix (questmanager.cpp)

- Item award socket2 fix (ClientManager.cpp)
Note: I did not applied the "db start fix" since the db started fine for me.
If you get trouble with db, apply it yourself:

Client Binary:
- #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)
- #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)

- Fixed flame dungeon quest, map (fully tested)
- Fixed flame map's server_attr (it had the old without flame dung. entrance)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist serverside
- Added the new bonuses: RESIST_DARK, RESIST_ICE, RESIST_EARTH
- Added missing refine_proto rows for newer things
- Added Jae Seon Kim stuff to cube.txt
- Added guild lands to database (map1, map3, guild_village)
- Added 'DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY','BELT_INVENTORY' to the item table
- Fixed database missing/wrong columns
- Added 6-7 bonus add & switch item to proto
- Fixed dragon soul item's item range in proto

- Fixed Sell bug when it displayed other items
- Fixed Demon's catacomb map and Azrael model
- Fixed Demon tower atlasinfo (black screen)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist clientside
- Fixed Baby Azrael Pet animations
- Fixed Dragon Soul refine settings
- Fixed "Error While Connecting to Server" message not shown when server off
- More transparent trading window prices 99999999 -> 9.999.9999
- Beta map's skybox switched from low textures to higher textures (still official)
- Fixed char select visual status bug (it will display the actual values)
- Switched the login.jpg to a new one (I left the old one next to there)
- Enabled older loading screens too, you can find them at uiloading.eix-epk.
- Corrected some icons for pets
- Added icon for OX (animal) armors (11000, 11010, 11020, 11030)

I crediti vanno a TMP, ricordo inoltre che questi files sono in costante aggiornamento dall'autore, e probabilmente i migliori free e clean in circolazione al momento.


Ultima modifica:
Ti ho risposto in privato

Ultimi aggiornamenti:
2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
- Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
- Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
- modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
- Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
- Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
- Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.
puoi dire anche a me come far collegare gli amici in no ip?
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Stai utilizzando un mob_proto differente da quello fornito, il database non riesce a leggere la struttura di quello importato da te

Quel client è obsoleto, ti consiglio di utilizzarne uno più aggiornato

Puoi utilizzare Hamachi, oppure aprire le porte del router e farli connettere con no-ip. Oltre a questo dovresti aggiungere al file di, una riga " -I ip" dove al posto di ip useresti l'ip di hamachi o no-ip che sia. Tuttavia ti consiglio di spendere pochi euro al mese(kimsufi parte da 2.79 senza iva) e utilizzare un vps basic se è un server amatoriale tra amici o si fa un utilizzo di soli test.

Confronta questi file con tutti quelli che ci sono online e trai le tue conclusioni

Ultimi aggiornamenti:

2022.05.21: - FreeBSD13.1 and C++2b (C++23) update. If you want to manually update to C++2b please check Mali's commit:
buonasera, ho scaricato il tutto e funziona solo in locale non riesco a far loggare gli altri crasha alla selezione PG. Premetto che ho già sbuggato le porte dal modem e sono tutte sbuggate sto utilizzando NO-IP. come dovrei risolvere? grazie mille
Buongiorno, ho preso una VPN per divertirmi un po' con amici, la VPN e già impostata su freebsd 14. Ho provato a installare i file .tar.gz ed è tutto apposto il problema è che non connette a mysql non so come fare. Qualcuno mi può aiutare? O se c'è un modo per caricare direttamente la vm ready... Grazie.
Ti ho risposto in privato

Ultimi aggiornamenti:
2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
- Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
- Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
- modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
- Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
- Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
- Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.
Ciao, scusate se commento dopo tanto tempo. Vorrei sapere anche io come fare per far giocare altre persone nel server.
Grazie mille.

[40250] Metin2 Reference Serverfile

Download link: *** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

"Il mio obiettivo era quello di creare dei files di riferimento r40250 più ufficiale possibile rispetto a quello che GF aveva quando i loro file sono trapelati all'inizio del 2014.
Nessun nuovo sistema aggiunto, solo correzioni di bug. Anche se ho trascorso diverse ore di test, ci possono essere ancora bug. Si prega di segnalare bug a me in modo da poterli risolvere in futuro, voglio rendere questo progetto il più possibile libero da bug."

Lingue disponibili: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR
Apri il file Languages.txt per capire come cambiare la lingua inglese di default.

SSH for VM: root/123456789
MySQL: root/123456789
Ingame: admin/123456789

Aliases and it's commands:
start        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
close        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
clear        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
backup        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
questcompile    cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python
dbclean        cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean
dbcompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake
gameclean    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean
gamecompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

Video sull'installazione e cambio di lingua:

Re-upload video sull'installazione

Posto il file changelog.txt, dove sono riportate tutte le modifiche fino ad oggi:
[40250] Reference Serverfile By TMP4

Note: Starting 2021.08.01. I dropped version numbers, instead I'm using timestamps (date).

2023.08.05: - New freshly installed VM with FreeBSD 13.2.
            - Installed a fix about an exploit:
            - Expect this as the last update unless there will be some serious problem.

2023.07.09: - MySQL5.6 got depreceted and removed from FreeBSD's ports. You have to install it manually further on
              in a vps, check Server/ for the package files and instructions about installing it.

2023.06.11: - Re-enabled precompiled headers in client source. To be able to compile with pecompiled headers enabled in the
              latest Visual Studio with /std:c++latest which this project uses, we have to turn off the "Build ISO C++23 Standard
              Library Modules" in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Language (in each project in the solution). Longer explanation:

2023.06.10: - In the client src Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h> since the
              launcher does not use MFC, so you no longer required to install C++ MFC while installing Visual Studio.
            - Disabled precompiled headers in all project to be able to build them in latest Visual Studio. You can do it by
              right click on a project and select properties, then in Configuration -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers select
              "Not using Precompiled Headers" for Precompiled Header. You have to do this for each project in the solution.
            - Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h.

2023.04.09: - Char.cpp CHARACTER::ResetPoint's POINT_STAT was modified, changed back to original code. (Line: 5934-5939)

2023.02.25: - There were 2 empty lines at the end of the map_index file, and the server only expects 1, so it reloads the last
              map in your index file which results in npc.txt, boss.txt, regen.txt and stone.txt being loaded twice.
            - PROXY_IP only worked with ip addresses but Karbust extended his tutorial to work with domain names so
              now you can use DynDNS, for example, if you want.

2023.02.11: - Libdevil, libmysql, cryptopp and boost was in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder. I modified these extern stuffs
              folder stucture to the commonly used /usr/metin2/src/extern/include and lib layout. By doing that, the src
              folder moved a folder upper to /usr/metin2/src/server, don't forget to modify the aliases paths in root/.cshrc.
            - Libmysql removed, it was the old 5.1.35 version from Kraizy.tgz while we're using 5.6 in the vm. We don't need
              seperate libmysql because when we install mysql it installs the lib and include files too to /usr/local/lib/mysql
              and /usr/local/include/mysql. Now we're using that in game's, db's and libsql's Makefile.
            - Mysql 5.6 lib needs OpenSSL so OpenSSL libs linked in game's and db's Makefile. (Look for # OpenSSL)
            - Added $(MAINOBJ) to game's Makefile's clean command so you don't need to manually delete main.o after you
              do gameclean command. Ymir just forgot it when they made the Makefile.

2023.02.07: - DevIL had a glitch with uploading guild marks. It's not about the recent change that I linked it
              statically, it existed before, the bug is in the DevIL 1.8.0 itself. Marty helped me to fix the bug, check
              his commit here:
              If you want to fix this bug, please take these files & folders:
              /usr/metin2/server/src/etc/libdevil (whole folder) and /usr/metin2/server/src/game/src/Makefile
              Be aware of symlinks in libdevil folder, because if you extract it in Windows, you'll loose symlinks.
              Here is a tgz of the libdevil folder which you can extract in FreeBSD to keep symlinks:
              And here is the Makefile for the game/src if you don't want to redownload the sf:
            - CH1-2 CONFIG files had "" in the DB_ADDR, while CH3-4 CONFIG files had "localhost" in it.
              I changed the latter to "" just to be uniform.
            - The MirrorTableIntoDB functions does not mirror item_proto's specular and mob_proto's mob_color column to the
              database by default, because they just skipped them at saving. I added them, so now the item/mob_proto.txt
              and item/mob_proto table is the same. If we want to be strict, this was not a bug, but I decided to fix it.
              Here is a tutorial:

2023.01.11: - DevIL's libs are now statically linked to the game file by default, so you don't need
              to install any libs to your vps. Also cleaned libdevil and libmysql and some Makefiles.
              Modified files and folders to grab if you want to update manually:
              If you want to use shared objects (.so) again for DevIL, there's a switch for it in the
              game's Makefile: ENABLE_STATIC_DEVIL = 1, set it to 0.
            - Libs.txt and deleted since you don't need them anymore.
            - FAQ.txt updated with "What packages are needed to compile the source?"
            - Installed a fix about player change name item duplication exploit:

2023.01.07: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "şŻ°ć ˝ĂĹł ĽÓĽşŔĚ ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2023.01.05: - Size column's "SAMLL" value changed to "SMALL" (Dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp and DB's ProtoReader.cpp)
            - Fixed myshop_pricelist (needs item 71049), tutorial:
            - SetRaceFlag column in mob_proto was missing some value, here's a query:
              ALTER TABLE `mob_proto` MODIFY COLUMN `setRaceFlag` set('ANIMAL','UNDEAD','DEVIL','HUMAN',
              'ATT_WIND','ATT_EARTH','ATT_DARK') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
              NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `mount_capacity`;
            - Space between level and alignment (PythonTextTail.cpp CPythonTextTail::ArrangeTextTail)

2022.12.19: - Changed the command name clear to clean and to just to be match.
              Clear command is used to clear the console output, now you can use it if you want.

2022.12.16: - Fixed the imgFileNameDict in root/ (number 7 was twice in the list).

2022.12.15: - Changed sql_mode in the VM from sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to
              sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION in /usr/local/my.cnf to prevent DATA TRUNCATED errors with MySQL56.

2022.12.14: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "´ő ŔĚ»ó ŔĚ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔ» Ăß°ˇÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2022.12.05: - Added level refresh for other players at RecvPointChange in PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp line 1540-1550.

2022.12.03: - Fixed 71115, 71117, 71119, 71121 (blue seals) ride time in

2022.11.20: - MySQL55 replaced with MySQL56 in the VM, because MySQL55 got deprecated, you can't install it
              anymore in a new machine via pkg. The server file itself has not been modified.

2022.05.21: - FreeBSD13.1 and C++2b (C++23) update. If you want to manually update to C++2b please check Mali's commit:

2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
            - Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
            - Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
            - modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
            - Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
            - Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
            - Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.

2021.12.18: - Added ENABLE_AUTODETECT_INTERNAL_IP so the internal ip fix is cleaner now. (config.cpp)
            - Added a FAQ.txt with the most common questions what I got over the months.

2021.12.08: - Added a trailing slash to the client source's Discord project's output directory ending,
              one less warning at compiling. Output directory: $(SolutionDir)extern\library\

2021.12.06: - Added a little fix regarding the black screen issue after minimized client window:

2021.12.01: - Changed the VM's hostname from metin2 to metin2.code so FreeBSD sendmail will not cry about
              unqualified hostname. The serverfile itself has not changed.

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

2021.11.22: - Project migrated to FreeBSD13.0. CryptoPP (8.4.0) included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder,
              and placed all non-main project folders to that 'etc' folder like libmysql, libdevil, teen etc.
              Here is a patch file if you need:
            - Hackshield commented out from the source, it's lib was not compatible and it was unused anyway.
            - Googletest code commented out, it was totally unnecessary and mostly unused. (main.cpp)
            - Changed a return null to return false in bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart. (DragonSoul.cpp)
            - removed, please use and update your Visual Studio to 2022.
            - Fixed EterLib/NetStream.cpp, if you enable _PACKETDUMP it will work now.
            - 71051 & 71052 clientside description was swapped, fixed it in itemdesc.txt.

2021.11.14: - Added so you can use Visual Studio 2022 from now. Every changes I made in
              ClientVS19 have been done in ClientVS22. Special thanks to Mali for his VS22 release!
            - Fixed dump_proto, there was some missing empty subtype and while it wasen't a problem with
              Visual Studio 2019, it crashed with Visual Studio 2022. (ItemCSVReader.cpp)

2021.11.13: - Changed the default bind_ip from 0 to in db/ClientManager.cpp to prevent
              attackers to make a fake auth and join to your db when it's port publicly available.
            - Fixed player/object_proto table to silence syserr. I used Shogun's version previously. I took the
              reg_x original values now but since it is hard to place objects with them (that's why Shogun edited
              it), I divided them by two. If you need full original table I left it as object_proto_original.
            - Fixed LoadMonsterAreaInfo syserr, it is a feature for WorldEditor, not the client, so I wrapped the
              call for it with #ifdef WORLD_EDITOR [...] #endif in MapOutdoorLoad.cpp.
            - Added Extensions folder to the Mega drive what contains: 4 Inventory tutorial, 6th skill
              tutorial and an IPFW Firewall script prepared to use. Those are optional.

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/ (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

2021.11.01: - Added a fix for Guild Comment Flood Exploit. (guild.cpp CGuild::AddComment)
            - Added P2P Port Protection:
              You can disable it by removing the #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY in common/service.h (not advised).
            - Changed g_stLocale = ""; to g_stLocale = "latin1"; in db/ClientManager.cpp to silence syserr when
              you use English locale (All other locale have their own code set in ClientManager).
            - Fixed an issue in some locale_game.txt: %, --> %. (Leadership skill and fish lenght fix).
            - Added missing locale_string value: "%sŔĚ ÇĘżäÇŐ´Ď´Ů."; "%s needed.";.
            - Enabled dragon soul alchemy items linking in chat. (
            - Removed the unnecessary '\' backslashes from item_names_fr.txt.
            - Repacked: Property, Season1, OutdoorA1 so now you can extract-repack it with Eternexus too.
            - White NPCs fixed in Season1 (wrong lod files renamed with _backup postfix).
            - Warrior Bunny costume model fix:
            - Shaman Female King model fix:

2021.10.24: - Applied a fix regarding a sound issue:

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:

2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
              They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

2021.09.28: - Added if you want to install the database via .sql files.
              It is optional, you can still use metin2_mysql.tar.gz if you prefer that way.

2021.09.16: - Fixed locale_ro's item_proto & mob_proto names at clientside.

2021.09.09: - Applied two fix: 1. for level update next to your name, 2. for picking up items:

2021.09.07: - 6-7 bonus add/switch blocked on equipped items. (char_item.cpp case 71051 & 71052)
            - Fixed gameland's (gm_guild_build) server_attr.
            - Added the missing locale_string_GR.txt.
            - Removed unused dll files from the client.

2021.08.23: - Made LibServerkey compatible with OpenSSL v1.0+, so you can compile it in FreeBSD12+.
              The changed file is /usr/metin2/src/libserverkey/RSACrypto.cpp.
            - Locale/es/ui/guild files fixed, only spanish locale was wrong.

2021.08.06: - Dragor (Wild, Brave) can attack now. (pvp.cpp serverside, InstanceBase.cpp clientside)
            - The Admin character could not use soul stone because of a bugged/leftover quest state,
              that is removed from table. (training_grandmaster_skill with char id 1)
            - Added missing locale_string value: "ą®Á¦ ŔÔ´Ď´Ů."; "OX-Question: "; for OX event.

2021.08.01: - Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from
              every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
            - Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
            - Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

2021.07.30: - In some locale's skilldesc.txt I left CLAWs, that is removed now. Version stays V1.1.

2021.07.29: - Added Readme.txt and Install.png to ClientVS19_v*.zip to help resolve compiling issues.

2021.07.22: - Added CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR languages!

2021.07.20: - Initial release, check below.

- Internal IP Fix 192.168... (config.cpp)
- Limit_time removed (limit_time.h)
- DragonSoul_ActivateDeck --> return true was missing (char_dragonsoul.cpp)
- Added LC_ENGLISH to part of IsEurope like Germany/USA/France and others... (locale_service.cpp)
- Equipped belt to safebox fix (input_main.cpp)
- Guild Invite crash fix (input_main.cpp)
- Cube Crash fix (cube.cpp)
- Dungeon crash fix (char.cpp)
- Enabled 6-7bonus (char_item.cpp)
- Fixing 0 yang items in npc shops (shop.cpp)
- Enabled pc_change_name function (questlua_pc.cpp)
- Disabled 6-7bonus for costumes (char_item.cpp)
- Removed time limit for bonus changers (char_item.cpp)
- War command's crash fix (cmd_general.cpp)
- Max priv rates to 1000%
- Fingerprint fix (config.cpp, input_login.cpp, input_main.cpp)
- Equipped item bonus change or stone (de)attach fix (char_item.cpp)
- Invisible fix (char_affect.cpp)
- Hp-Mp bug fix (tables.h)
- Fix kill count twice in quest (questmanager.cpp)
- Fix immune bug by P3NG3R (item.cpp)
- Fix enchanted blade hp loss (char_battle.cpp)
- Drop hack (core down) fix (char_item.cpp, char.h, char.cpp)
- Kick hack fix (char.h, char.cpp, input_main.cpp, cmd_general.cpp, messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- SQl Inject fix in RemoveFromList (messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- CancelServerTimers fix (questmanager.cpp)

- Item award socket2 fix (ClientManager.cpp)
Note: I did not applied the "db start fix" since the db started fine for me.
If you get trouble with db, apply it yourself:

Client Binary:
- #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)
- #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)

- Fixed flame dungeon quest, map (fully tested)
- Fixed flame map's server_attr (it had the old without flame dung. entrance)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist serverside
- Added the new bonuses: RESIST_DARK, RESIST_ICE, RESIST_EARTH
- Added missing refine_proto rows for newer things
- Added Jae Seon Kim stuff to cube.txt
- Added guild lands to database (map1, map3, guild_village)
- Added 'DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY','BELT_INVENTORY' to the item table
- Fixed database missing/wrong columns
- Added 6-7 bonus add & switch item to proto
- Fixed dragon soul item's item range in proto

- Fixed Sell bug when it displayed other items
- Fixed Demon's catacomb map and Azrael model
- Fixed Demon tower atlasinfo (black screen)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist clientside
- Fixed Baby Azrael Pet animations
- Fixed Dragon Soul refine settings
- Fixed "Error While Connecting to Server" message not shown when server off
- More transparent trading window prices 99999999 -> 9.999.9999
- Beta map's skybox switched from low textures to higher textures (still official)
- Fixed char select visual status bug (it will display the actual values)
- Switched the login.jpg to a new one (I left the old one next to there)
- Enabled older loading screens too, you can find them at uiloading.eix-epk.
- Corrected some icons for pets
- Added icon for OX (animal) armors (11000, 11010, 11020, 11030)

I crediti vanno a TMP, ricordo inoltre che questi files sono in costante aggiornamento dall'autore, e probabilmente i migliori free e clean in circolazione al momento.

Markmolto utile
puoi dire anche a me come far collegare gli amici in no ip?
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

buonasera, ho scaricato il tutto e funziona solo in locale non riesco a far loggare gli altri crasha alla selezione PG. Premetto che ho già sbuggato le porte dal modem e sono tutte sbuggate sto utilizzando NO-IP. come dovrei risolvere? grazie mille
Ciao, hai risolto per caso? Anche io stò riscontrando lo stesso problema, funziona solo in locale e gli altri non riescono a loggare.
Ultima modifica:
Salve, che tipo di problema è? cosa devo fare per risolvere? c'entra forse questo? amdv nelle impostazioni?


  • errore .png
    errore .png
    16 KB · Visualizzazioni: 5
  • errore amd.png
    errore amd.png
    34.1 KB · Visualizzazioni: 5

[40250] Metin2 Reference Serverfile

Download link: *** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

"Il mio obiettivo era quello di creare dei files di riferimento r40250 più ufficiale possibile rispetto a quello che GF aveva quando i loro file sono trapelati all'inizio del 2014.
Nessun nuovo sistema aggiunto, solo correzioni di bug. Anche se ho trascorso diverse ore di test, ci possono essere ancora bug. Si prega di segnalare bug a me in modo da poterli risolvere in futuro, voglio rendere questo progetto il più possibile libero da bug."

Lingue disponibili: EN/DE/HU/FR/CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR
Apri il file Languages.txt per capire come cambiare la lingua inglese di default.

SSH for VM: root/123456789
MySQL: root/123456789
Ingame: admin/123456789

Aliases and it's commands:
start        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
close        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
clear        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
backup        cd /usr/metin2/server && sh
questcompile    cd /usr/metin2/server/share/locale/english/quest && python
dbclean        cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake clean
dbcompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/db/src && gmake
gameclean    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake clean
gamecompile    cd /usr/metin2/src/game/src && gmake

Video sull'installazione e cambio di lingua:

Re-upload video sull'installazione

Posto il file changelog.txt, dove sono riportate tutte le modifiche fino ad oggi:
[40250] Reference Serverfile By TMP4

Note: Starting 2021.08.01. I dropped version numbers, instead I'm using timestamps (date).

2023.08.05: - New freshly installed VM with FreeBSD 13.2.
            - Installed a fix about an exploit:
            - Expect this as the last update unless there will be some serious problem.

2023.07.09: - MySQL5.6 got depreceted and removed from FreeBSD's ports. You have to install it manually further on
              in a vps, check Server/ for the package files and instructions about installing it.

2023.06.11: - Re-enabled precompiled headers in client source. To be able to compile with pecompiled headers enabled in the
              latest Visual Studio with /std:c++latest which this project uses, we have to turn off the "Build ISO C++23 Standard
              Library Modules" in Project properties -> C/C++ -> Language (in each project in the solution). Longer explanation:

2023.06.10: - In the client src Userinterface/Userinterface.rc I changed #include "afxres.h" to #include <Windows.h> since the
              launcher does not use MFC, so you no longer required to install C++ MFC while installing Visual Studio.
            - Disabled precompiled headers in all project to be able to build them in latest Visual Studio. You can do it by
              right click on a project and select properties, then in Configuration -> C/C++ -> Precompiled Headers select
              "Not using Precompiled Headers" for Precompiled Header. You have to do this for each project in the solution.
            - Added StdAfx.h to EterBase\Poly, it just includes the ../StdAfx.h.

2023.04.09: - Char.cpp CHARACTER::ResetPoint's POINT_STAT was modified, changed back to original code. (Line: 5934-5939)

2023.02.25: - There were 2 empty lines at the end of the map_index file, and the server only expects 1, so it reloads the last
              map in your index file which results in npc.txt, boss.txt, regen.txt and stone.txt being loaded twice.
            - PROXY_IP only worked with ip addresses but Karbust extended his tutorial to work with domain names so
              now you can use DynDNS, for example, if you want.

2023.02.11: - Libdevil, libmysql, cryptopp and boost was in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder. I modified these extern stuffs
              folder stucture to the commonly used /usr/metin2/src/extern/include and lib layout. By doing that, the src
              folder moved a folder upper to /usr/metin2/src/server, don't forget to modify the aliases paths in root/.cshrc.
            - Libmysql removed, it was the old 5.1.35 version from Kraizy.tgz while we're using 5.6 in the vm. We don't need
              seperate libmysql because when we install mysql it installs the lib and include files too to /usr/local/lib/mysql
              and /usr/local/include/mysql. Now we're using that in game's, db's and libsql's Makefile.
            - Mysql 5.6 lib needs OpenSSL so OpenSSL libs linked in game's and db's Makefile. (Look for # OpenSSL)
            - Added $(MAINOBJ) to game's Makefile's clean command so you don't need to manually delete main.o after you
              do gameclean command. Ymir just forgot it when they made the Makefile.

2023.02.07: - DevIL had a glitch with uploading guild marks. It's not about the recent change that I linked it
              statically, it existed before, the bug is in the DevIL 1.8.0 itself. Marty helped me to fix the bug, check
              his commit here:
              If you want to fix this bug, please take these files & folders:
              /usr/metin2/server/src/etc/libdevil (whole folder) and /usr/metin2/server/src/game/src/Makefile
              Be aware of symlinks in libdevil folder, because if you extract it in Windows, you'll loose symlinks.
              Here is a tgz of the libdevil folder which you can extract in FreeBSD to keep symlinks:
              And here is the Makefile for the game/src if you don't want to redownload the sf:
            - CH1-2 CONFIG files had "" in the DB_ADDR, while CH3-4 CONFIG files had "localhost" in it.
              I changed the latter to "" just to be uniform.
            - The MirrorTableIntoDB functions does not mirror item_proto's specular and mob_proto's mob_color column to the
              database by default, because they just skipped them at saving. I added them, so now the item/mob_proto.txt
              and item/mob_proto table is the same. If we want to be strict, this was not a bug, but I decided to fix it.
              Here is a tutorial:

2023.01.11: - DevIL's libs are now statically linked to the game file by default, so you don't need
              to install any libs to your vps. Also cleaned libdevil and libmysql and some Makefiles.
              Modified files and folders to grab if you want to update manually:
              If you want to use shared objects (.so) again for DevIL, there's a switch for it in the
              game's Makefile: ENABLE_STATIC_DEVIL = 1, set it to 0.
            - Libs.txt and deleted since you don't need them anymore.
            - FAQ.txt updated with "What packages are needed to compile the source?"
            - Installed a fix about player change name item duplication exploit:

2023.01.07: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "şŻ°ć ˝ĂĹł ĽÓĽşŔĚ ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2023.01.05: - Size column's "SAMLL" value changed to "SMALL" (Dump_proto's ItemCSVReader.cpp and DB's ProtoReader.cpp)
            - Fixed myshop_pricelist (needs item 71049), tutorial:
            - SetRaceFlag column in mob_proto was missing some value, here's a query:
              ALTER TABLE `mob_proto` MODIFY COLUMN `setRaceFlag` set('ANIMAL','UNDEAD','DEVIL','HUMAN',
              'ATT_WIND','ATT_EARTH','ATT_DARK') CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
              NOT NULL DEFAULT '' AFTER `mount_capacity`;
            - Space between level and alignment (PythonTextTail.cpp CPythonTextTail::ArrangeTextTail)

2022.12.19: - Changed the command name clear to clean and to just to be match.
              Clear command is used to clear the console output, now you can use it if you want.

2022.12.16: - Fixed the imgFileNameDict in root/ (number 7 was twice in the list).

2022.12.15: - Changed sql_mode in the VM from sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES to
              sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION in /usr/local/my.cnf to prevent DATA TRUNCATED errors with MySQL56.

2022.12.14: - Added locale_string.txt translation for "´ő ŔĚ»ó ŔĚ ľĆŔĚĹŰŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔ» Ăß°ˇÇŇ Ľö ľř˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).

2022.12.05: - Added level refresh for other players at RecvPointChange in PythonNetworkStreamPhaseGame.cpp line 1540-1550.

2022.12.03: - Fixed 71115, 71117, 71119, 71121 (blue seals) ride time in

2022.11.20: - MySQL55 replaced with MySQL56 in the VM, because MySQL55 got deprecated, you can't install it
              anymore in a new machine via pkg. The server file itself has not been modified.

2022.05.21: - FreeBSD13.1 and C++2b (C++23) update. If you want to manually update to C++2b please check Mali's commit:

2022.01.13: - Fixed translate.lua gameforge.main_quest_lv27._140_sayReward line. (%d -> %s)
            - Added locale_string.txt translation for "Ľş°řŔűŔ¸·Î ĽÓĽşŔĚ Ăß°ˇ µÇľú˝Ŕ´Ď´Ů"; (6-7 bonus).
            - Fixed exchange with dragon soul stones. (exchange.cpp CExchange::CheckSpace)

2021.12.28: - Boost included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder, so you don't need to install it seperatly.
            - modified to use compression. (tar -zcf)
            - Fixed item 76006 in item_proto.txt, it will show up in the inventory now.
            - Energy crystal time increased from 30 to 120 mins like official. (blend.txt)
            - Added pc.set_level to quest_functions so now you can use it in your custom quests.

2021.12.18: - Added ENABLE_AUTODETECT_INTERNAL_IP so the internal ip fix is cleaner now. (config.cpp)
            - Added a FAQ.txt with the most common questions what I got over the months.

2021.12.08: - Added a trailing slash to the client source's Discord project's output directory ending,
              one less warning at compiling. Output directory: $(SolutionDir)extern\library\

2021.12.06: - Added a little fix regarding the black screen issue after minimized client window:

2021.12.01: - Changed the VM's hostname from metin2 to metin2.code so FreeBSD sendmail will not cry about
              unqualified hostname. The serverfile itself has not changed.

2021.11.28: - Added ENABLE_PROXY_IP. It is for when you have an internal IP and you try to connect with an
              external IP, you will be kicked after charselect. If you want to use it then set BIND_IP:
              internal & PROXY_IP: external in the CONFIG files (and uncomment!) + open ports in your router.
            - Fixed some empiredesc_*.txt & jobdesc_*.txt in some locale files.

2021.11.22: - Project migrated to FreeBSD13.0. CryptoPP (8.4.0) included in the /usr/metin2/src/etc folder,
              and placed all non-main project folders to that 'etc' folder like libmysql, libdevil, teen etc.
              Here is a patch file if you need:
            - Hackshield commented out from the source, it's lib was not compatible and it was unused anyway.
            - Googletest code commented out, it was totally unnecessary and mostly unused. (main.cpp)
            - Changed a return null to return false in bool DSManager::ExtractDragonHeart. (DragonSoul.cpp)
            - removed, please use and update your Visual Studio to 2022.
            - Fixed EterLib/NetStream.cpp, if you enable _PACKETDUMP it will work now.
            - 71051 & 71052 clientside description was swapped, fixed it in itemdesc.txt.

2021.11.14: - Added so you can use Visual Studio 2022 from now. Every changes I made in
              ClientVS19 have been done in ClientVS22. Special thanks to Mali for his VS22 release!
            - Fixed dump_proto, there was some missing empty subtype and while it wasen't a problem with
              Visual Studio 2019, it crashed with Visual Studio 2022. (ItemCSVReader.cpp)

2021.11.13: - Changed the default bind_ip from 0 to in db/ClientManager.cpp to prevent
              attackers to make a fake auth and join to your db when it's port publicly available.
            - Fixed player/object_proto table to silence syserr. I used Shogun's version previously. I took the
              reg_x original values now but since it is hard to place objects with them (that's why Shogun edited
              it), I divided them by two. If you need full original table I left it as object_proto_original.
            - Fixed LoadMonsterAreaInfo syserr, it is a feature for WorldEditor, not the client, so I wrapped the
              call for it with #ifdef WORLD_EDITOR [...] #endif in MapOutdoorLoad.cpp.
            - Added Extensions folder to the Mega drive what contains: 4 Inventory tutorial, 6th skill
              tutorial and an IPFW Firewall script prepared to use. Those are optional.

2021.11.06: - Added a fix for guild land loading in another core. (building.cpp)
            - Added some not used but needed table to the database to silence syserr in some situation:
              account.string, account.gametime, account.gametimeip, account.gametimelog.
            - Fixed metin2_map_spiderdungeon_02/boss.txt (Dark Queen Spider, remove if you not need it).
            - Fixed share/date/monster folders: boar, dog_god, leechung, lion, spy1, zombie_god_stone,
              zombie_key_stone, zombie_security_stone to silence motion syserrs.
            - In mob_proto.txt changed folder yamachun to yamachun_boss (6091) and pwahuang1_2 to
              pwahuang1 (34009), and corrected folders of mounts: 20110-20114.
            - Fixed redthief_boss2 (3591) & redthief2_boss2 (3596) skills: I enabled skills for 3591 in
              mob_proto.txt and fixed their folders in share/data/monster and in clientside metin2_patch_w20_etc.
            - Fixed spiderdungeons mapname image in root/ (MAP_NAME_IMAGE).

2021.11.01: - Added a fix for Guild Comment Flood Exploit. (guild.cpp CGuild::AddComment)
            - Added P2P Port Protection:
              You can disable it by removing the #define ENABLE_PORT_SECURITY in common/service.h (not advised).
            - Changed g_stLocale = ""; to g_stLocale = "latin1"; in db/ClientManager.cpp to silence syserr when
              you use English locale (All other locale have their own code set in ClientManager).
            - Fixed an issue in some locale_game.txt: %, --> %. (Leadership skill and fish lenght fix).
            - Added missing locale_string value: "%sŔĚ ÇĘżäÇŐ´Ď´Ů."; "%s needed.";.
            - Enabled dragon soul alchemy items linking in chat. (
            - Removed the unnecessary '\' backslashes from item_names_fr.txt.
            - Repacked: Property, Season1, OutdoorA1 so now you can extract-repack it with Eternexus too.
            - White NPCs fixed in Season1 (wrong lod files renamed with _backup postfix).
            - Warrior Bunny costume model fix:
            - Shaman Female King model fix:

2021.10.24: - Applied a fix regarding a sound issue:

2021.10.18: - Changed "localhost" to "" in Ch3-4 CONFIG files (just to be uniform with Ch1-2).
            - Changed the test server numbers from 11-12 to 21-22 in to avoid state conflict.
            - Changed folder "horse_event1" to "pony" in mob_proto (20119 & 20219) so they will work better.
            - Commented 2410 from metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_02/regen.txt since that group_group not exists.
            - Fixed metin2_map_skipia_dungeon_01/boss.txt (changed Yonghan with Mighty Ice Witch, 8 hours).
            - Applied two fix regarding the client position & playarea size:

2021.10.01: - Replaced a1-a3, b1-b3, c1-c3, desert_01, flame_01 and trent02's stone.txt with original.
              They were modified for some reason, other maps are original.

2021.09.28: - Added if you want to install the database via .sql files.
              It is optional, you can still use metin2_mysql.tar.gz if you prefer that way.

2021.09.16: - Fixed locale_ro's item_proto & mob_proto names at clientside.

2021.09.09: - Applied two fix: 1. for level update next to your name, 2. for picking up items:

2021.09.07: - 6-7 bonus add/switch blocked on equipped items. (char_item.cpp case 71051 & 71052)
            - Fixed gameland's (gm_guild_build) server_attr.
            - Added the missing locale_string_GR.txt.
            - Removed unused dll files from the client.

2021.08.23: - Made LibServerkey compatible with OpenSSL v1.0+, so you can compile it in FreeBSD12+.
              The changed file is /usr/metin2/src/libserverkey/RSACrypto.cpp.
            - Locale/es/ui/guild files fixed, only spanish locale was wrong.

2021.08.06: - Dragor (Wild, Brave) can attack now. (pvp.cpp serverside, InstanceBase.cpp clientside)
            - The Admin character could not use soul stone because of a bugged/leftover quest state,
              that is removed from table. (training_grandmaster_skill with char id 1)
            - Added missing locale_string value: "ą®Á¦ ŔÔ´Ď´Ů."; "OX-Question: "; for OX event.

2021.08.01: - Fixed some translate.lua lines (cz, tr) and removed all unnecessary starting spaces from
              every translate.lua in which it had. (Example: " something" --> "something")
            - Fixed Channel4's port numbers in serverside CONFIG files.
            - Fixed some EXCHANGE_TITLE in some locale_game.txt what blocked the trade window opening.

2021.07.30: - In some locale's skilldesc.txt I left CLAWs, that is removed now. Version stays V1.1.

2021.07.29: - Added Readme.txt and Install.png to ClientVS19_v*.zip to help resolve compiling issues.

2021.07.22: - Added CZ/DK/ES/GR/IT/NL/PL/PT/RO/RU/TR languages!

2021.07.20: - Initial release, check below.

- Internal IP Fix 192.168... (config.cpp)
- Limit_time removed (limit_time.h)
- DragonSoul_ActivateDeck --> return true was missing (char_dragonsoul.cpp)
- Added LC_ENGLISH to part of IsEurope like Germany/USA/France and others... (locale_service.cpp)
- Equipped belt to safebox fix (input_main.cpp)
- Guild Invite crash fix (input_main.cpp)
- Cube Crash fix (cube.cpp)
- Dungeon crash fix (char.cpp)
- Enabled 6-7bonus (char_item.cpp)
- Fixing 0 yang items in npc shops (shop.cpp)
- Enabled pc_change_name function (questlua_pc.cpp)
- Disabled 6-7bonus for costumes (char_item.cpp)
- Removed time limit for bonus changers (char_item.cpp)
- War command's crash fix (cmd_general.cpp)
- Max priv rates to 1000%
- Fingerprint fix (config.cpp, input_login.cpp, input_main.cpp)
- Equipped item bonus change or stone (de)attach fix (char_item.cpp)
- Invisible fix (char_affect.cpp)
- Hp-Mp bug fix (tables.h)
- Fix kill count twice in quest (questmanager.cpp)
- Fix immune bug by P3NG3R (item.cpp)
- Fix enchanted blade hp loss (char_battle.cpp)
- Drop hack (core down) fix (char_item.cpp, char.h, char.cpp)
- Kick hack fix (char.h, char.cpp, input_main.cpp, cmd_general.cpp, messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- SQl Inject fix in RemoveFromList (messenger_manager.cpp/.h)
- CancelServerTimers fix (questmanager.cpp)

- Item award socket2 fix (ClientManager.cpp)
Note: I did not applied the "db start fix" since the db started fine for me.
If you get trouble with db, apply it yourself:

Client Binary:
- #define ENABLE_DRAGON_SOUL_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)
- #define ENABLE_NEW_EQUIPMENT_SYSTEM (Locale_inc.h)

- Fixed flame dungeon quest, map (fully tested)
- Fixed flame map's server_attr (it had the old without flame dung. entrance)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist serverside
- Added the new bonuses: RESIST_DARK, RESIST_ICE, RESIST_EARTH
- Added missing refine_proto rows for newer things
- Added Jae Seon Kim stuff to cube.txt
- Added guild lands to database (map1, map3, guild_village)
- Added 'DRAGON_SOUL_INVENTORY','BELT_INVENTORY' to the item table
- Fixed database missing/wrong columns
- Added 6-7 bonus add & switch item to proto
- Fixed dragon soul item's item range in proto

- Fixed Sell bug when it displayed other items
- Fixed Demon's catacomb map and Azrael model
- Fixed Demon tower atlasinfo (black screen)
- Added Soul Crystal, Saphire, Garnet, Rubin Smaragd Alchemist clientside
- Fixed Baby Azrael Pet animations
- Fixed Dragon Soul refine settings
- Fixed "Error While Connecting to Server" message not shown when server off
- More transparent trading window prices 99999999 -> 9.999.9999
- Beta map's skybox switched from low textures to higher textures (still official)
- Fixed char select visual status bug (it will display the actual values)
- Switched the login.jpg to a new one (I left the old one next to there)
- Enabled older loading screens too, you can find them at uiloading.eix-epk.
- Corrected some icons for pets
- Added icon for OX (animal) armors (11000, 11010, 11020, 11030)

I crediti vanno a TMP, ricordo inoltre che questi files sono in costante aggiornamento dall'autore, e probabilmente i migliori free e clean in circolazione al momento.


Grazie caro