[Domanda] Clan "Manichini"

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Utente Bronze
5 Settembre 2015
Salve girovagando per un sito riguardante Clash of Clans ho trovato una sottospecie di bot (?) se si puo' definire così , che ti permette di avviare guerre contro clan con persone non umane , con i municipi esterni in guerra. Vi riporto il messaggio (per evitare pubblicità o di violare qualche regola porto la citazione qui sotto):
$ join my clan to loot for 2.2 million in clan war every 2 days
$ join my clan to loot for 2.2 million in clan war every 2 days

You get to stay for 3 months for $30.

just snipe outside th with barb king and queen

2.2 million loot is the equvalent of $10 in gems every 2 days
value for 3 month is worth $450 in gems looted
you get to join a Perk 7 clan for 3 month.

max wiz donated. never need to donate back.

We clan war always and self match against dummy clan.
Get like 1.1 million gold and 1.1 million elix every 2 days.

We self match 51 straight times now.

Use just barbs to loot for 2 million in loot every 2 days.
Every TH is left outside for easy looting

KIK me at Clash_Charlie if interested

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