Offline NEW PSERVER RiverTale [International]

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Utente Iron
28 Aprile 2020
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:





Server Discord :

Website :
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Zyrox
Mi sono registrato.
Il gioco non è possibile scaricarlo dal sito web (come giustamente riportato sopra da voi)
Il problema è che non funziona l'invito discord
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: ItzDavi
Bel server, provato in beta e devo dire che ci spenderò diverse ore
Staff sempre gentile e disponibile
Gioco in continuo miglioramento ed aggiornamento
Sistema delle quest personalizzato che permette facilmente l'exp
I prezzi negli npc sono bilanciati e anche i drop rate e i rate funzionano bene
Complimenti !!
Server fantastico, staff sempre disponibile. Il server è molto giocabile e i bug vengono fixati dopo poco. Vi aspetto in game :)
Ho giocato a quasi tutti i server in circolazione, questo è il migliore che abbia mai provato.
Staff eccellente, disponibile e velocissimo.
Server non facile, ma nemmeno troppo difficile, equilibrato nel modo giusto!
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Tortellone
Bellissimo server, exp non troppo facile mi piace il sistema delle missioni per raggiungere il lv55, staff sempre disponibile spero si popoli di più
Server aperto da pochissimo, il sistema delle quest funziona bene e il gameplay è scorrevole.
Aggiungerei delle cose ma ovviamente, essendo appena nato, bisogna dargli il tempo di crescere.
Staff sempe disponibile e gentile, Discord vivace e molto utile.
Consiglio di provarlo, finché non c'è molta gente :myeah:
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Phoenix```
Aperto da meno di una settimana ed è una bomba
Server consigliatissimo, non facile ma neanche difficile, bilanciato alt d
Su Discord ci sono tutti gli updates e sta avanzando bene
Staff pronto sia su Discord che In-Game alt q
Continuate così :rulzz:
Registred just to comment this spectacular server.
Love the gms, really really friendly and helpfull
The gameplay is perfect, missions not too boring and exping isn't too easy
Really love the players and the staff
Highly recommended :frog-good:
Potrei sembrare di parte ma con tutti gli update e i fix che Phoenix sta facendo, il server ha fatto molti passi avanti.
Nuove mappe, rework di sp, molti nuovi raid, community in continua espansione, bilanciamenti pensati bene e il game design in generale funziona.
Lo staff è cambiato leggermente ma sono sempre tutti disponibili e all'altezza. ✌
Cosa che mi è piaciuta molto è il fatto che gli item shop sono comunque disponibili in game.
NEW MAP: HeroVille
Added new map HeroVille (For enter you need Hero Level) (Raid Maru drop Title and Raid Foxy drop PsP)
Increased drop rate for greniga seals
Removed it drops useless from the raids zenas and erenia Brilliant scrolls added in Zenas and Erenia raids
Added drops when you finish the raid erenia
Added NPC "Armory for Martial Artist".
Added SP Draconic Fist in the raid Lord Draco.
Added SP Mystic Arts in the raid Glacerus.
Added SP Master Wolf in the raid Laurena.
Added SP Demon Warrior in the raid Caligo.
Fixed dialog HeroVille.
Equip h25 for Martial Artist added to ancelloan's Accessory production Scroll.
Added Ancelloan Essence in the monster "Mysterious Traveller" (Act4-Unknown Land) (This item is used to use the Crown Ancelloan skills).
Fixed skill "Ancelloan's Apparition" and "Ancelloan's Wrath". Added AOE base to all Specialist.
Added "Medal Exchange" craft in arena.
Enhanced "Trainer Opossums" in the "NosMate Trainer" item. Added Erenia's Crafted Horn in the raid Goddess Erenia.
Added Zenas's Luxury High Heels in the raid Goddess Zenas. Added Zenas' Divine Ring in the raid Goddess Zenas.
Added Magic Lamp in the "NosMall" shop.
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: ItzDavi
08/06/2020 - New Update
Fixed crash with PSP
Fixed bug with shells
Fixed three bug dupe

Created Exp Map 15-30
Created Exp Map 30-55
$Home command added
Created Map Shortcut Raid
Created Map Shortcut Seal Raid
Created Map Shortcut Angel Feather/Full Moon
Added Full Moon on the map feather
Added NPC with Archer - Swordman - Magician weapons Level 45-65
Added Sea View Gloves on the Resistance Shop
Added Sea View Boots on the Resistance Shop

Added Gillion in the Meteorite Game
Changed the level of character creation. Now when you create yourself the character will already be level 15 job 20
Other bugs fixed

And a big thank you for the +45 online u.u alt q
Ultima modifica:
New MASSIVE Update - 20/06/2020
Divine System
Added new Hero levels, now max is H50
New Raid "Divine Fernon"
New Hero exp maps
New NPC Craft Divine Weapon
New NPC Craft Divine Stela
Added 5 Divinites:
1. Divine Apprentice
2. Simple Divinity
3. Dark Divinity
4. Bright Divinity
5. Supreme Divinity

New Host, no more lag
Added Partner Slot Expansion to NPC Partner Shop
Added NPC Exchange Gillions - Cellas
Added the command $Divine to activate/disable the effect of Divinity
New NPC Resistance Act 5 in Bitoren Tundra
Added Angel, Demon, Flame and Ice Wings to NPC Craft Item
Added Weapons Skin to NPC Craft Weapons Skin
Created new Map for Weapons Skin item drop
New Patcher

Simplified the craft for H25 Equip
Increased drop rate of Ice Flowers
Increased % drop of Champion Blessing Amulet (Random, orange)

Fixed NPC Partner Shop
Fixed NPC Partner Craft
Fixed Arenas Score
Other bugs fixed and general stability improved
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Ultima modifica:
Prima ti prendono per aiutarli poi quando stai a meta ti dicono cosi (come nello SS)
E si inventano ragioni (coretezze - scoretezze ecc)
forse sara un server adeguato ma dopo questa esperienza io personalmente non ci vorrei tornare voi che ci entrerete ovviamente siete libberi di fare come volete )
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Bel server, provato in beta e devo dire che ci spenderò diverse ore
Staff sempre gentile e disponibile
Gioco in continuo miglioramento ed aggiornamento
Sistema delle quest personalizzato che permette facilmente l'exp
I prezzi negli npc sono bilanciati e anche i drop rate e i rate funzionano bene
Complimenti !!
Gentilezza inmensa dopo che hai sprecato 3 giorni della tua vita )
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Ho giocato a quasi tutti i server in circolazione, questo è il migliore che abbia mai provato.
Staff eccellente, disponibile e velocissimo.
Server non facile, ma nemmeno troppo difficile, equilibrato nel modo giusto!
Gentilezza inmensa dopo che hai sprecato 3 giorni della tua vita )


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Carissimo Merlin
Visto che non hai avuto il coraggio di mostrare tutta la chat prima, lo faccio io
Io, a differenza tua, ho sempre portato rispetto, pazienza e ti ho sempre risposto con diplomazia e correttezza, non abbassandomi ai tuoi livelli
La prima persona che ha insultato sei tu
In questo server se sei staffer in altri server, non ci stai
Nel tuo commento non hai scritto perché ti ho bannato, ovviamente
Da notare bene l'orario in cui lui ha iniziato ad insultarmi e l'orario in cui io ho "insultato", definendolo un bambino a seguito di tutti i suoi insulti (e un secondo prima di bannarlo)
Inventarsi ragioni come correttezza e scorrettezza ? Guardale qua le vere ragioni per le quali ti ho bannato
Se hai il coraggio per fare un commento negativo, perché non hai mandato tutto il resto della chat ?
Dear Adventurers RiverTale 2.0 is HERE RiverVille is changed, the Staff is changed, our goal is always the same: make this server even better We finished the closed beta program few days ago and now the server is online and public We completely recreated RiverVille and the gameplay As always, YOUR suggestions build this server We had to reset all the progresses made during RiverTale 1.0 so now, you can lead the leaderboard and become the Top Player Join our Discord: Website:
Server aperto da poco , aggiornato quotidianamente e con eventi pomeriggio e sera tutti i giorni.
GM sempre disponibili e attivi.
La community del server é fantastica e velocemente in crescita.
Consigliato perché ci si diverte
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: ItzDavi
04-08-2020 / 16-08-2020

Nerfed Event Boss Mobs
Updated event times on the website
Nerfed Kertos in IC 95+

Fixed Gold Mushroom, now it gives 1kkk
Fixed Laurena's wrong drop
Fixed Starter Packs
Fixed All raids
Fixed Lightning Wings
Bases of Martial Artist is now AoE
Fixed stats for Yertirand
Fixed stats for Erdimien
Fixed stats for Ragnar
Fixed stats for Frigg
Fixed stats for Sakura
Fixed stats for Graham
Fixed stats for Leona
Fixed stats for Jennifer
Fixed stats for Fibi
Fixed stats for Inferno
Fixed stats for Bally
Fixed Craft Runes mob level and respawn time in HeroVille
Fixed Craft Tarot Cards mob level and respawn time in HeroVille
Fixed Drop Pajama SP mob level in HeroVille
Fixed Act 6 mob drop

Changed monsters in IC over 95+
Changed Valakus Drop: now you can drop armours level 92-93
Changed Kertos Drop now you can drop primary and secondary weapons level 92-93

Added portal near Calvin Coach to reach NosCamp Cave
Added Wheat to RiverMall NPC to store gold
Added Speaker 2.0 to NPC RiverMall (You can send totals in every channel)
Added NPC Craft Weapon Skins in RiverVille, near the NPC Mount Shop
Added x4 drop of gillion to Magmaros
Added NPC RiverVille Costumes (60+ costumes)
Added NPC HeroVille Costumes (25+ costumes)
Added drop to craft 88+ resistances to Unknown Land mobs (Act 4)
Added NPC Craft Resistances near the NPC Craft Ice Flowers Oil (Act 4)

Increased job from LOD Skeletons
Decreased respawn time for LOD Skeletons
Increased Fibi HP
Decreased Greniga HP
Decreased scrolls to craft Experience Potions
Decreased scrolls to craft Perfume
Increased Spider King's HP
Increased Magic Eraser cost from NPC RiverMall
Increased Magmaro's run speed
Increased Blaze Hound run speed
Nerfed Glacerus HP
Nerfed Draco's HP
Nerfed Laurena's HP

Raids Update
To get Cuby's Seals now you have to craft them
To get Ginseng's Seals now you have to craft them
To get Dark Castra's Seals now you have to craft them
To get Spider's Seals now you have to craft them
Added 4 maps to drop these materials

Act 6 release soon !

ACT 6 Update

Dear Adventurers,
Act 6 has been released

Now you can exp to level 99+30
10 new maps

Craft your Hero's Equipment in Cylloan

Plus for players that reach level 99+30, there is HeroVille

Raids Erenia and Zenas working​
19-08-2020 / 03-09-2020

Decreased materials to craft 7 SPs from NPC Lilith in Port Alveus Significantly decreased Caligor HPs Decreased materials (Iris) to craft 92-93 jewels from NPC Craft 95-96 Equip Decreased respawn time for mobs in map Exp 70-90
Removed Erenia and Zenas accessories from the raids
Changed drops for IC over 96+
Changed for time Meteorite Game 05:55 to 06:55
Removed useless recipes from the NPC Lilith in Port Alveus Square

Fixed character crash when you kill your opponent in the Act4
Fixed wrong item in the NPC Pet Trainer
Fixed NPC Tarot Craft in HeroVille
Fixed NPC Craft Res and Fairy in Act 4
Fixed IC
Fixed Inferno's and Heaven's Accessories craft from their NPC

Added drop of Kertos Seals to Kertos Shadow
Moved the mob Kertos Shadow from Exp Map 90-99 to Kertos' Jaws (Kertos drop map)
Added drop of Valakus Seals to Valakus Shadow
Added the mob Valakus Shadow to Valakus Claws (Valakus drop map)
Added Info Box (right click on the raid jewel).
Added Daily Rewards.
Added NPC Craft Partners Skins in HeroVille
Added portals to Act 6.1 maps
Added Partner Slot Expansion to NPC Partner Trainer in HeroVille
Created the recipe to craft Erenia and Zenas accessories in the NPCs Craft Inferno Equip and Craft Heaven Equip
Added Varik (Divine Fairy) to NPC Craft Res and Fairy in Act 4
Added #▏raids-rewards-guide guide on Discord
Updated the VPS
Added craft for H25 primary and secondary weapons for the Martial Artist to the NPC Craft Martial Artist Equip
Added craft for H28 armour for the Martial Artist to the NPC Craft Martial Artist Equip

Increased HExp from inferno's and heaven's mobs
Decreased prices in some HeroVille shops
Increased Golden and Silver Thread drop amount from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased Unidentified Metal drop probability from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased Earth Elf Essence drop probability and amount from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased Wind Elf Essence drop probability and amount from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased exp gained from Exp Map 30-55 mobs
Nerfed Erenia's and Zenas' HP
Decreased Shining Parchment Scrolls needed to craft Wings in the NPC Craft Items
Decreased Shining Parchment Scrolls needed to craft Ancelloan Blessings in the NPC Craft Item
Increased Golden Champpion Blessing Amulet drop possibility from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased Crystal of Balance drop probability from Heaven Mobs
Increased Golden Bet Amulet drop probability from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Increased Silver Bet Amulet drop probability from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Sligthly increased Res drop probability from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Decreased Ancelloan Parchmenet drop probability from Erenia and Zenas raid boxes
Decreased materials to craft Draco Seals from 60 to 45
Decreased materials to craft tarots from the NPC Craft Tarots in HeroVille
Decreased materials to craft runes from the NPC Craft Runes in HeroVille
Nerfed monstesr on spawn boss and IC
Decreased materials to craft Varik in the NPC Craft Res and Fiary
Nerfed Caligor
Slightly buffed Hongbi, Cheongbi, Treekun and the Dr Miaunz from the event
Decreased materials to craft 7 SPs from NPC Lilith in Port Alveus
Significantly decreased Caligor HPs
Decreased materials (Iris) to craft 92-93 jewels from NPC Craft 95-96 Equip
Decreased respawn time for mobs in map Exp 70-90

03/09/2020 - 09/09/2020

Updated #▏raids-guide on Discord

Added a new map to drop gold (its not a farm, not much gold earned)

Doubled the respawn time for drop gold map
Decreased level for mobs in drop gold map

Slightly increased exp from all mobs of LoD

Decreased materials needed to craft Cuby seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Ginseng seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Castra seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Spider seals

Decreased materials needed to craft Draco seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Glacerus seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Kertos seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Valakus seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Laurena seals
Decreased materials needed to craft Greniga seals

Ultima modifica:
Latest Staff Member List - 14/09/2020

Owner Phoenix

Admin Abaddon

Admin Lucifer

Community Manager Davi

Moderator Sotys

Moderator Yui

Super Game Master Dado

Discord Helper Av3rYx

Discord Helper Valak

Discord Helper TeQuu

10/09/2020 - 14/09/2020


Removed PSP Card Holder from the NPC Partner Trainer in HeroVille
Updated #▏95-96-craft-guides with where to drop Iris

Nerfed Inferno's and Heaven's mob skill damage
Decreased respawn time for mob in map drop gold

We also started working for Act 6.2, C45 equip ect :rulzz:

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