Quest [Quest] Demons' challenge

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Utente Electrum
10 Maggio 2010
Ultima modifica da un moderatore:
Hi all, here I have a npc that I made a lot of time ago when I didn't know anything about lua (and of course didn't work xd) and that some days ago I decided to make work now that i know more about lua.

The npc makes you a challenge: kill 6 monsters and then a final one to recieve the prize.

And here is the quest itself, that you can edit as much as you want. Like every quest put it in /home/game/quest (or the path where you have quest folder) and just activate it with a ./qc

I'm sorry because the screens are in spanish, but the script is in english, if anyone wants to translate it to italian I can edit the post ^^.

*The mob with 2608 is hdlgp's (spanish modeller) fire dragon that I liked like boss in the challenge, but you can put the one you prefer.

quest demonchallenge begin
state start begin

      when"Demons' Challenge" begin

            say_title("Demons' Challenge")
            say("I see you are ready to try the challenge")
            say("choose your oponent")
            say("and get ready to fight!")
            say("You have to kill 6 monsters")
            say("but just those which make a message appear")
            say("when killing them are the good ones.")
            say("Find the final challenge and beat the last boss")
            say_reward( "NPC by KeKo!" )

      local s = select ( "Reaper", "Spider queen", "Demon king", "9 tails", "Spider king", "Zin commandant", "Cerrar" )
      local coor_x = pc.get_local_x()
      local coor_y = pc.get_local_y()
      local cor_x = math.random(0,10)
      local cor_y = math.random(0,10)

            if s == 1 then
            mob.spawn(1093, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)

            elseif s == 2 then
            mob.spawn(2092, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)

            elseif s == 3 then
            mob.spawn(1092, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)
            elseif s == 4 then
            mob.spawn(1901, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)

            elseif s == 5 then
            mob.spawn(2091, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)

            elseif s == 6 then
            mob.spawn(2494, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefesdem", 2)

            elseif s == 7 then



      when 1901.kill or 2494.kil or 2092.kill with pc.getqf("jefesdem") == 2 begin

          if pc.getqf("jefesdem") > 1 then

            pc.setqf("retodemonio", pc.getqf("retodemonio") + 1)
            chat("You killed one of the bosses")

          if pc.getqf("retodemonio") > 5 then

            local coor_x = pc.get_local_x()
            local coor_y = pc.get_local_y()
            local cor_x = math.random(0,10)
            local cor_y = math.random(0,10)
            mob.spawn(2608, coor_x + cor_x , coor_y + cor_y, 1)
            pc.setqf("jefereto", 2)
            pc.setqf("retodemonio", pc.getqf("retodemonio") - 6)
            chat("Kill the last boss")


      when 2608.kill begin

          if pc.getqf("jefereto") > 1 then

            say("You finished the Demons's challenge")
            say("now you can rest and have your prize")
            say("for killing all the monsters.")
            say_reward("You recieve 100kk")
            say_reward("You recieve 5kk de exp")
            notice_all (""..pc.get_name().."  has just finished the Demons's challenge")
            pc.setqf("jefereto", pc.getqf("jefereto") - 2)



Quest 100% by KeKo!
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Drawing e 7he Boss
Ultima modifica:
I think that this is not a release, but a publicity post of your server... :omfg:
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