[SCAM] HASH OCEAN - HYIP Gratis 15 Kh/s per sempre

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Acquistati altri 20 kh/s, totale 572 kh/s.

05/31/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/30/2016 is under 572 KH/s power 0.00425395 BTC
05/30/2016 00:02 Payment from balance #1577893, 20 KH/s is purchased -0.01216000 BTC
05/30/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/29/2016 is under 552 KH/s power 0.00410688 BTC
05/29/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/28/2016 is under 552 KH/s power 0.00406824 BTC
05/28/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/27/2016 is under 552 KH/s power 0.00407189 BTC
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: P i x e L L
Per ricevere i pagamenti è obbligatorio acquistare potenza, minimo investimento: 20 kh.

Pagamento automatico a 0.005 BTC
Queste le mie ultime transazioni con produzione di 290 KH/s:

Transaction per period

Profit is accrued once a day.
Payments are received once a day (the minimum amount of payment is 0.005 BTC).

Date Description Amount
04/06/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/05/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00211990 BTC
04/05/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/04/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00203580 BTC
04/04/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/03/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00194967 BTC
04/03/2016 01:08 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00639740 BTC
04/03/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/02/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00208800 BTC
04/02/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/01/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00214890 BTC
04/01/2016 02:30 Profit for 03/31/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00216050 BTC
03/31/2016 01:06 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00644960 BTC
03/31/2016 00:01 Profit for 03/30/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00214600 BTC
03/30/2016 00:01 Profit for 03/29/2016 is under 290 KH/s power 0.00215470 BTC
Altra precisazione, per mantenere attivi i 15 kh/s free si devono acquistare minimo 20 kh/s entro 30 gg. In questo modo non avranno piu' nessuna scadenza.
Aggiornamento :

Acqustati altri 110 kh/s per un totale di 400 kh/s

Switched on powers
400 KH/s Buy
0.571 Unit Collect hardware

Profit under your powers
per day
or 1.24 USD per day

04/18/2016 00:01 Profit for 04/17/2016 is under 400 KH/s power 0.00289476
Altri pagameti ricevuti :

05/07/2016 01:04 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00757350 BTC
05/07/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/06/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00377400 BTC
05/06/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/05/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00379950 BTC
05/05/2016 01:01 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00759900 BTC
05/05/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/04/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00381480 BTC
05/04/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/03/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00378420 BTC
Ultimi pagamenti ricevuti

05/13/2016 01:10 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00749700 BTC
05/13/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/12/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00374340 BTC
05/12/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/11/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00375360 BTC
05/11/2016 01:08 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00745620 BTC
05/11/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/10/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00372300 BTC
05/10/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/09/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00373320 BTC
05/09/2016 01:06 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00753780 BTC
05/09/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/08/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00375870 BTC
05/08/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/07/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00377910 BTC
Ultimi pagamenti ricevuti

05/17/2016 01:13 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00756330 BTC
05/17/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/16/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00379950 BTC
05/16/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/15/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00376380 BTC
05/15/2016 01:12 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00749700 BTC
05/15/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/14/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00376890 BTC
05/14/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/13/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00372810 BTC
Ultimi pagamenti ricevuti

05/21/2016 01:03 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00762450 BTC
05/21/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/20/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00380460 BTC
05/20/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/19/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00381990 BTC
05/19/2016 01:02 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00759390 BTC
05/19/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/18/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00380970 BTC
05/18/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/17/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00378420 BTC
Ultimi pagamenti ricevuti (potenza portata a 551 kHz)

05/25/2016 01:04 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00773100 BTC
05/25/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/24/2016 is under 551 KH/s power 0.00392888 BTC
05/24/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/23/2016 is under 528 KH/s power 0.00380212 BTC
05/23/2016 01:04 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00753270 BTC
05/23/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/22/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00375870 BTC
05/22/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/21/2016 is under 510 KH/s power 0.00377400 BTC
Ultimo pagamento ricevuto

05/27/2016 01:05 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00805011 BTC
05/27/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/26/2016 is under 551 KH/s power 0.00402781 BTC
05/26/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/25/2016 is under 551 KH/s power 0.00402230 BTC

Ora passo ad accumulare profitto per acquistare nuovi kh/s, con il cambio Btc/dollaro molto alto in questi giorni e' molto vantaggioso acquistare kh/s dato che il prezzo e' fisso di 6.20 dollari per ogni 20 kh/s e servono quindi meno bitcoin per l'acquisto.
Se avete intenzione di acquisto questo e' il momento migliore per farlo.
Acquistati altri 20 kh/s, totale 592 kh/s.

06/03/2016 00:01 Profit for 06/02/2016 is under 592 KH/s power 0.00436884 BTC
06/02/2016 04:33 Payment from balance #1616226, 20 KH/s is purchased -0.01178000 BTC
06/02/2016 00:01 Profit for 06/01/2016 is under 572 KH/s power 0.00423852 BTC
06/01/2016 00:01 Profit for 05/31/2016 is under 572 KH/s power 0.00426426 BTC
Acquistati altri 108 kh/s, totale 700 kh/s.
Ora passo di nuovo ad incassare i profitti !!

#1675058 Payment from balance 20 KH/s 0.01066 BTC 06/07/2016 02:47 Paid
#1650724 Payment from balance 20 KH/s 0.01102 BTC 06/05/2016 01:53 Paid
#1645319 Payment via Bitcoin 68 KH/s 0.03719 BTC 06/04/2016 13:30 Paid

Switched on powers
700 KH/s Buy
1.000 Unit Collect hardware

Profit under your powers
0.00520 BTC per day
or 3.01 USD per day
Tra depositi e reinvestimento dei profitti circa 0.5 bitcoin , ora con il cambio cosi' alto e' molto piu' favorevole e in piu' con un unico acquisto hai anche in prezzo per kh/s piu' basso 0.29 usd anziche 0.31 usd e ti vengono a costare ca. 0.36 bitcoin che con una rendita di ca. 0.0052 al giorno recuperi in ca. 70 gg.
Piu' del 40% di rendimento al mese a me non sembra male, se poi preferisci i siti che promettono di raddopiare il tuo investimento in poche ore e poi ti fregano i soldi libero di farlo ....
Ognuno e' libero di pensarla come vuole, io mi limito a riportare la mia esperienza se puo' essere utile a qualcuno, io ho pareggiato il mio investimento e ora mi ritrovo ca. 80 euro al mese senza dover fare nulla e buttali via ...
Ultimi pagamenti ricevuti :

06/09/2016 01:05 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00518000 BTC
06/09/2016 00:01 Profit for 06/08/2016 is under 700 KH/s power 0.00518000 BTC
06/08/2016 01:05 Payout to address 17JhAz1FSJSHmD54QfoBAc6vCvarSbeyz5 -0.00806075 BTC
06/08/2016 00:01 Profit for 06/07/2016 is under 700 KH/s power 0.00515083 BTC
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.