[BOT] L2 Tower

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Utente Silver
3 Ottobre 2008
Salve, volevo segnalarvi un ottimo Bot per lineage 2 :D
Si chiama L2Tower, e a mio parere è il miglior bot free che c'è per ora, Io lo utilizzo anche su offy..
Il link per il download è http://files.l2tower.eu/l2tower.zip
Quiì di seguito, ci sono la lista dei comandi (In inglese)
Command access rights:

SCRIPT - only scripts can run command
ME - only you are able to run command
CUSTOM - friends are able to run command too
PARTY - party members are able to run command too
CLAN - clan members are able to run command too
ALLY - ally members are able to run command too
ANYONE - everyone can run that command

Command access types:

INTERNAL - can be run only from script ProcessCommand("/something");
CMD - can be run only by //CMD
CMD2 - can be run also by .CMD
PM - can be run also by "nick /CMD
PARTY - can be run also by #/CMD
CLAN - can be run also by @/CMD
ALLY - can be run also by $/CMD
PUBLIC - can be run also by ' /CMD'
SHOUT - can be run also by !CMD
TRADE - can be run also by +CMD
HERO - can be run also by %CMD

That means everyone who see command will run it.
Note: Commands are case-insensitive.
Note: If you use command as /[//] command replace spaces by _ char.
Note: In MACRO use commands only as .command, not /command

Name Params Description Access Rights Access Type
CFG Show configuration window ALLY ALLY
PAUSE [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle pause for all options ALLY ALLY
RAR [cmd] Run [cmd] command ALLY ALLY
RTR [nick] [cmd] If you are [nick], you will run [cmd] command ALLY ALLY
SAVE [name] Save configuration under cfg_[name].ini file ALLY ALLY
LOAD [name] Load configuration from cfg_[name].ini file ALLY ALLY
enableItems [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle potions use, param is optional ALLY ALLY
enableSouls [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle souls potions use ALLY ALLY
enableScrolls [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle death penalty scrolls use ALLY ALLY
enableHpPotions [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic HP potions use ALLY ALLY
enableMpPotions [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic MP potions use ALLY ALLY
enableCpPotions [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic CP potions use ALLY ALLY
enableHpElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic HP elixirs use ALLY ALLY
enableMpElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic MP elixirs use ALLY ALLY
enableCpElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic CP elixirs use ALLY ALLY
enableHpBElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic HP battle elixirs use ALLY ALLY
enableMpBElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic MP battle elixirs use ALLY ALLY
enableCpBElixirs [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle basic CP battle elixirs use ALLY ALLY
fillSouls [0/1 - optional] Enable, Disable, Toggle use of empty souls bottle ALLY ALLY
assistMode [0/1/2] Set Assist type: 0 - off, 1 - by order till death, 2 - by order till found ALLY ALLY
setAssist Adds assist on target ALLY ALLY
delAssist [index - 0 based] Delete assist on player under [index] index. ALLY ALLY
setFriend Set target and his (clan, ally) as friend ALLY ALLY
clearFriends Clear friends list ALLY ALLY
setFollow Set follow on target ALLY ALLY
followMode [mode] Set folow mode : 0 - off, 1 - move when they move, 2 - move to they ALLY ALLY
page [id - optional] Show HTML page (like in CFG but you can see specific page) ALLY ALLY
targetMobMode [id] Sets target mode: 0-disabled, 1-by Range, 2-by Point, 3-by Polygon ALLY ALLY
targetMobRangeType [id] Sets target type: 0-Circle, 1-Square ALLY ALLY
setMobTargetPoint Sets target center point as actual user location. ALLY ALLY
incMobTargetRange [range] Sets new target range as [range] ALLY ALLY
incMobTargetZRange [rangez] Sets new target Z range as [rangez] ALLY ALLY
mobTargetPolyPointAdd Add new point to poly mobs target point list ALLY ALLY
mobTargetPolyPointChange [idx:0-based] Chanage poly mobs target point on list under specific index] ALLY ALLY
mobTargetPolyPointDown [idx:0-based] Move poly mobs target point down ALLY ALLY
mobTargetPolyPointUp [idx:0-based] Move poly mobs target point up ALLY ALLY
mobTargetPolyPointErase [idx:0-based] Erase poly mobs target point under specific index ALLY ALLY
pickupMode [id] Sets item pickup mode: 0-disabled, 1-before attack, 2-after attack ALLY ALLY
incPickupRange [range] Sets item pickup range as [range] ALLY ALLY
petPickupMode [id] Sets pet item pickup mode: 0-disabled, 1-before attack, 2-after attack ALLY ALLY
incPetPickupRange [range] Sets pet item pickup range as [range] ALLY ALLY
autoAttack [id] Sets auto-attack mode, 0-disabled, 1-enabled ALLY ALLY
petAutoAttack Sets pet auto-attack mode, 0-disabled, 1-enabled ALLY ALLY
enableDisco Toggle auto-disco option. (Songs and Dances use) ALLY ALLY
discoUp [idx:0-based] Move disco skill under index [idx] to index [idx]-1 ALLY ALLY
discoDown Move disco skill under index [idx] to index [idx]+1 ALLY ALLY
discoAdd [skillId] Add new song,dance to disco list ALLY ALLY
discoDelete [idx:0-based] Remove disco skill under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
enableNuke Toggle auto-nuke option. (Auto Nuke Attack use) ALLY ALLY
nukeUp [idx:0-based] Move auto-nuke skill under index [idx] to index [idx]-1 ALLY ALLY
nukeDown Move auto-nuke skill under index [idx] to index [idx]+1 ALLY ALLY
nukeAdd [skillId] Add new nuke skill to auto-nuke list ALLY ALLY
nukeDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-nuke skill under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
enableBuffs Toggle auto-selfbuffs option. (Auto Self Buffs use) ALLY ALLY
buffsUp [idx:0-based] Move auto-selfbuffs skill under index [idx] to index [idx]-1 ALLY ALLY
buffsDown Move auto-selfbuffs skill under index [idx] to index [idx]+1 ALLY ALLY
buffsAdd [skillId] Add new self-buff skill to list. ALLY ALLY
buffsDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-selfbuffs skill under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
buffsInc [idx:0-based] Increase by 1 auto selfbuff skill use time under index [idx], max value:40, 0-auto detection ALLY ALLY
enableRecharge Toggle auto-party recharge option. ALLY ALLY
rechargeSet [idx:0-based] [value:0-100] Sets the recharge value on user under [idx] index. ALLY ALLY
rechargeAdd [name] Add user to auto recharge list. (case-sensitive) ALLY ALLY
rechargeAddPet [objectId] Add pet, summon to recharge list. This is server side objectId. ALLY ALLY
rechargeDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-recharge user under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
enableHeal Toggle auto-party heal option. ALLY ALLY
healSet [idx:0-based] [value:0-100] Sets the heal value on user under [idx] index. ALLY ALLY
healAdd [name] Add user to auto heal list. (case-sensitive) ALLY ALLY
healAddPet [objectId] Add pet, summon to heal list. This is server side objectId. ALLY ALLY
healDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-heal user under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
healSkillUp [idx:0-based] Move auto-heal skill under index [idx] to index [idx]-1 ALLY ALLY
healSkillDown Move auto-heal skill under index [idx] to index [idx]+1 ALLY ALLY
healSkillAdd [skillId] Add new heal skill to auto-heal list ALLY ALLY
healSkillDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-heal skill under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
enablePvP [id:eek:ptional] Enable auto pvp target options. No param: toggle Auto PVP Target, 1 : toggle PVP Class, 2 : toggle PVP Range, 3 : toggle PVP Dead, 4 : PVP Party, 5 : toggle PVP Flag. ME ALLY
enableSubclass [0/1] Enable, Disable auto subclass chest click. ME ALLY
DumpCWH Dump list of items from CWH to file. (look first into CWH) ME ALLY
DumpWH Dump list of items from WH to file. (look first into WH) ME ALLY
DumpCastleWH Dump list of items from CastleWH to file. (look first into CastleWH) ME ALLY
DumpEtcWH Dump list of items from EtcWH to file. (look first into EtcWH) ME ALLY
DumpInv Dump list of items from Inventory to file. ME ALLY
DumpPetInv Dump list of items from PetInventory to file. ME ALLY
Dump Generate data dump to file, use this when something dont work like it should to generate file what you can send to us. ALLY ALLY
DontTargetWithShift Toggle targeting with Shift - for l2j. Me ALLY
enableSpoil Toggle auto-spoil option. ALLY ALLY
spoilUp [idx:0-based] Move auto-spoil skill under index [idx] to index [idx]-1 ALLY ALLY
spoilDown Move auto-spoil skill under index [idx] to index [idx]+1 ALLY ALLY
spoilAdd [skillId] Add new spoil skill to auto-nuke list ALLY ALLY
spoilDelete [idx:0-based] Remove auto-spoil skill under index [idx] ALLY ALLY
enableSweeper Toggle auto-sweep option. ALLY ALLY
setSweeperRange [range] Sets new sweeper range as [range] ALLY ALLY
setDontTargetSpoiledMobs Toggle targeting spoiled mobs. ALLY ALLY
setFollowRangeMin [new range] Sets new minimum follow range. ALLY ALLY
setFollowRangeMax [new range] Sets new maximum follow range. ALLY ALLY
clickRepeat [click count] Next html link will be clicked [click count] times. ALLY ALLY
targetPvP Ticks manual PvP targeting. ALLY ALLY
targetOrderUp [idx] Moves target type on index [idx] to [idx]-1. ALLY ALLY
targetOrderDown [idx] Moves target type on index [idx] to [idx]+1. ALLY ALLY
skillOrderUp [idx] Moves skill use type on index [idx] to [idx]-1. ALLY ALLY
skillOrderDown [idx] Moves skill use type on index [idx] to [idx]+1. ALLY ALLY
calc Shows calc window ALLY ALLY
partyBuffAddUser [nick] [skillId] Adds new party buff to user. ALLY ALLY
partyBuffAddUserPet [nick] [skillId] Adds new party buff to user pet. ALLY ALLY
partyBuffAddSkill [skillId] [nick] Adds new user to party buff. ALLY ALLY
partyBuffRemoveUser [nick] [skillId] Remove party buff from user. ALLY ALLY
partyBuffRemoveUserPet [nick] [skillId] Remove party buff from user pet. ALLY ALLY
partyBuffRemoveSkill [skillId] [nick] Remove user from party buff. ALLY ALLY
enablePartyBuffs Enable, disable party buffs ALLY ALLY
setPartyBuffRange [range] Sets default party buff range ALLY ALLY
partyBuffSetRange [buff index] [range] Sets range for buff under index [buff index] ALLY ALLY
partyBuffSetPriority [buff index] [range] Sets priority for buff under index [buff index] ALLY ALLY
partyBuffSetUseEvery [buff index] [range] Sets reuse for buff under index [buff index] ALLY ALLY
partyBuffSetUseEvery [buff index] [range] Sets reuse for buff under index [buff index] ALLY ALLY
partyBuffSetUseEvery [buff index] [range] Sets reuse for buff under index [buff index] ALLY ALLY
scriptStart [script name] [runtype:eek:ptional] Run script [script name], if runtype is 1, script will be run in repeat mode. ALLY ALLY
scriptStartP [script name] [parameter] [runtype:eek:ptional] Run script [script name], if runtype is 1, script will be run in repeat mode. ALLY ALLY
scriptResume [script name] Resume paused script ALLY ALLY
scriptStop [script name] Stop script [script name]. ALLY ALLY
scriptStopAll Stop all scripts. ALLY ALLY
pm [nick] [text] Simple pm, if you need to pm someone from macro use .pm nick text. ALLY ALLY
recStart [filename] Starts script recording ALLY ALLY
recStop Stops script recording ALLY ALLY
recComment [comment] adds comment to script ALLY ALLY

La grafica è molto intuitiva e semplice da usare, ma per i meno esperti, ce' un video tutorial molto completo --> L2 TOWER - YouTube
Spero vi sia utile :D
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