Dove si trovano i file fix?

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Il bug dei decu... ecco come funziona:

prima bastava che dopo startato facessi base militare e cercavi di inviare truppe
trovavi i decurioni disabilitati, bastava che cliccavi con il tasto destro sull'inserimento dei decu
ispezionavi l'elemento e modificavi la riga che ti appariva togliendo il "disabled=disabled"
inserivi un numero di decu e quelli partivano
contemporanemente si materializzavano sul tuo villo 42996687643928367 di decurioni
ho fatto oltre alla base militare la caserma, truppato una mazza, l'ho mandata in rinfo su un villo e ho fatto lo stesso giochetto con i decu quando richiamavo la mazza, ispeziona elemento, tolgo il disabled=disabled inserisco un numero qualsiasi e sul villo dove prima stava anche la mazza ora ci sono 428978768759765 di decu
e li puoi richiamare sul tuo villo

Spero sia chiaro. ^__^

  • Mi piace
Reazioni: NicoWonka


Utente Bronze
14 Febbraio 2014
Salve ragazzi,

una domanda...
in che cartella ci sono i file fixxati?
sto usando i file modificati da Shadow però voglio sostituire la cartella "Template" con la cartella originale "Template" di TravianZ;
posso andare tranquillo o possono esserci bug sostituendo quella cartella?
Salve ragazzi,

una domanda...
in che cartella ci sono i file fixxati?
sto usando i file modificati da Shadow però voglio sostituire la cartella "Template" con la cartella originale "Template" di TravianZ;
posso andare tranquillo o possono esserci bug sostituendo quella cartella?

In teoria dovrebbe andare tutto bene, prova, non perdi niente, crea un'altro conto altervista e prova!
A mio parere comunque sono meglio quelli di shadow :)
Si sono i migliori in assoluto però voglio che la cartella "Template" che contiene tutte le scritte i colori ecc sia l'originale TravianZ di "Template" poi per il resto faccio rimanere quelli di Shadow spero che non si presentino bug...
I fix non li trovi quasi mai...ascolta sono un programmatore...anche se non posso dedicarmi ad aiutare per concludere la versione...ti posto il fix dei decurioni fatto esclusivamente per te/voi ;)

Cancella tutto il contenuto del file: Units.php
che si trova in: GameEngine/Units.php

Cancellane il contenuto e inserisci questo:

###################################################################################              -= YOU MAY NOT REMOVE OR CHANGE THIS NOTICE =-                 #### --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ####  Project:       TravianZ                        		       	       		   ####  Version:       01.09.2013 						       					   ####  Filename       Units.php	                                               ####  Developed by:  Advocaite , yi12345 , Shadow  	       					   ####  Fixed by:      Shadow - Doubleing Troops , Catapult fix if have artefact.  ####  License:       TravianZ Project                                            ####  Copyright:     TravianZ (c) 2010-2013. All rights reserved.                ####  URLs: 				       			   ####  Source code:	       	   ####                                                                             ###################################################################################
class Units {    public $sending,$recieving,$return = array();
    public function procUnits($post) {        if(isset($post['c'])) {            switch($post['c']) {
                case "1":                if (isset($post['a'])&& $post['a']==533374){                $this->sendTroops($post);                }else{                $post = $this->loadUnits($post);                return $post;                }                break;
                case "2":                if (isset($post['a'])&& $post['a']==533374 && $post['disabledr'] == ""){                $this->sendTroops($post);                }else{                $post = $this->loadUnits($post);                return $post;                }                break;
                case "8":                $this->sendTroopsBack($post);                break;
                case "3":                if (isset($post['a'])&& $post['a']==533374 && $post['disabled'] == ""){                $this->sendTroops($post);                }else{                $post = $this->loadUnits($post);                return $post;                }                break;
                case "4":                if (isset($post['a'])&& $post['a']==533374){                    $this->sendTroops($post);                }else{                $post = $this->loadUnits($post);                return $post;                }
                case "5":                if (isset($post['a'])&& $post['a']== "new"){                    $this->Settlers($post);                }else{                $post = $this->loadUnits($post);                return $post;                }                break;            }        }    }    private function loadUnits($post) {        global $database,$village,$session,$generator,$logging,$form;                // Busqueda por nombre de pueblo                // Confirmamos y buscamos las coordenadas por nombre de pueblo                    if($post['x']!="" && $post['y']!=""){                    $oid = $database->getVilWref($post['x'],$post['y']);                    }else if($post['dname']!=""){                    $oid = $database->getVillageByName(stripslashes($post['dname']));                    }                    if($database->isVillageOases($oid) != 0){                    $too = $database->getOasisField($oid,"conqured");                    if($too['conqured'] == 0){$disabledr ="disabled=disabled"; $disabled ="disabled=disabled";}else{                    $disabledr ="";                    if($session->sit == 0){                    $disabled ="";                    }else{                    $disabled ="disabled=disabled";                    }                    }                    }else{                    $disabledr ="";                    if($session->sit == 0){                    $disabled ="";                    }else{                    $disabled ="disabled=disabled";                    }                    }                if($disabledr != "" && $post['c'] == 2){                $form->addError("error","You can't reinforce this village/oasis");                }                if($disabled != "" && $post['c'] == 3){                $form->addError("error","You can't attack this village/oasis with normal attack");                }                if(    !$post['t1'] && !$post['t2'] &&  !$post['t3'] && !$post['t4'] && !$post['t5'] &&                    !$post['t6'] && !$post['t7'] &&  !$post['t8'] && !$post['t9'] && !$post['t10'] &&  !$post['t11']){                $form->addError("error","You need to mark min. one troop");                }
                if(!$post['dname'] && !$post['x'] && !$post['y']){                $form->addError("error","Insert name or coordinates");                }
                if(isset($post['dname']) && $post['dname'] != "") {                    $id = $database->getVillageByName(stripslashes($post['dname']));                    if (!isset($id)){                    $form->addError("error","Village do not exist");                    }else{                    $coor = $database->getCoor($id);                    }                }
                // Busqueda por coordenadas de pueblo                // Confirmamos y buscamos las coordenadas por coordenadas de pueblo                if(isset($post['x']) && isset($post['y']) && $post['x'] != "" && $post['y'] != "") {                    $coor = array('x'=>$post['x'], 'y'=>$post['y']);                    $id = $generator->getBaseID($coor['x'],$coor['y']);                    if (!$database->getVillageState($id)){                        $form->addError("error","Coordinates do not exist");                                        //check vaction mode- by advocaite		if($database->getvacmodexy($id)){		$form->addError("error","User is on vacation mode");		}   		//END Vaction mode check                    }		if ($session->tribe == 1){$Gtribe = "";}elseif  ($session->tribe == 2){$Gtribe = "1";}elseif ($session->tribe ==  3){$Gtribe = "2";}elseif ($session->tribe == 4){$Gtribe = "3";}elseif  ($session->tribe == 5){$Gtribe = "4";}            		for($i=1; $i<12; $i++)            		{                	if(isset($post['t'.$i]))                                	{                                         if ($i<10) $troophave=$village->unitarray['u'.$Gtribe.$i];                    if ($i==10)$troophave=$village->unitarray['u'.floor(intval($Gtribe)+1)*$i];                    if ($i==11)$troophave=$village->unitarray['hero'];                                                            if (intval($post['t'.$i]) > $troophave)                    {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                break;                            }
                            if(intval($post['t'.$i])<0)                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                break;                            }                                                        if($post['t'.$i]>30000000)                            {                                $form->addError("error","Bug attempt!");                                break;                            }
			    if(preg_match('/[^0-9]/',$post['t'.$i]))              		    {                	        $form->addError("error","Special characters can't entered");                		break;              		    } 
                        }                    }                    if ($post['t11'] > $village->unitarray['hero'])                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                break;                            }
                            if($post['t11']<0)                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                break;                            }                            if($post['t11']>2)                            {                                $form->addError("error","Bug attempt!");                                break;                            }			    if(preg_match('/[^0-9]/',$post['t11']))              		    {                		$form->addError("error","Special characters can't entered");                		break;              		}                 }                if ($database->isVillageOases($id) == 0) {                if($database->hasBeginnerProtection($id)==1) {                    $form->addError("error","Player is under beginners protection. You can't attack him");                }
                //check if banned/admin:                $villageOwner = $database->getVillageField($id,'owner');                $userAccess = $database->getUserField($villageOwner,'access',0);                    if($userAccess == '0' or $userAccess == '8' or $userAccess == '9'){                                $form->addError("error","Player is Banned. You can't attack him");                                //break;                    }
                //check if attacking same village that units are in                    if($id == $village->wid){                                $form->addError("error","You cant attack same village you are sending from.");                                //break;                    }                // Procesamos el array con los errores dados en el formulario                if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {                    $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();                    $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;                    header("Location: a2b.php");                }else{                // Debemos devolver un array con $post, que contiene todos los datos mas                // otra variable que definira que el flag esta levantado y se va a enviar y el tipo de envio                $villageName = $database->getVillageField($id,'name');                $speed= 300;                $timetaken = $generator->procDistanceTime($coor,$village->coor,INCREASE_SPEED,1);                array_push($post, "$id", "$villageName", "$villageOwner","$timetaken");                return $post;
            }                  }else{
                      if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {                    $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();                    $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;                    header("Location: a2b.php");                }else{
                $villageName = $database->getOasisField($oid,"name");                $speed= 300;                $timetaken = $generator->procDistanceTime($coor,$village->coor,INCREASE_SPEED,1);                array_push($post, "$id", "$villageName", "2","$timetaken");                return $post;
            }                  }
    }        public function returnTroops($wref,$mode=0) {        global $database;
        if (!mode) {            $getenforce=$database->getEnforceVillage($wref,0);            foreach($getenforce as $enforce) {                $this->processReturnTroops($enforce);                }        }         //check oasis        $getenforce1=$database->getOasisEnforce($wref,1);        foreach($getenforce1 as $enforce) {            $this->processReturnTroops($enforce);        }        //set oasis to default        if (count($getenforce1)>0) {            $q = "DELETE FROM ".TB_PREFIX."ndata WHERE toWref=".$getenforce1[0]['vref'];            $database->query($q);            $database->populateOasisUnits($getenforce1[0]['vref'],$getenforce1[0]['high']);            $q = "UPDATE ".TB_PREFIX."odata SET conqured=0,wood=800,iron=800,clay=800,maxstore=800,crop=800,maxcrop=800,lastupdated=". time().",lastupdated2=".time().",loyalty=100,owner=2,name='Unoccupied Oasis' WHERE conqured=$wref";            $database->query($q);        }        }
    private function processReturnTroops($enforce) {        global $database, $generator;        $to = $database->getVillage($enforce['from']);        $Gtribe = "";        if ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) ==  '2'){ $Gtribe = "1"; }        else if ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) == '3'){ $Gtribe =  "2"; }        else if ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) ==  '4'){ $Gtribe = "3"; }        else if  ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) == '5'){ $Gtribe =  "4"; }                            $start = ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0)-1)*10+1;        $end = ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0)*10);
        $from = $database->getVillage($enforce['from']);        $fromcoor = $database->getCoor($enforce['from']);        $tocoor = $database->getCoor($enforce['vref']);        $fromCor = array('x'=>$tocoor['x'], 'y'=>$tocoor['y']);        $toCor = array('x'=>$fromcoor['x'], 'y'=>$fromcoor['y']);
        $speeds = array();
        //find slowest unit.        for($i=$start;$i<=$end;$i++){                    if(intval($enforce['u'.$i]) > 0){                if($unitarray) { reset($unitarray); }                $unitarray = $GLOBALS["u".$i];                $speeds[] = $unitarray['speed'];            }else{                $enforce['u'.$i]='0';            }        }        if( intval($enforce['hero']) > 0){            $q = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."hero WHERE uid = ".$from['owner']."";            $result = mysql_query($q);            $hero_f=mysql_fetch_array($result);            $hero_unit=$hero_f['unit'];            $speeds[] = $GLOBALS['u'.$hero_unit]['speed'];        }else{            $enforce['hero']='0';        }                    $artefact = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($from['owner'],2,3,0));        $artefact1 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($enforce['from'],2,1,1));        $artefact2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($from['owner'],2,2,0));        if($artefact > 0){            $fastertroops = 3;        }else if($artefact1 > 0){            $fastertroops = 2;        }else if($artefact2 > 0){            $fastertroops = 1.5;        }else{            $fastertroops = 1;        }        $time = round($generator->procDistanceTime($fromCor,$toCor,min($speeds),$enforce['from'])/$fastertroops);                    $foolartefact2 = $database->getFoolArtefactInfo(2,$enforce['from'],$from['owner']);        if(count($foolartefact2) > 0){            foreach($foolartefact2 as $arte){                if($arte['bad_effect'] == 1){                    $time *= $arte['effect2'];                }else{                    $time /= $arte['effect2'];                    $time = round($time);                }            }        }        $reference =  $database->addAttack($enforce['from'],$enforce['u'.$start],$enforce['u'.($start+1)],$enforce['u'.($start+2)],$enforce['u'.($start+3)],$enforce['u'.($start+4)],$enforce['u'.($start+5)],$enforce['u'.($start+6)],$enforce['u'.($start+7)],$enforce['u'.($start+8)],$enforce['u'.($start+9)],$enforce['hero'],2,0,0,0,0);        $database->addMovement(4,$enforce['vref'],$enforce['from'],$reference,time(),($time+time()));        $database->deleteReinf($enforce['id']);        }        private function sendTroops($post) {        global $form, $database, $village, $generator, $session;
        $data = $database->getA2b($post['timestamp_checksum'], $post['timestamp']);

         $Gtribe = "";        if ($session->tribe == '2'){ $Gtribe = "1"; } else if  ($session->tribe == '3'){ $Gtribe = "2"; }else if ($session->tribe  == '4'){ $Gtribe = "3"; }else if ($session->tribe == '5'){ $Gtribe =  "4"; }                for($i=1; $i<11; $i++){                        if(isset($data['u'.$i])){
                            if ($data['u'.$i] > $village->unitarray['u'.$Gtribe.$i])                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                break;                            }
                            if($data['u'.$i]<0)                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                break;                            }
                        }                    }                    if ($data['u11'] > $village->unitarray['hero'])                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                break;                            }
                            if($data['u11']<0)                            {                                $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                break;                            }                if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {                    $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();                    $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;                    header("Location: a2b.php");                } else {
if($session->access != BANNED){
         if($session->tribe == 1){ $u = ""; }  elseif($session->tribe == 2){ $u = "1"; } elseif($session->tribe  == 3){ $u = "2"; }elseif($session->tribe == 4){ $u = "3"; }else {$u =  "4"; }

            $database->modifyUnit(                $village->wid,                array($u."1",$u."2",$u."3",$u."4",$u."5",$u."6",$u."7",$u."8",$u."9",$u.$session->tribe."0","hero"),                 array($data['u1'],$data['u2'],$data['u3'],$data['u4'],$data['u5'],$data['u6'],$data['u7'],$data['u8'],$data['u9'],$data['u10'],$data['u11']),                array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)            );
    $query1 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . TB_PREFIX . 'vdata` WHERE `wref` = ' . mysql_escape_string($data['to_vid']));    $data1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1);    $query2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . TB_PREFIX . 'users` WHERE `id` = ' . $data1['owner']);    $data2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2);    $query11 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . TB_PREFIX . 'vdata` WHERE `wref` = ' . mysql_escape_string($village->wid));    $data11 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query11);    $query21 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM `' . TB_PREFIX . 'users` WHERE `id` = ' . $data11['owner']);    $data21 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query21);

        $eigen = $database->getCoor($village->wid);        $from = array('x'=>$eigen['x'], 'y'=>$eigen['y']);        $ander = $database->getCoor($data['to_vid']);        $to = array('x'=>$ander['x'], 'y'=>$ander['y']);        $start = ($data21['tribe']-1)*10+1;        $end = ($data21['tribe']*10);
        $speeds = array();        $scout = 1;
        //find slowest unit.        for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++){            if (isset($data['u'.$i])){                if($data['u'.$i] != '' && $data['u'.$i] > 0){                    if($unitarray) { reset($unitarray); }                    $unitarray = $GLOBALS["u".(($session->tribe-1)*10+$i)];                    $speeds[] = $unitarray['speed'];                }            }        }        if (isset($data['u11'])) {            if($data['u11'] != '' && $data['u11'] > 0){                $heroarray = $database->getHero($session->uid);                $herodata = $GLOBALS["u".$heroarray[0]['unit']];                $speeds[] = $herodata['speed'];            }        }            $artefact = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($session->uid,2,3,0));            $artefact1 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($village->wid,2,1,1));            $artefact2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($session->uid,2,2,0));            if($artefact > 0){            $fastertroops = 3;            }else if($artefact1 > 0){            $fastertroops = 2;            }else if($artefact2 > 0){            $fastertroops = 1.5;            }else{            $fastertroops = 1;            }        $time = round($generator->procDistanceTime($from,$to,min($speeds),1)/$fastertroops);        $foolartefact = $database->getFoolArtefactInfo(2,$village->wid,$session->uid);        if(count($foolartefact) > 0){        foreach($foolartefact as $arte){        if($arte['bad_effect'] == 1){        $time *= $arte['effect2'];        }else{        $time /= $arte['effect2'];        $time = round($time);        }        }        }        $to_owner = $database->getVillageField($data['to_vid'],"owner");		// Check if have WW owner have artefact Rivals great confusion or Artefact of the unique fool with that effect		// If is a WW village you can target on WW , if is not a WW village catapults will target randomly.		// Like it says : Exceptions are the WW which can always be targeted and the treasure chamber which can always be targeted, except with the unique artifact.		// Fixed by Advocaite and Shadow        $q = mysql_query("SELECT vref FROM ".TB_PREFIX."fdata WHERE f99t = '40' AND vref = ".$data['to_vid']."");        $isThere = mysql_num_rows($q);        if($isThere > 0)        {        $iswwvilla = 1;        $artefact_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($to_owner,7,3,0));        $artefact1_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($data['to_vid'],7,1,1));        $artefact2_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($to_owner,7,2,0));        $foolartefact2 = $database->getFoolArtefactInfo(7,$data['to_vid'],$to_owner);        $good_artefact = 0;        if(count($foolartefact2) > 0){        foreach($foolartefact2 as $arte){        if($arte['bad_effect'] == 0){        $good_artefact = 1;        }        }        }         }else{        $artefact_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($to_owner,7,3,0));        $artefact1_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($data['to_vid'],7,1,1));        $artefact2_2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($to_owner,7,2,0));        $foolartefact2 = $database->getFoolArtefactInfo(7,$data['to_vid'],$to_owner);        $iswwvilla = 0;        $good_artefact = 0;        if(count($foolartefact2) > 0){        foreach($foolartefact2 as $arte){        if($arte['bad_effect'] == 0){        $good_artefact = 1;        }        }        }          }                if (isset($post['ctar1'])){			if($artefact_2 > 0 or $artefact1_2  > 0 or $artefact2_2 > 0 or $good_artefact == 1){            				if ($post['ctar1'] != 40 or $post['ctar1'] != 27 and $iswwvilla == 1){        $post['ctar1'] = 99;        }else{        $post['ctar1'] = 99;            }        }else{        $post['ctar1'] = $post['ctar1'];        }        }else{         $post['ctar1'] = 0;        }        if (isset($post['ctar2'])){            if($artefact_2 > 0 or $artefact1_2  > 0 or $artefact2_2 > 0 or $good_artefact == 1){                 if ($post['ctar2'] != 40 or $post['ctar2'] != 27 and $iswwvilla == 1){        $post['ctar2'] = 99;        }else{        $post['ctar2'] = 99;        }		}else{		$post['ctar2'] = $post['ctar2'];		}		}else{ 		$post['ctar2'] = 0;}        if (isset($post['spy'])){		$post['spy'] = $post['spy'];		}else{ 		$post['spy'] = 0;		}        $abdata = $database->getABTech($village->wid);        $reference =  $database->addAttack(($village->wid),$data['u1'],$data['u2'],$data['u3'],$data['u4'],$data['u5'],$data['u6'],$data['u7'],$data['u8'],$data['u9'],$data['u10'],$data['u11'],$data['type'],$post['ctar1'],$post['ctar2'],$post['spy'],$abdata['b1'],$abdata['b2'],$abdata['b3'],$abdata['b4'],$abdata['b5'],$abdata['b6'],$abdata['b7'],$abdata['b8']);        $checkexist = $database->checkVilExist($data['to_vid']);        $checkoexist = $database->checkOasisExist($data['to_vid']);        if($checkexist or $checkoexist){        $database->addMovement(3,$village->wid,$data['to_vid'],$reference,time(),($time+time()));        if(($database->hasBeginnerProtection($village->wid)==1)&&($checkexist)){        mysql_query("UPDATE ".TB_PREFIX."users SET protect = 0 WHERE id = $session->uid");		}        }
        if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {            $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();            $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;            header("Location: a2b.php");        }        header("Location: build.php?id=39");
}else{header("Location: banned.php");}    }}
        private function sendTroopsBack($post) {        global $form, $database, $village, $generator, $session, $technology;if($session->access != BANNED){        $enforce=$database->getEnforceArray($post['ckey'],0);        $enforceoasis=$database->getOasisEnforceArray($post['ckey'], 0);        if(($enforce['from']==$village->wid) || ($enforce['vref']==$village->wid) || ($enforceoasis['conqured']==$village->wid)){            $to = $database->getVillage($enforce['from']);            $Gtribe = "";            if ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) ==  '2'){ $Gtribe = "1"; } else if  ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) == '3'){ $Gtribe =  "2"; } else if ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) ==  '4'){ $Gtribe = "3"; }else if  ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0) == '5'){ $Gtribe =  "4"; }
                    for($i=1; $i<10; $i++){                        if(isset($post['t'.$i])){                            if($i!=10){                                if ($post['t'.$i] > $enforce['u'.$Gtribe.$i])                                {                                    $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                    break;                                }
                                if($post['t'.$i]<0)                                {                                    $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                    break;                                }                            }                        } else {                        $post['t'.$i.'']='0';                        }                    }                        if(isset($post['t11'])){                                if ($post['t11'] > $enforce['hero'])                                {                                    $form->addError("error","You can't send more units than you have");                                    break;                                }
                                if($post['t11']<0)                                {                                    $form->addError("error","You can't send negative units.");                                    break;                                }                        } else {                        $post['t11']='0';                        }
                if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {                    $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();                    $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;                    header("Location: a2b.php");                } else {
                    //change units                    $start = ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0)-1)*10+1;                    $end = ($database->getUserField($to['owner'],'tribe',0)*10);
                    $j='1';                    for($i=$start;$i<=$end;$i++){                        $database->modifyEnforce($post['ckey'],$i,$post['t'.$j.''],0); $j++;                    }                        $database->modifyEnforce($post['ckey'],'hero',$post['t11'],0); $j++;                        //get cord                        $from = $database->getVillage($enforce['from']);                        $fromcoor = $database->getCoor($enforce['from']);                        $tocoor = $database->getCoor($enforce['vref']);                        $fromCor = array('x'=>$tocoor['x'], 'y'=>$tocoor['y']);                        $toCor = array('x'=>$fromcoor['x'], 'y'=>$fromcoor['y']);
                $speeds = array();
                //find slowest unit.                for($i=1;$i<=10;$i++){                    if (isset($post['t'.$i])){                        if( $post['t'.$i] != '' && $post['t'.$i] > 0){                        if($unitarray) { reset($unitarray); }                        $unitarray = $GLOBALS["u".(($session->tribe-1)*10+$i)];                        $speeds[] = $unitarray['speed'];                    } else {                        $post['t'.$i.'']='0';                        }                    } else {                        $post['t'.$i.'']='0';                    }                }                    if (isset($post['t11'])){                        if( $post['t11'] != '' && $post['t11'] > 0){                        $qh = "SELECT * FROM ".TB_PREFIX."hero WHERE uid = ".$from['owner']."";                        $resulth = mysql_query($qh);                        $hero_f=mysql_fetch_array($resulth);                        $hero_unit=$hero_f['unit'];                        $speeds[] = $GLOBALS['u'.$hero_unit]['speed'];                    } else {                        $post['t11']='0';                        }                    } else {                        $post['t11']='0';                    }            $artefact = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($session->uid,2,3,0));            $artefact1 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($village->wid,2,1,1));            $artefact2 = count($database->getOwnUniqueArtefactInfo2($session->uid,2,2,0));            if($artefact > 0){            $fastertroops = 3;            }else if($artefact1 > 0){            $fastertroops = 2;            }else if($artefact2 > 0){            $fastertroops = 1.5;            }else{            $fastertroops = 1;            }                $time = round($generator->procDistanceTime($fromCor,$toCor,min($speeds),1)/$fastertroops);                $foolartefact2 = $database->getFoolArtefactInfo(2,$village->wid,$session->uid);                if(count($foolartefact2) > 0){                foreach($foolartefact2 as $arte){                if($arte['bad_effect'] == 1){                $time *= $arte['effect2'];                }else{                $time /= $arte['effect2'];                $time = round($time);                }                }                }                $reference =  $database->addAttack($enforce['from'],$post['t1'],$post['t2'],$post['t3'],$post['t4'],$post['t5'],$post['t6'],$post['t7'],$post['t8'],$post['t9'],$post['t10'],$post['t11'],2,0,0,0,0);                $database->addMovement(4,$village->wid,$enforce['from'],$reference,time(),($time+time()));                $technology->checkReinf($post['ckey']);
                        header("Location: build.php?id=39");
                }        } else {            $form->addError("error","You cant change someones troops.");                if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {                    $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();                    $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;                    header("Location: a2b.php");                }        }}else{header("Location: banned.php");}    }        public function Settlers($post) {        global $form, $database, $village, $session;        if($session->access != BANNED){    $mode = CP;    $total = count($database->getProfileVillages($session->uid));    $need_cps = ${'cp'.$mode}[$total+1];    $cps = $session->cp;    $rallypoint = $database->getResourceLevel($village->wid);    if($rallypoint['f39'] > 0){    if($cps >= $need_cps) {     $unit = ($session->tribe*10);          $database->modifyResource($village->wid,750,750,750,750,0);          $database->modifyUnit($village->wid,array($unit),array(3),array(0));          $database->addMovement(5,$village->wid,$post['s'],0,time(),time()+$post['timestamp']);          header("Location: build.php?id=39");
          if($form->returnErrors() > 0) {              $_SESSION['errorarray'] = $form->getErrors();              $_SESSION['valuearray'] = $_POST;              header("Location: a2b.php");          }    } else {      header("Location: build.php?id=39");    }    }else{      header("Location: dorf1.php");    }    }else{        header("Location: banned.php");    }    }
    public function Hero($uid) {        global $database;        $heroarray = $database->getHero($uid);        $herodata = $GLOBALS["h".$heroarray[0]['unit']];
        $h_atk = $herodata['atk'] + 5 * floor($heroarray[0]['attack'] * $herodata['atkp'] / 5);        $h_di = $herodata['di'] + 5 * floor($heroarray[0]['defence'] * $herodata['dip'] / 5);        $h_dc = $herodata['dc'] + 5 * floor($heroarray[0]['defence'] * $herodata['dcp'] / 5);        $h_ob = 1 + 0.002 * $heroarray[0]['attackbonus'];        $h_db = 1 + 0.002 * $heroarray[0]['defencebonus'];
        return  array('heroid'=>$heroarray[0]['heroid'],'unit'=>$heroarray[0]['unit'],'atk'=>$h_atk,'di'=>$h_di,'dc'=>$h_dc,'ob'=>$h_ob,'db'=>$h_db,'health'=>$heroarray[0]['health']);    }};
$units = new Units;


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