Discussione Linken Sphere - browser antidetect di nuova generazione


Utente Bronze
27 Luglio 2018
Ultima modifica:
Gli amici sono noti per eseguire molte attività che richiedono un passaggio rapido tra un gran numero di account (compresi i social network), e allo stesso tempo è estremamente importante allontanarsi dalle impronte digitali e da altri meccanismi di tracciamento.

Il browser Linken Sphere, di cui parleremo, è una di queste soluzioni.l

Il modo standard per fornirti molte "personalità" è accumulare più macchine virtuali e apportare le modifiche necessarie in esse. Di solito devi farlo manualmente, che è piuttosto stancante. Il browser multi-threading Linken Sphere fa tutto questo non necessario e ti permette di essere in posti diversi allo stesso tempo, e inoltre annulla tutti i tentativi di sistemi anti-fraud di catturarti e ti permette di passare liberamente da un account all'altro.

In che modo questa soluzione differisce da altri strumenti simili? Linken Sphere è basato su Chromium e sviluppato da un gruppo di nostri esperti nel campo della sicurezza delle informazioni. Il lavoro viene eseguito direttamente con il codice sorgente del motore, che consente di eliminare completamente lo spyware. Google - gli sviluppatori di prodotti "pezzo" di solito non lo fanno. Non integriamo semplicemente le estensioni nel browser finito, ma cambiamo il suo codice sorgente. Tra le altre cose, offre ulteriore flessibilità e accesso a qualsiasi funzione.


Principali vantaggi:

• Il browser funziona in modalità OTR, che lo rende il più sicuro. Non ci sono tracce di azioni sul tuo computer che non ti consentono nemmeno di accedere accidentalmente a programmi dannosi sul tuo computer per accedere alle informazioni.
• Il browser è privo di qualsiasi connessione nascosta ai servizi di Google, che non può essere raggiunta senza modificare il suo codice sorgente.
• Il browser crittografa tutte le informazioni memorizzate utilizzando lo standard di crittografia AES-256. Tutti i dati inviati al server per la memorizzazione sono solo frammenti hash crittografati che possono essere letti solo nel tuo account.
• Il browser dalla scatola è dotato di tutto il necessario per lavorare con le connessioni di rete: HTTP, Socks, SSH, TOR, TOR + SSH, Dynamic Socks.
• Il browser consente di lavorare contemporaneamente con diversi tipi di connessioni in modalità multi-thread.
• Il browser contiene l'anti-rilevamento professionale incorporato, che viene aggiornato regolarmente e consente di utilizzare tutti i tipi di configurazioni utente, risoluzioni dello schermo, lingua, ora, posizione geografica e immagini di un dispositivo reale, modificandole al volo.
• Il browser memorizza le impronte digitali e i cookie per ogni sessione, che consente di lavorare da una posizione con centinaia di "personalità" senza passare continuamente da una macchina virtuale all'altra.
• Il browser contiene un database GeoIP2 MaxMind creato localmente, che consente di configurare l'ora e il luogo della sessione in pochi clic.
• Il browser ha sessioni sincronizzate, cioè le sessioni vengono trasferite facilmente tra i membri del team.

Il browser contiene strumenti intelligenti integrati che consentono di "scaldare" i siti in modalità automatica ("Progressor").

Come sai, quando coltivi, devi ottenere i cookie prima di lavorare con il tuo account per ridurre la probabilità che un utente falso venga identificato come un robot. Il browser consente di automatizzare il processo di transizione tra i siti per raccogliere tali dati, e lo fa sullo sfondo del multithreading. Puoi configurare in modo indipendente il necessario per visitare le pagine, la profondità di visualizzazione e il tempo di permanenza sul sito. Inoltre, è possibile impostare il timer in modo che questo meccanismo sia stato progettato
esattamente nel momento in cui è necessario.


Cosa posso personalizzare? Sì, quasi tutto ciò che può essere necessario, e anche di più. Il sito Web del browser ha una grande documentazione aperta per il prodotto, che descrive tutte le caratteristiche e le impostazioni. In breve, per ogni singola sessione, è possibile configurare o configurare in modo univoco i seguenti parametri a cui l'oggetto anti-frode guarda:

• Canvas. Questo è un elemento HTML5 per la visualizzazione di grafici, che è ampiamente utilizzato per identificare gli utenti in base alle caratteristiche del loro sistema video.
• Caratteri. Un altro canale per determinare l'utente sono i caratteri installati nel sistema.
• Plugin. I plug-in installati nel browser fungono anche da componente della stampa generale, poiché questo parametro è molto individuale.
• Audiofingerprint. Una tecnologia relativamente nuova che consente di identificare un computer sul suo sistema audio: sullo sfondo viene riprodotto un piccolo file audio e la forma d'onda viene rimossa.
• WebGL. Si tratta di un'implementazione di OpenGL basata su browser, progettata per funzionare con la grafica tridimensionale nel browser. Anche i sistemi antifrode lo usano con successo per assegnare le impronte digitali.
• Geolocalizzazione. Determina la posizione dell'utente. Questo parametro può essere utilizzato per eseguire operazioni sensibili: l'antifurto potrebbe voler assicurarsi che l'indirizzo fisico corrisponda all'indirizzo effettivo determinato dall'IP.
• ClientRects. Un metodo di identificazione basato sull'ottenimento di hash durante il ridimensionamento di un'immagine.
• Ubercookies. Un'altra impronta è un hash di ClientRects e Audiofingerprint e consente di identificare il dispositivo con un alto grado di probabilità.
• WebRTC (inclusi i dispositivi hash). La tecnologia utilizzata per collegare il computer direttamente ai server multimediali e consente di ottenere un vero indirizzo IP bypassando i mezzi di anonimizzazione dell'indirizzo di rete (inclusi proxy e VPN). Anche i microfoni e le telecamere installate sul computer hanno i loro identificatori che devono essere modificati.
• CSS (risoluzione). Un modo per determinare l'effettiva risoluzione della finestra utilizzando la tecnologia CSS.
• Touch Emulation (consente di emulare il touchscreen senza visualizzare il mouse). Anche se si crea un campo User Agent per consentire al browser di essere definito come un dispositivo mobile, il sistema antifrode può ancora identificarlo per altri motivi. In particolare, è molto importante assicurarsi che il cursore del mouse non sia visualizzato.
• JS Navigator (incluso ora, lingua e risoluzione). Queste sono tutte le impostazioni di base del browser, che vengono trasmesse insieme alle informazioni di base sul programma utilizzato.
• Intestazioni HTTP. Le intestazioni del browser sono uno dei parametri principali con cui si verifica la "conoscenza" iniziale del sito con il browser. E, naturalmente, sono inclusi nel set di stampe.
• DNS (la possibilità di utilizzare il proprio DNS per ogni sessione). Viene utilizzato per ottenere l'indirizzo di rete del computer dal nome host e in alcuni casi richiede indirizzi speciali.
• IP locale. In genere, un indirizzo locale è un valore univoco, anche se in un intervallo ristretto. È importante poter modificare questo valore quando si lavora con un numero elevato di account.

Lavorare con le sessioni

Le sessioni possono essere chiamate con il loro nome, possono essere assegnate a un colore per una migliore navigazione, copia, spostamento, pulizia - in generale, fai tutto il necessario per lavorare con loro non solo su un computer, ma anche su tutte le macchine che hai è necessario. Linken Sphere non si lega al dispositivo in alcun modo e qualsiasi tipo di programma di installazione è disponibile per il download. Quindi, puoi tranquillamente avere il browser su diverse macchine con diversi sistemi operativi, lavorando a turno con un login e una password. Inoltre, grazie al cloud, non è nemmeno necessario trasportare fisicamente nulla: basta avviare il browser su qualsiasi computer con login e password per accedere a tutti i profili utilizzati.

Le impostazioni di base del browser sono configurate manualmente (per coloro che hanno esperienza e tempo) o quando selezionano copie incorporate o acquistate di dispositivi reali. Il browser contiene circa 50.000 esempi gratuiti incorporati, ma per alcune attività l'opzione migliore è acquistare impressioni nel negozio. È disponibile per le licenze da sei mesi (PRO e PREMIUM). La procedura di acquisto è semplice, oltre a filtri per browser e sistema operativo. Il software acquistato viene scaricato automaticamente direttamente nel browser.


Come già accennato, ogni sessione può avere il proprio output sulla rete. Il browser supporta diverse modalità operative comuni:

• No proxy: utilizzo del canale Internet principale;
• Tor: utilizzare la rete Tor per connettersi;
• SSH - implica l'uso di tunnel SSH;
• Tor + SSH - una combinazione di "Tor + tunnel";
• proxy HTTP-HTTPS;
• Dynamic Socks - proxy dinamico;
• Socks: il proxy Socks5.


Inoltre nel browser c'è una perdita artificiale WebRTC, che ti permette di mantenerla in funzione, ma non di far brillare un vero IP. Inoltre, è possibile eseguire il proxy della connessione al browser utilizzando il familiare Proxifier + Bitvise / Plink.

Un'altra caratteristica interessante è l'emulazione del touch screen e del giroscopio (aiuta a simulare i dispositivi mobili), l'emulazione di input manuale durante la copia di testo e la "brodilka" automatica, che può visitare i siti necessari in background. A proposito, varia notevolmente da una versione all'altra e gradualmente è diventato uno strumento molto utile.

Quindi, ripristinato il saldo, pagato la tariffa - scaricato il programma. Le opzioni sono disponibili per Windows, Mac e Linux. C'è anche una versione portatile. Dopo aver installato il programma è necessario inserire il login e la password specificati durante la registrazione sul sito. Ora è tutto pronto, via!

Per impostazione predefinita, durante l'avvio e l'autorizzazione, il programma utilizza la rete Tor per accedere al server, in modo che l'indirizzo IP reale dell'utente non venga visualizzato. Se necessario, è possibile disabilitare questa funzione, quindi connettersi al server per verificare che la licenza verrà installata utilizzando la propria connessione.

Dopo aver avviato il programma, vedrai un normale browser con la barra degli indirizzi. Si differenzia da Linken Sphere con un solo pulsante importante: inizierà il lavoro successivo: "Setup session provider". Dopo aver fatto clic su di esso, andiamo al menu di configurazione "session".

Infatti, la sessione è un browser nel browser - con le sue impostazioni di sistema, intestazioni, stampe e cookie. Cioè, in un programma è possibile memorizzare un numero enorme di account, ognuno dei quali entrerà nella rete con dati diversi. Grazie al supporto multithreading, è possibile lavorare con molti account di questo tipo contemporaneamente, il che è incredibilmente conveniente.


Linken Sphere è un'interessante soluzione all-in-one che può davvero semplificare molte attività di routine. Naturalmente, il browser in sé non può essere una panacea per eventuali problemi nel lavoro, ma in mani esperte sarà molto utile. Comunichiamo apertamente con il nostro pubblico e, se necessario, possiamo aiutare con il consiglio. Il programma si sta sviluppando rapidamente e puoi ricevere molti feedback positivi sui forum, inclusi quelli stranieri.

Riassumendo quanto sopra, possiamo tranquillamente raccomandare il browser a coloro che apprezzano il loro tempo e sono disposti a pagare per migliorare la loro efficienza lavorativa. Se sei interessato al nostro sviluppo, ma ti piacerebbe imparare qualcos'altro, leggi la documentazione https://ls.tenebris.cc/documentation/introduction o fai la tua domanda nel gruppo Telegram @spherechateng.

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]
Skype: linken sphere

Codice promozionale per lo sconto del 5% - LS_F764C79R1M8V (alla registrazione).
Ultima modifica:

Greetings, friends!

We recommend getting an update to all users using the free version of the browser The Sphere to version 1.1


Short Changer:

- updated TOR to version
- Fixed bug with mass deleting cookies
- Added changes to cookies in connection with amendments to euro legislation
- Added hotkeys in the tools menu
- installed its own fake detector as anonymity checker by default

To obtain the updated version, you must download it from the official website: https://sphere.tenebris.cc/

We recommend that you join the telegram of the users of The Sphere to receive prompt replies from the developer: @thesphereeng

We wish you safe and anonymous surfing!
Messaggio unito automaticamente:


Friends, we want to bring to your attention an updated version of the free browser for anonymity - The Sphere v1.2!


We listen attentively to the wishes expressed in chats and themes devoted to our developments with the goal of creating products that best meet the high expectations of the people using them. Our team is grateful to all users for feedback and ideas on further improving your favorite work tools!

In this version, a number of bugs have been fixed, and several improvements have been made to improve the quality of the program's use - a short list of fixes is available in the changelog.


Previously, the only available interface language was English. We have done a great job - now meet The Sphere in the five most popular world languages: English, German, Chinese, Spanish and Russian!

Surf anonymously, safely and comfortably, being in their native language environment!

Short Changer:

- Added: Warning when deleting bookmarks
- Added: Ability to disable uploading images for a particular person
- Added: Readable display of headers with a large number of tabs
- Added: Multilanguage support
- Fixed: Problem with cleaning Clear session session cookies
- Fixed: Current minor bugs

To obtain the updated version, you must download it from the official website: https://sphere.tenebris.cc/

We recommend that you join the telegram of the users of The Sphere to receive prompt replies from the developer: @thesphereeng

We wish you pleasant use!
Messaggio unito automaticamente:


Greetings, friends!

We recommend getting an update to all users who use the free version of The Sphere browser to version 1.3


Short Changer:

- Fixed bug with inability to save the parameter Use dynamic fingerprint
- Added option Use GPU OpenGL (allows you to use the real resources of the video card to increase performance and speed, it also helps with problems with built-in graphics cards Intel)
- Added import and export of bookmarks
- Added option "Temporary session". When this option is activated, the cookies and localStorage are not saved, and the session is terminated when the browser exits.

To obtain the updated version, you must download it from the official website: https://sphere.tenebris.cc/

We recommend that you join the telegram of the users of The Sphere to receive prompt replies from the developer: @thesphereeng

We remind: The Sphere - for anonymity, Linken Sphere - for work

Promo code for 5% discount Linken Sphere - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)
Greetings, friends!

We bring to your attention the world's first public fake detector of the new generation, incorporating all the best and most advanced technologies for checking the quality of the substitution of the person on the Web.

We are sure that now you will forget about the need to use a lot of different checkers, services and sites to check the necessary parameters of substitutions and will be able to get the best quality and useful information in only one place.


What is the difference from existing solutions?

All the usual checkers for checking anonymity (such as whoer.net / browseleaks.com / whatleaks.com, etc.) are able to see only primitive mismatches in the headers and browser settings. The visibility of a qualitative browser setting when checking on these resources is sufficient for normal anonymization, but it is not an indicator of a quality substitution for Antifraud systems using many of their own algorithms.

In addition, many known anonymity checkers have direct relevance directly to companies that develop AF systems, which makes it possible to compromise the addresses and configurations from which such resources were visited.

If your work is related to the need to substitute browser settings and fingerprints, then it is the likelihood that Antifraud will notice the site or service these changes and is fundamental to success.

Fake Vision - the world's first public fake detector, built using the technologies of the most common Antifraud systems.

Thanks to the use of a lot of advanced technologies and tests used in the modern AF systems studied by us, the detector will informively show the probability of fake of your browser or IP and will indicate the weaknesses. This will help to fix the problem as quickly as possible and significantly improve the results of your work.


Using Fake Vision, you no longer have to visit many resources to perform separate checks - the fake detector combined a huge amount of verifiable information related to both browser settings and connection parameters.

How it works?

By accessing Fake Vision, you can independently select the necessary checks associated with the connection based on the need (some tests require additional time - an approximate expectation is written next to a specific test). For the most accurate picture of the fake, we recommend performing the maximum possible list of checks.

After launching the test, Fake Vision performs browser validation and connection tests using specific algorithms and technologies aimed at detecting spoofing.

In addition to special tests, the following basic parameters are checked:

General: ip4 / WebRTC addresses, Timezone, Zip, Geolocation, Useragentstyle

Browser: Scripts, Audio, Screen, Canvas, Navigator, Plugins, Fonts, WebGl, Timezone, clientRects, Modernizr, Java, Ubercookie, Hashes

Connection: Open ports, Nmap, DNS, Double ping, Black List, Proxy headers, Timezone, etc.


Based on the results of the tests conducted, you will get visual information in the form of percentages of the likelihood that the browser or connection to the Network has been subjected to interferences from the user. In addition, the fake detector will point to the main problem points in red so that you can eliminate the shortcomings in your configuration as quickly and comfortably as possible.

Fake Vision is free for use by a public project, which from now on also becomes a default fake detector in the browsers The Sphere and Linken Sphere. Our team strongly recommends its use for daily work in order to increase the comfort and quality of your work.

At the moment the project has the status of "Beta", and there may be minor problems that will be promptly corrected and updated. We are grateful to all users for help in improving the project.

Official address of the detector: http://f.vision

If you have questions or wishes, you can use the following contacts for communication:

Telegram: @Gor510, @fakevisioneng (Telegram-group)
Jabber: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Ultima modifica:
Today we want to bring to your attention our new development, which, we hope, will significantly change the capabilities of each user who worries about their safety. As you may know, the modern Internet is a completely transparent structure in which all your actions and steps can be investigated and used against you.


Anonymously. Safely. Absolutely free.

Our mission is to allow all wishing people to get anonymous, safe and comfortable surfing on the network - this product is completely free.

What is Sphere?

This is a completely free solution provided to run in Portable format. The program is completely devoid of third-party connections to developer's servers, it can be started using encrypted disks or virtual machines.

How it works?

Sphere is a browser written with the help of Chromium sources with completely disabled tracking tools, which allows you to completely change the identity on the Internet in one click, getting protection from removing the most important and significant prints.

In addition, the browser uses a multi-thread proxy, which allows to work with different types of connections simultaneously (TOR, Socks, SSH, Tor + SSH). This indicates that you can use any of the required types of connections to ensure maximum anonymity.

What are personalities?

The new identity is an anonymous and unique configuration of the user on the Internet that cannot be associated with any other Web user. In order to achieve full anonymity, the browser generates and modifies the following parameters in a random way:

- Applies the title of a popular and up-to-date browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE)
- Replaces popular prints: Canvas, Fonts, Audiofingerprint, ClientRects, Plugins
- Disables the ability to identify using WebGL
- Closes the leakage of real IP via WebRTC
- Disallows the definition of Geolocation

What is it for?

Thanks to Sphere, you no longer need to perform a huge amount of actions related to setting up the system to ensure your own security on the network - just download a free program and get started.

We dream of a free Internet, in which everyone has the right to vote without fear for their own safety. We make every effort to ensure that you get a comfortable, safe and understandable browser for daily use.

We invite you to try the new program: https://sphere.tenebris.cc/

All questions and wishes for developers you can ask in this topic, which is the main topic for discussion of the program, or in telegram chat: https://t.me/thesphereeng

Sphere Browser Review:

If you wish, you can always purchase a paid version of Linken Sphere. You just need to register https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_F764C79R1M8V with the promo code: LS_F764C79R1M8V, followed by a 5% discount on the subscription.

We remind you that in case of questions or requests we are always glad to hear from you on the following contacts:

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]
Ultima modifica:
Greetings, friends!

We want to bring to your attention the update Linken Sphere v7.8 Infinia. In this update, based on requests and user requests, we performed a number of important improvements, which allowed us to improve the usability, stability and quality of the browser. We hope that the work done will be to your liking and make interaction with the program more convenient, and work - productive.

When working with weak computers or remote servers, users could run into the lack of resources to use the built-in graphics engine SphereGL (its own customizable WebGL counterpart), which made it impossible to work with a large number of tabs and could lead to the termination of the browser. To work with many sites, there is still an older version of WebGL without the ability to directly draw the image, while the old engine type significantly reduces the resources spent, which allows you to work with a large number of tabs regardless of the performance of the computer.

Now you can choose which type of WebGL fingerprinting you want to use - with image rendering and closest proximity to the real user, or a simpler and older version without rendering, but with better performance:


Browsers are updated. If you work with the account for a long time using a certain configuration, its UserAgent can become irrelevant and there is a demand for updating from the service to a more recent version of the browser that is typical of an ordinary user. Previously, when changing the agent in the configuration settings, there were a number of related changes that did not allow you to make changes to the line with the retention of other attributes.

Now you can change the value of UserAgent as necessary, without affecting other configuration parameters. In this way, you can update the version of the browser title as necessary, without causing suspicion:


A large number of users who regularly work on the Web to speed up the work of using hotkeys. We've heard quite a few requests to implement and organize hotkeys into the browser. Despite the apparent simplicity of this solution, the features of the engine and the development process made this task sufficiently resource-intensive for the developer. Nevertheless, we have made the necessary efforts to ensure that the process of working with most of the basic functions is faster and more enjoyable.

Now you have a number of hot keys duplicated in the shortcut menu:


For users who work with a large number of accounts and saved sessions, it is important to quickly return to work after the next browser opening. Opening a large number of sessions in turn significantly slowed the continuation of the work after the opening of the program and was quite inconvenient. We reviewed the need for more comfortable interaction with the session manager to improve usability.

Now you can open the required sessions in bulk, marking with the junks in Session manager -> open selected (open in turn, similar to open closed tabs after restart):


The emergence of the left optional menu for quick access to active sessions in an isolated working environment for each of their tabs was undoubtedly enjoyed by most users. But we perfectly understand that we, as developers, always have something to strive for to further improve the quality of the product, so we, as promised, continue to refine the menu in order to make working with it even more comfortable.

Now you can organize the sessions that are there by the simple and comfortable method of drug'n'drop - just pull the necessary session wherever you would like it to be:


Also, a new interesting detective was traversed, based on creating a hidden window with the clientWidth / Height matching with innerWidth / Height. This type of definition of browser spoofing already occurs on a number of sites that specialize in the sale of digital goods and is likely to be further distributed in security systems.

This update should be installed by downloading the installer for your OS from our site.

We recommend reading the information on the site, the sections Documentation and FAQ, and also added to the telegram groups @spherechateng, spherechatflood and subscribe to the news channel @devtenebriseng.

And, as usual, you can get a one-week test for $30 US when registering here https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 with a promo code LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6, followed by a 5% discount for a subsequent subscription.

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]
Friends, we strongly recommend getting an update to the version 7.81!


In this version there are a number of changes related to the correct operation of cookies, which was required due to international innovations in the approach to the privacy policy on the Web and related changes in the technical implementation of their records.

Changes made in this version will significantly improve the stability of the browser with purchased and downloaded cookies when working with a variety of resources.

Attention! In this version on the Mac is not laid out the installer, but the file to run. If there is an installed version - do not delete, but replace the file in the folder with the program. Those who put the first time - you can just run the file you get from the archive.

In case of questions or wishes, we are always glad to hear from you on the following contacts:

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Friends, we would like to please you with the long-awaited release, and not one, but two at once. We have long emphasized the importance of choosing the optimal working environment for each user, but due to huge changes in quality and capabilities between the 6th and 7th line, the output of these updates was constantly delayed, which led users to use outdated versions.

We are always very attentive to your requests and wishes, therefore we have done a great job for all people who prefer an alternative to Windows and MacOS.

Meet - The Sphere 1.1 and Linken Sphere 7.81 (beta) for Linux!


We have done our best to preserve the enormous capabilities of the programs and to achieve their high-quality work on the following systems:

- Ubuntu
- Linux Mint
- Kali Linux
- Gentoo (Calculate Linux)
- Fedora
- Debian
- OpenSUSE
- Slackware
- Mageia
- PCLinux
- Kubuntu


Sincerely we thank all users who took part in the early testing of published versions! Despite stability and positive results in real work, we save Beta status of Linken Sphere for Linux with the goal of 100% making sure of the same quality work of all available functions of the program, as is the case with other systems.

In case of problems, questions or requests, we are always glad to hear from you on the indicated contacts:

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]

We wish you pleasant, successful and high-quality work!

Today we would like to present an updated version of the innovative fake detector: Fake Vision v1.1 (beta)!

By your numerous requests, we revised the functionality of the start page, which now allows you to get the basic parameters of the browser and IP without going to advanced tests - from now on, in order to see the parameters of ip, useragent, system, time, position, language and system hashes it's enough to just load the detector.


Many users noted a long wait time at the start of extended tests. This expectation is technically due to the large number of
network connection checks that we conduct in order to maximally objectively
assess the possibility of a fake-port scanning, DNS, Nmap and blacklist
scanning. Nevertheless, we recognized the need to speed up this process and
made important changes in order to maximize the optimization of the loading of
the extended testing page. In addition, the algorithm for loading the page has
been changed.

If it was necessary to wait for the testing to take
place, watching the black screen with the loader, now the download is
instantaneous after pressing the advanced testing button - network processes
occur in the background, which the user is notified by the corresponding loader
in the "IP" field. This will allow you to learn the basic information
associated with the configuration of the browser and the connection during the
execution of tests that require additional time.


In addition to the changes we've made, we have worked on fixing the problems associated with the layout and significantly accelerated
the speed of page loading due to optimization and the abandonment of the
animated background. Also, based on the most relevant studies of known AF
systems, the mechanisms for determining possible fake browsers were corrected
and improved.

Short Changer:

- Added: the functionality of rapid display of basic
information - basic characteristics without any screening tests. This test is
placed on the main screen and after it is possible to pass extended testing
- Added: asynchronous work of long and complex tests,
the tabs that are still being tested are marked with loaders and after the work
is finished update the overall result for IP
- Added: HSTS print (For verification use the HTTP
- Added: information parameter - ISP (provider)
- Added: a powerful salt detection test in canvas
(fake canvas)
- Added: adapted layout for mobile devices
- Added: new tests for the substitution of WebRTC
- Added: new tests for the substitution WebGL
- Fixed: bugs when determining OS and user agent for
mobile devices - (iOS and Android)
- Fixed: errors in layout
- Fixed: errors in the operation of the WebRTC
detectors, including substitutions from various antidetects
- Fixed: bugs in the operation of WebGL detectors,
including spoofing from various antidetects
- Fixed: errors when working with IE
- Fixed: errors when working with tests for
determining cancellation Canvas
- Fixed: language and OS comparison errors for passive
TCP-scan of IP address
- Fixed: errors of animation counters on some mobile
- Updated: the work of determining the falseness of
the browser has been improved, some new features have been taken into account
- Updated: definition of timezone
- Updated: checking of the visible area (viewport) and
the screen is strengthened
- Updated: language check improved
- Updated: user agent, which corrects incorrect
detection of new browsers
- Updated: speed of loading of pages is accelerated

Fake Vision is the most anonymous and safe fake detector that does not transfer your data to third parties, which unlike most analogs allows you to remain invisible to AF systems after visiting it.

We remind you that the service is public and completely free.

Official address of the detector: http://f.vision

We continue to work to further improve the product and wish you productive use.

If you have any questions, suggestions or suggestions, we are always glad to hear each of the users on the specified contacts:

Telegram: @Gor510, @fakevision (Telegram-group)
Jabber: [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Ultima modifica:
We are often asked: what is the difference between private configurations and pre-installed configurations?

For starters, the configuration includes a useragent, WebGL settings, JS Navigator, HTTP headers, Fonts, Plugins, Audio, etc.

The pre-installed configurations are about 60,000 and they are available to all Linken Sphere users, there are 100,000 of them in the shop and sold in one hand in PRO and Premium tariffs.


Users using licenses of PRO and Premium types have access to the ready-made configshop. The configuration is a snapshot of a real person's device with a full list of the data needed for emulation and is sold only in one hand, which greatly enhances the convenience and quality of setting up new sessions. In most cases, after you download the config, you do not need to make any changes to the configuration. Also, the configs in the store are updated more often, they are better sorted and you can specify a more accurate configuration with the help of filters when buying. Plus there are free useragents.

Attention! You can go into the configshop through only the Linken Sphere browser!

UA can be changed if desired, in the sphere, the possibility of UA change in configs is added, i.e. if earlier, when changing UA, all the prints were discarded, now you can change UA without resetting them. To do this, uncheck Regenerate configure after useragent change.


Weekly test access is $30 US. To receive it, you need to register here https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 with a promo code LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6, followed by a 5% discount on the subscription. Payment and downloading software - all automatically in your account on the main website.

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]
Solving possible errors when launching a free browser for anonymity The Sphere (portable, no registration required) - https://sphere.tenebris.cc


If an error occurs with the launch of Sphere (for example, the lack of VCRUNTIME140.dll) try using the tools/vcredistx64.exe installer in the program folder


If it says "Testing Tor Connection, please wait" and does not go any further, then check [V] Edit -> Preferences -> Use GPU OpenGL and restart the browser

Friends, today we are glad to welcome you with wonderful news!

The ability to bypass the most complex checks of anti-fraud systems is a key necessity for products that are aimed at working with multi-account, anonymity and protection. AF-systems do not stand still, constantly improving all possible ways of revealing substitutions - from quite banal, but from no less effective, to really complex and interesting. We are committed to ensuring that Linken Sphere proudly bears the title of the most high-quality, convenient, friendly and functional antidetect in the world. Most of the latest updates have been globally aimed at improving the user experience, and only minor edits have concerned the most important part of your favorite browser.

At the time of the creation of the product, which took already a year and a half (oh, how time flies ..), we put the most advanced at that time ideas and knowledge in the implementation of the highest quality substitution. We studied competitors and AF-systems under a microscope, spent sleepless nights testing and fine-tuning all the necessary and most important mechanisms. The accumulated ideas turned out to be so much that we simply could not put them into the very first release, continuing to create updates with a frequency that any developer could even envy much less complicated software.

But the world does not stand still, and all the best must go with the times. A constant analysis of the progress of anti-fraud led us to the conclusion that the old developments are losing their relevance, and their refinement will no longer yield the necessary effect. As a result, for several months we worked hard to create a tool for circumventing the anti-fraud of a completely new level, and now we are at the finish line. The newest anti-fraud bypass system is built taking into account all the requirements for successful work with grand AF-systems, including Google, Facebook, PayPal, Amazon and Ebay.

We did not just finish the built-in Anti-Detect - we created it from scratch, taking into account all our experience, working on bugs and research experience. Meet - Linken Sphere 7.9 beta!


In this release, you will not see the usual change log - it is truly huge and worthy to decorate with version 7.9, which we can confidently call stable.

Now we offer everyone to try out the latest beta-version of the program, available under Windows and MacOS. This beta can contain certain bugs and problems (not related to the network) that will be quickly corrected, but we are sure that the result of using it will meet the most bold expectations.

To download the latest beta-version of the program you can click on the link: https://dropmefiles.com/7kPqt (In the archive version under Windows and MacOS, you can download separately)

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)

Friends, we are grateful to you for using the beta version 7.9 and quality feedback! Thanks to you, we have found and quickly resolved serious problems in its functionality. In particular, problems associated with black screens, crashes and the inability to select fields, plus some important errors in antidetect (WebGL, clientRects, Resolution) were fixed.

We invite all beta testers and just those who want to be the first to try out the most progressive developments to download the updated release - 7.91 beta. We hope you like it!


Link to download the updated program: https://dropmefiles.com/Fbkr1 (Installers for Windows and MacOS, can be downloaded separately)

We are ready to thank users for each bug found in the updated version. In addition, all users participating in testing will receive +7 days of bonus work.

In case of detection of problems or if you have any wishes, please contact us at the indicated contacts:

Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)
Be careful scammers!

Antidetect Linken Sphere browser has existed since July 2017 and has already become popular on the web. What began to use the unclean persons.

Here are a few rules to not fall for their tricks:

Purchase of a browser is possible only on the official website https://ls.tenebris.cc/. Billing and uploading software - everything is automatically in your account (payment in bitcoin, other payment methods are discussed individually with the developer)

The only true developer contacts:

Jabber: [email protected]
Telegram: @devtnbrs, @spherechateng, @spherechat (Telegram-groups)
E-mail: [email protected]

Pay attention to the scammer in telegram:

Developer’s telegram:


Scammer’s telegram:


You may notice that it does not have a uid, and @devtnbrs is written in the description. If you are not sure: if the developer is having a dialogue, go to the messages with the developer through uid in the description of this chat @spherechat:


I hope this post will be useful to you. In case of questions you can write to these contacts:

Addsite: linken-sphere.info
Telegram: @Gor510
E-mail: [email protected]
Jabber: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)
Greetings, good news, friends!


As you know, high-quality and clean socks are a matter of prime necessity for all people whose main activity is working on the Web - traffic arbitration is no exception. From your feedback, we are well aware that you are working with a huge number of solutions - from fairly public to private and expensive. You praise some of these options, doubt others, but you never stop looking for something new and better.

However, the threshold for entering some services is high enough for experiments - for example, Luminati. This is a wonderful service with a huge constantly updated database of socks, which is quite famous and popular among our users. But we are sure that due to the threshold of entering $500, not everyone has experience with these connections, so we have talked seriously with some people from this company in order to make our users a wonderful offer:


Details here: https://goo.gl/RQx7e2

We wish you a productive and high-quality work.

AddSite: linken-sphere.info
Contact JID: [email protected]
Telegram: @Gor510 / @devtenebriseng (Telegram-channel), @spherechateng (Telegram-group)
E-mail: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)
Friends, on October 22-23, we were busy moving websites to more powerful servers in order to improve the stability and quality of their work. We did our best to make this process as smooth and comfortable for each of the users as possible, taking into account the work in runtime mode. We want to assume that it was possible. We thank you for the understanding shown in connection with the temporary unavailability of personal accounts and the config shop, and we are pleased to announce that the full functionality of the usual functionality and all related sites has been restored. In order to compensate for possible problems and inconveniences, we add a week of use for all active users of the program.

We continue to support older versions of the software in order to ensure you the maximum freedom of choice - at the moment all users using older versions can continue to work as usual.

In addition, we want to inform you that the hacked versions of the software stop their work. Anyone who has used a crack, we propose to go to our side - we have cookies ;)

We wish you a pleasant, successful and stable work - we make every effort for this every day. Thank you for being with us!

Promo Site: http://linken-sphere.info/index2.html
Contact JID: [email protected]
Telegram: @Gor510 / @devtenebriseng (Telegram-channel), @spherechateng (Telegram-group)
E-mail: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)
Today we will talk about sore: bans and unbans accounts on Facebook.
Plus, a contest for 3 Light licenses for Linken Sphere!


Details here: https://goo.gl/cfokLk

Promo Site: http://linken-sphere.info/index2.html
Contact JID: [email protected]
Telegram: @Gor510 / @devtenebriseng (Telegram-channel), @spherechateng (Telegram-group)
E-mail: [email protected]

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 (at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6)

P.S. The main site https://ls.tenebris.cc/ has become multilingual: German, Spanish and Chinese have been added to Russian and English

Friends, a wonderful event will take place very soon in St. Petersburg - the fourth annual conference on advertising in social networks, traffic and CPA - this conference has long won the attention and appreciation of a huge part of the audience connected with affiliate partnership on the Internet, attracting creative, efficient and experienced audience people.

IGCONF2018 will be held at the Crowne Plaza on November 30!

The program has everything you need for quality and sensible leisure:

- Great atmosphere
- Famous and experienced speakers
- All about traffic monetization in social networks
- Networking with representatives of top CPA, SMM services and market leaders
- Speeches by the management of social networks, famous bloggers
- Business promotion and personal account development from A to Z

We appreciate our users and know for sure that many of you would like to spend time in the company of successful like-minded people in order to share knowledge and acquire them, so for all users of the Tenebris team we give a promotional code for a discount of 11%: "LINKENSPHERE". Use the code in order to get the opportunity to purchase tickets for this, of course, bright event!

Linken Sphere is the platinum sponsor of IGCONF2018 and the main partner of Afterparty, where you can taste the signature Sphere-cocktail and try your luck in our casino!

Representatives of our team will be sincerely glad to see you, for which we are preparing interesting and useful contests and a lot of other great things, including your own stand with representatives of the product, which you can ask questions of interest, the performance of top arbitrageurs on using Linken Sphere:


And in order to tune in to the upcoming event, we offer to see how it was in 2017:

Have fun and have a good time, see you on IGCONF2018!

This happens only once a year! Friends, we are pleased to announce a week of crazy discounts on licenses for Black Friday - only three days in order to significantly save money when you buy Light, PRO and Premium licenses. You do not need to perform any additional actions - simply purchase or renew a license at a 25% discount in automatic mode on the official website with promo code LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6, followed by an additional 5% discount: https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6
Friends! OctoTracker is a professional functional tracking platform for traffic arbitrage.
A rich set of universal tools and unique functions, as well as friendly technical support, makes this tool an indispensable element in managing traffic flows and generating those most profitable bundles.


At your service are two TDS systems for maximum traffic control, an impressive set of flexible filters, the ability to pass moderation without redirection, and duplication of the Postback, which allows to bring optimization to a new level.

Add to this powerful analytics on 20+ cuts, high speed of processing clicks and fast report generation, as well as integration with most popular traffic sources and affiliate programs not only in the CIS, but in the world.

Register at this link http://octotracker.com/linkensphere, enter the promo code LINKENSPHERE and receive a month as a gift when you first pay.

Project website: http://octotracker.com/

The action is relevant for new users of the tracker.

Get cashback to Linken Sphere balance: 20% for self-hosted tracker and 10% for cloud tracker

To get into the private tg chat OctoTracker - write on @devtnbrs

For a quick start to work with the tracker, we recommend reading the manual:
1. Adding a source, PP and creating a campaign - https://vk.com/@octotracker-dobavlenie-istochnika-pp-i-kampanii
2. Integration of the tracker with the prelend, setting up both TDS and generating the final link - https://vk.com/@octotracker-integraciya-trekera-s-prelendom-nastroika-obeih-tds

Try a great tool right now! Have a good job!

Promo code for 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6
Hello, friends!

Among the participants of our Telegram-group @spherechat a survey was conducted:
What proxies/socks service do you use?


We also remind you that the offer from Luminati + Linken Sphere is in force. And that Luminati has a 3-day money back guarantee: if after payment you are convinced that Luminati does not suit you, then they will return 100% of the amount after using no more than 3 days.



Details here: https://goo.gl/RQx7e2

Promo Site: linken-sphere.info
E-mail/Contact JID: [email protected]
Telegram: @Gor510 / @devtenebriseng (Telegram-channel), @spherechateng (Telegram-group)

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_F764C79R1M8V at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_F764C79R1M8V

Recently, telegram chats dedicated to our products are increasingly being used by scammers who submit Sphere support and lure funds from users using a variety of methods - for example, they offer to pay directly to speed up a transaction, pay for kiwi in the absence of Bitcoin, sell super elite socks, material, secret topics on earnings, etc. It is worthwhile to pay tribute to the resourcefulness of these characters, but it is in our and your power to make their activities useless.



- Fraudsters write usernames of support in the “About me” field, but there are no real usernames
- Fraudsters follow the questions in the chat and write themselves in the pm with “profitable” offers
- We do not hold any promotions, except those that are published on our channels
- We do not sell material, themes, do not accept kiwi or other eps, do not make super discounts with the terms “pay now”
- We ask all users to use for payment only the official website in automatic mode and do not give wallets in pm!
- In the event that “support” is written to you in the pm and offers to make any payment by the site - they want to throw you
- Be sure to verify the usernames of those with whom you communicate.

Contact official support:
@devtnbrs, @sphere66, @Bear2020, @Wolf2025, @Duck2030

Be attentive and reasonable! We wish you a successful work!

Promo Site: http://linken-sphere.info/index2.html
E-mail/Contact JID: [email protected]
Telegram: @Gor510 / @devtenebriseng (Telegram-channel), @spherechateng (Telegram-group)

Promo code for a 5% discount - LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6 at registration https://ls.tenebris.cc/registration?promocode=LS_V3BYR7XGSEY6