Detected Shiro3 [Hack Client]

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Nello screen segna "Ramnit", il che è quel virus che si sdoppia in ogni .exe .dll e fa apparire degli xxxSrv.exe a caso di tanto in tanto. (oltre a cambiare il loro relativo size)
Molta gente non sa neanche d'avercelo (circa 3 milioni).
La sua funzione è questa:
The primary function of this threat is to steal information from the compromised computer. It does this by downloading various modules that can perform the following tasks:
  • Steal cookies to hijack online sessions for banking and social media websites. The threat steals cookies from the compromised computer’s browsers, stores them in archive files, and sends them to the C&C server.
  • Steal login credentials for a large number of FTP clients.
  • Monitor a victim’s frequently visited websites, including online banking websites. When the threat recognizes that a victim is on a specific site, it will act as a man-in-the-browser (MITB) and inject code into the web page. It will then request that the user submit sensitive information that is not normally submitted to a bank during login. The attacker can then use this information to access the victim’s credit cards and bank accounts.
  • Give the attacker remote access to the compromised computer.
  • Steal files from the compromised computer. The threat scans for specific folders or files that may contain login credentials and then archives them, and sends them to the C&C server.
  • Allow the attacker to remotely connect to the compromised computer and browse the file system through an anonymous FTP server. The FTP server lets the attacker upload, download, and delete files, and execute commands.
The threat will also write a copy of the installer to the computer’s file system and store a copy of itself in memory. This allows the threat to be dropped back onto the file system and executed again if the compromised computer’s antivirus software detects and deletes the threat, or quarantines it.
La relativa botnet è stata già smantellata nel 2015. (ciò non toglie che non ne abbiano creato dei nuovi)
In ogni caso, se l'antivirus dice Ramnit, è Ramnit. Ti infetti senza accorgertene, quindi datevi una disinfestata.
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: P i x e L L
Solo una persona si è lamentata, ha scansionato il client con Microsoft Securty Essentials
Posto anche gli screen:

Tutte le altre persone che lo hanno provato. Non hanno detto nulla.

Ovvio che l'antivirus che rileva qualcosa, stai usando un hack.
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