[L2j Frozen] BlackBird 1500x Interlude

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Utente Silver
12 Dicembre 2010
Hello Guys,
After a period of test i can say that the server will open!, So i announce that the Beta Server will close on 09/12/2010 at 21.00 ( GMT +2 ).

The Opening of L2 Frozen Blackbird there will be on 12/12/2010 about at 13.00 ( GMT +2 ).

Thanks to all test players. Remember you that the all old players will be deleted.
In this sever you can have the equip A grade easy with a little farm in Farm Zone. For the equip S you must have event medals with Automatic Events, more Raids, and PvPs!!
With Gold Bar you can buy Giant Codex and Lifestone . The gold Bar you can drop by Farm Mob ( Farm Zone ) or by Raids. There is the Private Store with Event medal and not with adena , and a correct Offline Mode.
Here you can see when the server will be UP for players:


Those are the features ( you can see the features and all info in game with Npc Server Info ) :
- RateXp = 1500.00
- RateSp = 1000.00
- RatePartyXp = 1.00
- RateDropAdena = 15.00 (Custom Drop)
- RateDropItems = 1.00 (Custom Drop)
- EnchantSafeMax = 3
- EnchantSafeMaxFullarmor = 4
- Max Enchant = 10 ( With crystal scroll +11 , droppable only with event special organized by staff )
- NormalWeaponEnchantLevel = 90% - 70%
- NormalArmorEnchantLevel = 90% - 70%
- NormalJewelryEnchantLevel = 90% - 65%
- BlessWeaponEnchantLevel = 90% - 80%
- BlessArmorEnchantLevel = 90% - 80%
- BlessJewelryEnchantLevel = 90% - 80%
- CrystalWeaponEnchantLevel = 86% (Crystal scroll only to do from +10 to +11)
- CrystalArmorEnchantLevel = 86% (Crystal scroll only to do from +10 to +11)
- CrystalJewelryEnchantLevel = 80% (Crystal scroll only to do from +10 to +11)
- If the enchant of crystal scroll haven't success, the items return to +10.

Livelling Area
- Easy Livelling Zone, Gludin Area.
- Low Adena on start. (Anti Farm)
- Start B Grade Equips
- No Aggro mobs on Livelling Zone
- Respawn always in Livelling Zone
- Newbie Player protection from Hight Level.

Farm Area
- Drops Mob: Adena
- Drops Mob: 20% event medal.
- Drops Mob: little % of Giant Codex and Lifestone

Automatic Event
- Automatic Team vs Team Event every day: 11.30 , 13.30 , 19.30 , 22.30 , 01.30 ( GMT +2 ).
- Automatic Death Match Event every day: 15.30 , 18.30 , 21.30 , 00.30 ( GMT +2 )
- Automatic Capture the Flag TvT Event every day: 12.30 , 16.30 , 20.30 , 23.30 , 02.30 ( GMT +2 )

Sieges Info
- Actived only 3 SIEGEs, Aden, Giran, Goddard, the biggest. Other castle will be impossible to attack.
- During siege time, players CAN use Gk to direct town.
- All clan's players that own the castle have privileges. (A passive skill)
- Create a GK to direct castle, it should not be spawned close to the castle but still around.
- Sieges every two week, This will move the server. (1th week siege, 2nd New Hero, 3th siege, .... )
- If you do pvp in Siege zone you will win Special Coin!
- On Castle must be all Custom Npcs.
- During sieges automatic event are OFF

Olympiad - Hero
- Hero weapon = S grade weapon +10
- Hero every two week, This will move the server. (1th week siege, 2nd New Hero, 3th siege, .... )
- Hero can write in Hero Chat every 10 Seconds.
- Olympiad Time 18.00 GMT +2 - 22.00 GMT +2.
- No dual Box on Olympiad.
- No same Class Competition on Olympiad.

Server Npcs
- Gm Shop - Sells all items!
- NpcBuffer - Scheme Buffer and Automatic Buffer (Also pet)
- GateKeeper - Custom gk for Big Town, PvP/Farm/Livelling zone/Raid zone.
- Npc Agumenter - Normal Npc
- Server Info - All Server's Features
- Gold Bar Shop - You can buy cp potion , giant codex and lifestone
- Noblesse Trader - You can receive noblesse for 3 gold bars ( no quest )
- Clan Manager - Improve your clan for 6 gold bars
- Pc Bang Point Shop - You can buy items with bang points
- Raid Info - You can see if a raid is alive or no and when they spawn

- Private Store with Event Medal and not with Adena!
- System Offline shop
- Server Time on Log in
- Automatic Event Every Day (TVT, DM, CTF)
- Every 30 Pvps (Not consecutive) you will have Hero Aura
- Every consecutive pvp(5, 8, 10, 15,20...), Special Announce!
- Special Boss spawn every Day with Announce
- Olympiad 18.00 GMT+2 to 22.00 GMT +20
- Every PvP = 1 Coin
- Pc Bang Point, every 15 Minutes Online you win PcBang
- If you are in combat you can't use Npcs
- Max Buffs+Dance= 30
- Max 1 Clan for Ally
- Buff duration = 1h
- change color of title based on cout of pvp ( 200 , 500 , 1000 , 2000 , 5000 )
- Number of members needed to request a clan war: 3

Updated on 08/12 at 13.49 AM

Best Regards,
L2Frozen's Staff

--- Aggiornamento Post ---

Ho deciso di fare il post in inglese perchè comunque il server è internazionale ma con staff italiano. Per qualsiasi informazione il mio contatto di msn è : [email protected]
New fixes for l2 frozen shard:

- Fixed: PvP reward fix to player in Clan War
- Fixed: improvements for ConcurrentAccesses into Events
- Fixed: fix to multibox checks
- New System of drop for raid boss: Who give the most damage of boss, he can take the drop
- Autoloot Boss = OFF
- Save of Olympiad status.
- Little increase of augment chance skill
- implemented formal wear to gm shop in Fashion items
- Little decrease of skill CUrse death link
- Decrease chance of skil Anchor
- Decrease p.atk of summon Nightshade
- little decrease power of duelist
- Fixed skill Mirage.
- Create two custom npc for event by staff.
nuovi fix:

- Decrease chance of paralyze with Summon Binding Cubic
- Decrease p.def of summon NighShade
- little increase power of duelist
- Little increade p.def of duelsit
- little increase m.def of duelist
- Decrease chance of skill:
Seal of Chaos
Dreaming Spirit
Seal of Winter
Seal of Suspension
Seal of Despair
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