Articolo [PBE] 1/11 Update

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Utente Emerald
23 Dicembre 2011
Ed ecco a voi gli aggiornamenti tempestivi in arrivo dal PBE grazie a S@20.

[1/11 UPDATE: Un leak allegato a Jhin, un paio di screenshot e art che stanno circolando da un po di tempo sul web. (Rimando al link della discussione di per motivi di ordine nel topic accessibile al seguente link: Voglio ricordare che questi sono solo dei Leak, non prendeteli con troppa serietà.]

L'update eseguito sul PBE prevede un testa a testa riguardo al nuovo Champion Select dato che a breve il test inizierà sui server live NA e TR con la conseguente disabilitazione della coda del Team Builder, e altre notizie tra cui:
Meddler ha annunciato una manciata di cambiamenti imminenti nella 6.1 e altri progetti.
Repertoir ha lanciato il Fantasy LCS, episodio 4 nella League Community Podcast.
Creazioni da parte della community sullo Snowdown



Tabella dei contenuti
  • Jhin - Mind of the Virtuoso
  • La nuova Champion select sostituisce il Team Builder
  • Icone ruoli Team Builder: Distribuzione e futuri piani
  • I pensieri di Meddler
  • Benvenuto nella Fantasy LCS - Spring 2016
  • Tutte le icone eSports delle regioni saranno presenti su tutti i servers
  • Ci rivediamo, Snowdwon!
  • Creazioni della community sullo Snowdown!
  • Repertoir e i suoi lunghi discorsi
Jhin - Mind of the Virtuoso
Da un paio di giorni girano diversi Leak e diverse teorie sul nuovo campione 'Jhin - Mind of the Virtuoso', per questo reindirizzo alla discussione presente su per poter continuare la discussione in modo più pulito.

La nuova Champion select sostituisce il Team Builder
La nuova esperienza del Champion Select è stata testata sul PBE, ed è quasi pronta per il lancio! Quando la nuova Champion Select verrà lanciata, la corrente coda del Team Builder verrà disabilitata. Qui un post fatto da Riot Lyte con maggiori informazioni, con annesso annuncio del live test sul server NA e TR per le code Draft e Ranked previsto per il 13 Gennaio.


"TLDR: When new champ select goes live in your region, it will replace the Team Builder queue. Since introducing the experimental Team Builder queue back in 2013, we’ve been analyzing and rethinking the best way to get into a game of League. The lessons we learned from the Team Builder queue directly impacted the development of new champ select. We’d originally planned to adopt Team Builder across all queues, but as our first attempt at improving the experience of starting a League match, a few issues held us back. While Team Builder successfully empowered individual players to choose the champ they wanted in the role they wanted each time, it wasn’t as good at helping teams assemble a specific strategy or composition. Building a Yasuo-based knock-up comp or a classic Orianna-oriented wombo combo was damn hard when non-premade players pre-selected their champs. Long queue times made turning down champions that didn’t fit while waiting for your team’s missing piece feel even worse. With new champ select, we’ve solved the issues we found with Team Builder. Teams get on the same page and start working together through pick intent and distributed bans right from the start. You’re guaranteed to get one of the two positions you prefer, and you can use pick intent to let your team know who you’re looking to play before bans and picks take place. We ultimately decided to disable the Team Builder queue because we believe new champ select is a better answer to many of the problems we were trying to solve with Team Builder, and in the future we’ll introduce a version of blind pick inspired by the new design for players who are looking for the new champ select experience without bans or drafting. New champ select goes live in NA & TR for testing in Normal Draft and Ranked on January 13, 2016.If everything goes well, we’ll continue to roll out new champ select in other territories over the following days. Thanks to everyone who gave us feedback along the way to this launch, from the original Team Builder beta to the recent PBE testing. We’re excited to take this next step into League’s future, and we can’t wait to join you in new champ select."
[Ho preferito lasciare il post in lingua originale per non cambiare i termini prima che dite che invento le cose :asd:]

Icone ruoli Team Builder: Distribuzione e futuri piani


Con l'annuncio che la coda del Team Builder verrà disabilitata per far spazio alla nuova Champion Select, Riot NaKyle ha fatto un post riguardante il futuro delle sei icone del team builder:
"Hey everyone,

Way back when we launched Team Builder, we introduced six earnable, role-specific icons. BecauseTeam Builder’s being taken down when new champ select goes live, those icons will hit the ice box while we find a new home for them. They’ll come back in an earnable form, we just don’t have the details yet.

There’s also been a bug preventing the distribution of earned icons over the last two months. Luckily, we can still identify who’s earned the icons and plan on manually distributing all earned icons shortly after the Team Builder queue comes down. So grind out five games on each of the roles that you’d like the icon for before Team Builder comes down on 1/13.

We’ll update this thread when we have more details on icon distribution. Got questions? We’re on standby for ‘em.
[Anche qui ho preferito lasciare il post in lingua originale per non cambiare i termini prima che dite che invento le cose :asd:]

I pensieri di Meddler
Meddler è stato impegnato nelle varie discussioni nella Board di League of Legend parlando di imminenti bug fix per Brand, cambiamenti a Rumble e altri diversi dettagli riguardanti la 6.1.


Per iniziare, Meddler ha voluto parlare del rework delle classi 'immobile mage', dell'update di Shen che si avvicina sempre più, e altro ancora:

"Larger class updates like the Marksmen one take quite a bit of work, so we're probably looking at a couple of those a year. Immobile mages is what we've decided to focus on for the next one, and we'll have some early details on what that update will be focused on to share sometime this month. That'll look at stuff like goals, which characters we're planning to work on, rough timeframe etc, not specific kit changes. We will also have some individual reworks done separately from those class based ones still. Those will generally either be champions that need a complete overhaul with new kits, visuals, VO etc (Taric and Yorick for example) or champions that have some fundamental gameplay problems we need to address (we believe Ryze for example needs more than just balance adjustments to be both healthy and fun at the same time). We'll also occasionally do other small updates where a bit of extra bandwidth permits some opportunistic work, the Shen gameplay update for example which is getting pretty close. As far as the number of subclasses go we've got about a dozen we've been using internally. Plan is to tidy the definitions of those up a bit and throw them into a devblog for anyone that's interested."
Quando è stato chiesto una tempistica per l'update delle classi magiche, Meddler ha dato una data approsimativa di metà anno per approdare sul PBE:
"Rough estimate: Mid year (June ish). Trying a slightly different approach here where we walk about work substantially in advance to see how that goes."
Meddler ha introdotto nella discussione anche il perché del motivo che il bilanciamento dei team non restituirà grossi cambiamenti:
"Quote:This might sound a bit mean, but why is Riot always so unwilling to revert changes completely? It seems that no matter the backlash changes will almost never be completely reverted even if the situation before the update was healthier (at least in the eyes of the community).To offer a bit more context there are a few particular situations I can think of where we don't revert changes completely. In particularly complex cases, multiple of those cases may apply too. There are long term problems that weren't caused by the changes in question Sometimes we'll buff or nerf a champion, only to have them later end up too weak or too strong. We'll then often change something else to bring them in line, rather than reverting the recent change. That's an approach we'll take when there are other considerations besides power (so most of the time). If a champion's too strong, and we've got the choice between adding better counterplay to an ability without enough, or reverting a recent damage buff to an ability that's reasonable to play against, we'll go for the counterplay for example. We've heard negative feedback from some players about the changes, but after considering it still believe it's the right approach Sometimes that's the result of changes that, while unpopular, are still things we feel need to be done (e.g. removing the ability to stack multiple GP10 items a couple of years back). At other times that's reflective of changes that some players do like, while others don't. That tends to be a particularly common issue when looking at changes where opinion varies widely between regions, or where a relatively small, but vocal, part of the community has views that aren't representative of the playerbase as a whole. We've heard negative feedback from some players about the changes, but after considering it still believe it's the right approach (and we're wrong) Sometimes we'll mess up and sometimes we won't be quick to realize that. There are also some cases where we do go with a reversion, whether to a change that's gone to PBE or something that's been live for a while. Things like the changes to Draven Axe drop positions, that were reverted after a couple of patches, the Braum Q mana change that was reverted last year, the re-addition of crit scaling to Garen's E while the juggernaut patch was on the PBE etc."

Qui di seguito si può leggere un'altra nota accurata da Meddler riguardo l'attuale potere di Brand:
"Yeah, Brand's definitely too strong at present. There's a bug fix in 6.1 however that should take a noticeable amount of power away from him. At present his ult almost always prioritizes champions, rather than only priotizing champions if the target it's bouncing from is already Ablaze. That makes it quite a bit easier for him to burst enemies down in most circumstances. The fix for that should go out in the patch next week, unless any delays crop up, after that we'll then reassess and see if any further changes are needed."

In oltre Meddler ha commentato qualche lieve cambiamento su Kha'Zix che potremo vedere nella 6.1:
"The removal of Brutalizer and Last Whisper do seem to have hit Kha'Zix pretty hard and we've got some buffs planned for the next patch, focused on cases where Kha'Zix isn't quite able to get things to work. Those changes are currently looking like:
  • Faster attack frame on passive empowered auto attacks (they're currently slower than his normal auto attacks)
  • Increased explosion radius on W (225 -> 275)
  • 100 extra range on unevolved E
Potential for additional buffs later as well if needed, looking to avoid making too many changes all at once though."
Ecco che secondo me si arriva al tema che fa volare la maggior parte dei flame e bestemmioni nelle partite :asd:
Con la riduzione del danno della E di Miss Fortune nella 6.1 sul PBE, Meddler prevede un buff sull'AP di Miss Fortune:
"I'll follow up with the designer working on the MF changes and get back to you, see what his thoughts are on the current state of AP builds on her (not familiar enough with them myself). Can't make any promises, if AP MF's in a decent spot on live at present though might be appropriate to increase a ratio somewhere to avoid an unintentional nerf.
We're intentionally nerfing AD MF with nerfs to her passive and E. It's possible AP MF may be getting unintentionally nerfed at the same time, I'm unsure whether or not that build's been assessed internally relative to this change. A base damage nerf and AP ratio buff would certainly change AP MF's power curve, keeping that build generally power neutral overall should be doable though if we conclude that's appropriate here."
Che vogliano trasformare MF in un champ che si avvicina ad Ezreal a livello di skill scaling?

Quando sono state chieste informazioni riguardo Rumble, Meddler ha confermatto dei lievi cambiamenti nella 6.1:
"Rumble's not going to be part of the mage update mid year. He is struggling at the moment though, so we've got some love for him in the next patch. It's stuff that's not easily datamined however, so I'm not sure if it's been widely noticed (smaller collision radius so he gets stuck on other units less, slight increase to Q range, Q ticking more rapidly for less damage giving it the same damage over time but making it a little easier to last hit with)."
Maddler ha fatto anche un veloce commento su Syndra come candidata per il prossimo update dei maghi:
"Not certain. Syndra's a champ we've been considering for the immobile mage update mid year, but one we're currently trending away from (feeling other champs would be higher value for that sort of work). If she's not included there I'd certainly like to see if we can do a bit of work on her at some other point, again though there are a bunch of other champs that I feel we should be prioritizing first."
In oltre non poteva mancare un commento sui nerfs di Tham Kench:
"We've been talking about possible Tahm nerfs in 6.2 or 6.3, those aren't certain yet though (want to make sure we're nerfing the correct thing(s), want to investigate whether we should be buffing something like his ult's useability at the same time)."

Quando sono state chieste informazioni su un potenziale update di Warwick, Meddler ha risposto:
"Not actively being worked on, besides some ideas being tossed around for possible directions. As far as full reworks go Taric and Yorick at the least will come out before him, possibly others. Assuming we do go for a full rework on him eventually it'll be quite a way away as a result."

E per concludere in grande stile su questi cambiamenti, Meddler commenta l'oggetto Ohmwrecker preannunciando di voler dare un diverso aspetto all'oggetto:
"Yeah, Ohmwrecker's still in a pretty sad spot. We did try out some stuff during the preseason development period to try and make it more interesting in its niche, with tower sieging still being its core. The most interesting approach, that alas didn't end up working very well, was a version of it that replaced your auto attacks against towers with a ranged channel that dealt ramping damage over time. Gave melee champs a way to contribute siege damage without having to hard commit basically. Was fun to play around with, but hard to justify taking over other options, even on the characters it was theoretically designed for.

At some point we will take another look at Ohmwrecker, though I suspect if it doesn't work out next time we'll probably end up cutting it. Making it less situational, while keeping it tower focused still, could be a reasonable approach, and an allied tower interaction sounds worth a try as a result.

Benvenuto nella Fantasy LCS - Spring 2016
Ecco qua, gli LCS Spring Split 2016 si stanno avvicinando, e con essi è arrivato il Fantasy LCS - Spring 2016 disponibile in 5 lingue diverse (Inglese, Francese, Spagnolo, Polacco e Tedesco), un buon modo per divertirsi con i propri amici, in oltre è abbastanza semplice giocare anche seguendo le istruzioni fornite dalla RIOT.

Tutte le icone eSports delle regioni saranno presenti su tutti i servers
Riot Katana ha confermato che le icone eSports saranno disponibili in tutti i servers di gioco, come aveva già accennato qualche giorno fa.
Pronti a spendere i vostri poveri RP per la scorta di icone? :asd:

Ci rivediamo, Snowdown!
Lo Snowdown è terminato, e come ogni anno diamo l'addio ai suoi magnifici sconti e promozioni,


"The ice is melting, the sun’s coming out
Snowdown is over, but there’s no need to pout!

Although the snow stopped falling, never lose sight
The spirit of Snowdown lives in every team fight!

The Poro King returned; A royal reunion for all
We sent allies gifts wrapped in icy snowballs!

How could we forget? How could the memory not stay?
Time won’t erase the thrill of a perfect snow day!

Seasons may change, but the feelings won’t fade
We'll forever remember the friendships we made!"​

Creazioni della community sullo Snowdown!
Con lo Snowdown 2015, Jynx è tornato con lo Snowdown Round Up della Community, le creazioni possono essere viste al seguente link:

Repertoir e i suoi lunghi discorsi
Repertoir ha fatto uno dei suoi lunghi discorsi parlando di vari update (devo dire moooolto lungo), quindi per non allungare ancora questa discussione, quando avrò un po di tempo creerò una 2° discussione nella quale andrò a parlare di questi update.
Se sei impaziente, puoi leggere la discussione sul sito della fonte alla fine del topic.

Spero di avervi portato delle notizie abbastanza buone, in oltre mi scuso di non aver tradotto i post in inglese, ma come potete ben vedere anche dal sito di S@20 è un Red Post, e come ogni Red Post è molto lungo quindi avrei impiegato ore per tradurlo tutto, se richiesto tradurrò ogni post con calma. Spero apprezziate lo sforzo ♥

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