Unmantained [RELEASE][GF] eXLiB - The Python Advanced Module + OpenBot (LevelBot, Teleport , WaitDmg, AutoPickup, FishBot, Wallhack, SearchBot, Spambot, Farmbot.)

Una guida contrassegnata come Unmantained contiene informazioni su un argomento obsoleto, non più utile o files non aggiornati da parte del creatore.
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now


- small Waithack improvements for Cloud Exploit    -
 Added more damage
 - The bot will now try to drink a blue Potion if you have less MP than necessary to cast Poison Cloud.       This will help on "MP-Draining" Monsters. Like Red Forest, if you dont want to use Auto Potion Bot. This will use significantly less blue
potions compared to "Auto Potion Bot"

-Fishbot Bugfix

NUOVA FUNZIONE: you can now use the premium features of the In-Game Autohunt for free! (Item Shop feature for 7 or 30 days)
- including automated Spell Casting (you can use this to get "Buff Bot" functionality)
- including automated Potions (you can use this for Other Potions, like Green or violet potions eventually)
 - Known Issue:  Revive does not seem to work. Either I dont know how "Auto Revive" works, but i were not able to revive automatically.

- fixed some other smaller bugs
 - rebuilt some code (No visual Changes)

FarmBot, KeyBot, ActionBot, and other Modules are now Fixed.

spambot fixed
mostly bug fixes
Code changed
eventually less red bans
No New Features or improved Features

New update:
- Support for latest metin2 version
- Readded 3 new functions: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback, SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback and SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) for more control over items in the ground.

Per chi si lamenta di essere stato bannato: Di per se non esiste un ANTI-BAN al 100% (Così come quando si utilizzava M2Bob, la quale diceva esattamente la stessa cosa, ma era ugualmente undetected). Ci sono solo dei consigli che possono tornare utili (Debbo scrivere io di non utilizzare x hack, davanti agli altri player perchè si può essere segnalati? Non ci penso nemmeno), nulla di nuovo. Chi utilizza hacks/cheats/bots, è consapevole del fatto che può essere escluso dal gioco, ricevere un ban in poche parole.
Il programma non è rilevato da CheatBlocker, ecco perchè è undetected. Se fosse in un qualche modo rilevato dal server, me ne sarei già accorto da un pezzo essendo che utilizzo personalmente il bot da mesi nell'account principale e non solo, e non ho mai ricevuto ban (Che ci crediate o meno, mi è indifferente). Credo sia logico non utilizzare il damagehack dove ci sono altri player, di utilizzare le opzioni anti-ban, di utilizzare il farmbot con cautela (Personalmente non lo utilizzo), sapendo che gli altri player possono ugualmente riuscire a vedere il personaggio. Quindi, vorresti vedere un video di come si avvia il tutto? Se controlli, è già presente nella discussione ufficiale. Ho anche già scritto come PROVARE ad evitare l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile", nonostante anche il team di M2Bob avesse problemi con tale errore. Tutto ciò che serve sta già scritto all'interno della discussione, quindi ripeto, se non si sa come utilizzare un programma UTILIZZANDO LA TESTA, meglio evitare a priori. Lamentarsi di aver ricevuto un ban non porta a nulla, se non alla consapevolezza che si sta utilizzando un bot.
Non risponderò più a chi dice di essere stato bannato, o domande stupide del tipo "funziona su x server", sapendo che non funziona nei server privati ed è già scritto, anche nel titolo, ma purtroppo la gente non legge o non sa leggere, quindi chi vuole utilizzare il programma ben venga, altrimenti potete anche uscire dalla discussione e cercare qualche altro programma. Grazie per la lettura.


Pubblico anche la versione con GUI (Interfaccia grafica)!

Il bot contiene:

- english, romanian, turkey, deutch and polish language
- map with entities (ores, npc, mobs, boss, metins), which can be used for moving (even on another map, like from m1 to spider v1),
- farmbot, where you can choose to search metins, ores, bosses, or even individual mobs,
- skillbot, is using skills (da), upgrade stats and skills automaticly (you can choose the order), is working with mounts, and you can select player which bot should follow and buff,
- fishbot, where you can select how many repetitions bot will do,
- inventory manager
- pickupbot
- e altre molte funzioni...

Come utilizzarlo:

- Scaricare il seguente archivio:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

- Installare python.exe, assicurarsi di selezionare ""ADD PYTHON TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" durante l'installazione!

- Installare OpenBot.exe

- Aprire Metin2 ma non loggare. Andare nella cartella "OpenBot" dell'archivio scaricato, aprire l'injector, selezionare il processo metin2client.exe (Select), aggiungere la dll (Add dll) exLib.dll e premere inject.

- In WebOpenBot, cliccare su Login, senza inserire credenziali.

- L'account resterà salvato su Dashboard, adesso potete collegarvi su Metin2.

(In Dashboard, dovete cliccare sul nome del vostro personaggio per visualizzare il bot. Nell'ipotesi in cui non viene visualizzato, cliccare su View -> Reload)


Cliccando sul nome del personaggio salvato, visualizzerete OpenBot.





Source Code

Front: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
websocket-server: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
python-files: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot

  • Mi piace
Reazioni: jasim e Tsdsu

OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now


- small Waithack improvements for Cloud Exploit    -
 Added more damage
 - The bot will now try to drink a blue Potion if you have less MP than necessary to cast Poison Cloud.       This will help on "MP-Draining" Monsters. Like Red Forest, if you dont want to use Auto Potion Bot. This will use significantly less blue
potions compared to "Auto Potion Bot"

-Fishbot Bugfix

NUOVA FUNZIONE: you can now use the premium features of the In-Game Autohunt for free! (Item Shop feature for 7 or 30 days)
- including automated Spell Casting (you can use this to get "Buff Bot" functionality)
- including automated Potions (you can use this for Other Potions, like Green or violet potions eventually)
 - Known Issue:  Revive does not seem to work. Either I dont know how "Auto Revive" works, but i were not able to revive automatically.

- fixed some other smaller bugs
 - rebuilt some code (No visual Changes)

FarmBot, KeyBot, ActionBot, and other Modules are now Fixed.

spambot fixed
mostly bug fixes
Code changed
eventually less red bans
No New Features or improved Features

New update:
- Support for latest metin2 version
- Readded 3 new functions: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback, SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback and SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) for more control over items in the ground.

Per chi si lamenta di essere stato bannato: Di per se non esiste un ANTI-BAN al 100% (Così come quando si utilizzava M2Bob, la quale diceva esattamente la stessa cosa, ma era ugualmente undetected). Ci sono solo dei consigli che possono tornare utili (Debbo scrivere io di non utilizzare x hack, davanti agli altri player perchè si può essere segnalati? Non ci penso nemmeno), nulla di nuovo. Chi utilizza hacks/cheats/bots, è consapevole del fatto che può essere escluso dal gioco, ricevere un ban in poche parole.
Il programma non è rilevato da CheatBlocker, ecco perchè è undetected. Se fosse in un qualche modo rilevato dal server, me ne sarei già accorto da un pezzo essendo che utilizzo personalmente il bot da mesi nell'account principale e non solo, e non ho mai ricevuto ban (Che ci crediate o meno, mi è indifferente). Credo sia logico non utilizzare il damagehack dove ci sono altri player, di utilizzare le opzioni anti-ban, di utilizzare il farmbot con cautela (Personalmente non lo utilizzo), sapendo che gli altri player possono ugualmente riuscire a vedere il personaggio. Quindi, vorresti vedere un video di come si avvia il tutto? Se controlli, è già presente nella discussione ufficiale. Ho anche già scritto come PROVARE ad evitare l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile", nonostante anche il team di M2Bob avesse problemi con tale errore. Tutto ciò che serve sta già scritto all'interno della discussione, quindi ripeto, se non si sa come utilizzare un programma UTILIZZANDO LA TESTA, meglio evitare a priori. Lamentarsi di aver ricevuto un ban non porta a nulla, se non alla consapevolezza che si sta utilizzando un bot.
Non risponderò più a chi dice di essere stato bannato, o domande stupide del tipo "funziona su x server", sapendo che non funziona nei server privati ed è già scritto, anche nel titolo, ma purtroppo la gente non legge o non sa leggere, quindi chi vuole utilizzare il programma ben venga, altrimenti potete anche uscire dalla discussione e cercare qualche altro programma. Grazie per la lettura.


Pubblico anche la versione con GUI (Interfaccia grafica)!

Il bot contiene:

- english, romanian, turkey, deutch and polish language
- map with entities (ores, npc, mobs, boss, metins), which can be used for moving (even on another map, like from m1 to spider v1),
- farmbot, where you can choose to search metins, ores, bosses, or even individual mobs,
- skillbot, is using skills (da), upgrade stats and skills automaticly (you can choose the order), is working with mounts, and you can select player which bot should follow and buff,
- fishbot, where you can select how many repetitions bot will do,
- inventory manager
- pickupbot
- e altre molte funzioni...

Come utilizzarlo:

- Scaricare il seguente archivio:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

- Installare python.exe, assicurarsi di selezionare ""ADD PYTHON TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" durante l'installazione!

- Installare OpenBot.exe

- Aprire Metin2 ma non loggare. Andare nella cartella "OpenBot" dell'archivio scaricato, aprire l'injector, selezionare il processo metin2client.exe (Select), aggiungere la dll (Add dll) exLib.dll e premere inject.

- In WebOpenBot, cliccare su Login, senza inserire credenziali.

- L'account resterà salvato su Dashboard, adesso potete collegarvi su Metin2.

(In Dashboard, dovete cliccare sul nome del vostro personaggio per visualizzare il bot. Nell'ipotesi in cui non viene visualizzato, cliccare su View -> Reload)


Cliccando sul nome del personaggio salvato, visualizzerete OpenBot.





Source Code

Front: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
websocket-server: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
python-files: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot

Salve, vorrei sapere se questo bot dà la possibilità di comprare in automatico dai negozi (lasciandolo in bazar) dandogli dei precisi input sul prezzo al quale acquistare.

OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now


- small Waithack improvements for Cloud Exploit    -
 Added more damage
 - The bot will now try to drink a blue Potion if you have less MP than necessary to cast Poison Cloud.       This will help on "MP-Draining" Monsters. Like Red Forest, if you dont want to use Auto Potion Bot. This will use significantly less blue
potions compared to "Auto Potion Bot"

-Fishbot Bugfix

NUOVA FUNZIONE: you can now use the premium features of the In-Game Autohunt for free! (Item Shop feature for 7 or 30 days)
- including automated Spell Casting (you can use this to get "Buff Bot" functionality)
- including automated Potions (you can use this for Other Potions, like Green or violet potions eventually)
 - Known Issue:  Revive does not seem to work. Either I dont know how "Auto Revive" works, but i were not able to revive automatically.

- fixed some other smaller bugs
 - rebuilt some code (No visual Changes)

FarmBot, KeyBot, ActionBot, and other Modules are now Fixed.

spambot fixed
mostly bug fixes
Code changed
eventually less red bans
No New Features or improved Features

New update:
- Support for latest metin2 version
- Readded 3 new functions: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback, SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback and SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) for more control over items in the ground.

Per chi si lamenta di essere stato bannato: Di per se non esiste un ANTI-BAN al 100% (Così come quando si utilizzava M2Bob, la quale diceva esattamente la stessa cosa, ma era ugualmente undetected). Ci sono solo dei consigli che possono tornare utili (Debbo scrivere io di non utilizzare x hack, davanti agli altri player perchè si può essere segnalati? Non ci penso nemmeno), nulla di nuovo. Chi utilizza hacks/cheats/bots, è consapevole del fatto che può essere escluso dal gioco, ricevere un ban in poche parole.
Il programma non è rilevato da CheatBlocker, ecco perchè è undetected. Se fosse in un qualche modo rilevato dal server, me ne sarei già accorto da un pezzo essendo che utilizzo personalmente il bot da mesi nell'account principale e non solo, e non ho mai ricevuto ban (Che ci crediate o meno, mi è indifferente). Credo sia logico non utilizzare il damagehack dove ci sono altri player, di utilizzare le opzioni anti-ban, di utilizzare il farmbot con cautela (Personalmente non lo utilizzo), sapendo che gli altri player possono ugualmente riuscire a vedere il personaggio. Quindi, vorresti vedere un video di come si avvia il tutto? Se controlli, è già presente nella discussione ufficiale. Ho anche già scritto come PROVARE ad evitare l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile", nonostante anche il team di M2Bob avesse problemi con tale errore. Tutto ciò che serve sta già scritto all'interno della discussione, quindi ripeto, se non si sa come utilizzare un programma UTILIZZANDO LA TESTA, meglio evitare a priori. Lamentarsi di aver ricevuto un ban non porta a nulla, se non alla consapevolezza che si sta utilizzando un bot.
Non risponderò più a chi dice di essere stato bannato, o domande stupide del tipo "funziona su x server", sapendo che non funziona nei server privati ed è già scritto, anche nel titolo, ma purtroppo la gente non legge o non sa leggere, quindi chi vuole utilizzare il programma ben venga, altrimenti potete anche uscire dalla discussione e cercare qualche altro programma. Grazie per la lettura.


Pubblico anche la versione con GUI (Interfaccia grafica)!

Il bot contiene:

- english, romanian, turkey, deutch and polish language
- map with entities (ores, npc, mobs, boss, metins), which can be used for moving (even on another map, like from m1 to spider v1),
- farmbot, where you can choose to search metins, ores, bosses, or even individual mobs,
- skillbot, is using skills (da), upgrade stats and skills automaticly (you can choose the order), is working with mounts, and you can select player which bot should follow and buff,
- fishbot, where you can select how many repetitions bot will do,
- inventory manager
- pickupbot
- e altre molte funzioni...

Come utilizzarlo:

- Scaricare il seguente archivio:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

- Installare python.exe, assicurarsi di selezionare ""ADD PYTHON TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" durante l'installazione!

- Installare OpenBot.exe

- Aprire Metin2 ma non loggare. Andare nella cartella "OpenBot" dell'archivio scaricato, aprire l'injector, selezionare il processo metin2client.exe (Select), aggiungere la dll (Add dll) exLib.dll e premere inject.

- In WebOpenBot, cliccare su Login, senza inserire credenziali.

- L'account resterà salvato su Dashboard, adesso potete collegarvi su Metin2.

(In Dashboard, dovete cliccare sul nome del vostro personaggio per visualizzare il bot. Nell'ipotesi in cui non viene visualizzato, cliccare su View -> Reload)


Cliccando sul nome del personaggio salvato, visualizzerete OpenBot.





Source Code

Front: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
websocket-server: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
python-files: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot

non funziona sul ufficiale

OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now


- small Waithack improvements for Cloud Exploit    -
 Added more damage
 - The bot will now try to drink a blue Potion if you have less MP than necessary to cast Poison Cloud.       This will help on "MP-Draining" Monsters. Like Red Forest, if you dont want to use Auto Potion Bot. This will use significantly less blue
potions compared to "Auto Potion Bot"

-Fishbot Bugfix

NUOVA FUNZIONE: you can now use the premium features of the In-Game Autohunt for free! (Item Shop feature for 7 or 30 days)
- including automated Spell Casting (you can use this to get "Buff Bot" functionality)
- including automated Potions (you can use this for Other Potions, like Green or violet potions eventually)
 - Known Issue:  Revive does not seem to work. Either I dont know how "Auto Revive" works, but i were not able to revive automatically.

- fixed some other smaller bugs
 - rebuilt some code (No visual Changes)

FarmBot, KeyBot, ActionBot, and other Modules are now Fixed.

spambot fixed
mostly bug fixes
Code changed
eventually less red bans
No New Features or improved Features

New update:
- Support for latest metin2 version
- Readded 3 new functions: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback, SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback and SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) for more control over items in the ground.

Per chi si lamenta di essere stato bannato: Di per se non esiste un ANTI-BAN al 100% (Così come quando si utilizzava M2Bob, la quale diceva esattamente la stessa cosa, ma era ugualmente undetected). Ci sono solo dei consigli che possono tornare utili (Debbo scrivere io di non utilizzare x hack, davanti agli altri player perchè si può essere segnalati? Non ci penso nemmeno), nulla di nuovo. Chi utilizza hacks/cheats/bots, è consapevole del fatto che può essere escluso dal gioco, ricevere un ban in poche parole.
Il programma non è rilevato da CheatBlocker, ecco perchè è undetected. Se fosse in un qualche modo rilevato dal server, me ne sarei già accorto da un pezzo essendo che utilizzo personalmente il bot da mesi nell'account principale e non solo, e non ho mai ricevuto ban (Che ci crediate o meno, mi è indifferente). Credo sia logico non utilizzare il damagehack dove ci sono altri player, di utilizzare le opzioni anti-ban, di utilizzare il farmbot con cautela (Personalmente non lo utilizzo), sapendo che gli altri player possono ugualmente riuscire a vedere il personaggio. Quindi, vorresti vedere un video di come si avvia il tutto? Se controlli, è già presente nella discussione ufficiale. Ho anche già scritto come PROVARE ad evitare l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile", nonostante anche il team di M2Bob avesse problemi con tale errore. Tutto ciò che serve sta già scritto all'interno della discussione, quindi ripeto, se non si sa come utilizzare un programma UTILIZZANDO LA TESTA, meglio evitare a priori. Lamentarsi di aver ricevuto un ban non porta a nulla, se non alla consapevolezza che si sta utilizzando un bot.
Non risponderò più a chi dice di essere stato bannato, o domande stupide del tipo "funziona su x server", sapendo che non funziona nei server privati ed è già scritto, anche nel titolo, ma purtroppo la gente non legge o non sa leggere, quindi chi vuole utilizzare il programma ben venga, altrimenti potete anche uscire dalla discussione e cercare qualche altro programma. Grazie per la lettura.


Pubblico anche la versione con GUI (Interfaccia grafica)!

Il bot contiene:

- english, romanian, turkey, deutch and polish language
- map with entities (ores, npc, mobs, boss, metins), which can be used for moving (even on another map, like from m1 to spider v1),
- farmbot, where you can choose to search metins, ores, bosses, or even individual mobs,
- skillbot, is using skills (da), upgrade stats and skills automaticly (you can choose the order), is working with mounts, and you can select player which bot should follow and buff,
- fishbot, where you can select how many repetitions bot will do,
- inventory manager
- pickupbot
- e altre molte funzioni...

Come utilizzarlo:

- Scaricare il seguente archivio:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

- Installare python.exe, assicurarsi di selezionare ""ADD PYTHON TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" durante l'installazione!

- Installare OpenBot.exe

- Aprire Metin2 ma non loggare. Andare nella cartella "OpenBot" dell'archivio scaricato, aprire l'injector, selezionare il processo metin2client.exe (Select), aggiungere la dll (Add dll) exLib.dll e premere inject.

- In WebOpenBot, cliccare su Login, senza inserire credenziali.

- L'account resterà salvato su Dashboard, adesso potete collegarvi su Metin2.

(In Dashboard, dovete cliccare sul nome del vostro personaggio per visualizzare il bot. Nell'ipotesi in cui non viene visualizzato, cliccare su View -> Reload)


Cliccando sul nome del personaggio salvato, visualizzerete OpenBot.





Source Code

Front: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
websocket-server: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
python-files: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot


OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

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Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now


- small Waithack improvements for Cloud Exploit    -
 Added more damage
 - The bot will now try to drink a blue Potion if you have less MP than necessary to cast Poison Cloud.       This will help on "MP-Draining" Monsters. Like Red Forest, if you dont want to use Auto Potion Bot. This will use significantly less blue
potions compared to "Auto Potion Bot"

-Fishbot Bugfix

NUOVA FUNZIONE: you can now use the premium features of the In-Game Autohunt for free! (Item Shop feature for 7 or 30 days)
- including automated Spell Casting (you can use this to get "Buff Bot" functionality)
- including automated Potions (you can use this for Other Potions, like Green or violet potions eventually)
 - Known Issue:  Revive does not seem to work. Either I dont know how "Auto Revive" works, but i were not able to revive automatically.

- fixed some other smaller bugs
 - rebuilt some code (No visual Changes)

FarmBot, KeyBot, ActionBot, and other Modules are now Fixed.

spambot fixed
mostly bug fixes
Code changed
eventually less red bans
No New Features or improved Features

New update:
- Support for latest metin2 version
- Readded 3 new functions: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback, SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback and SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) for more control over items in the ground.

Per chi si lamenta di essere stato bannato: Di per se non esiste un ANTI-BAN al 100% (Così come quando si utilizzava M2Bob, la quale diceva esattamente la stessa cosa, ma era ugualmente undetected). Ci sono solo dei consigli che possono tornare utili (Debbo scrivere io di non utilizzare x hack, davanti agli altri player perchè si può essere segnalati? Non ci penso nemmeno), nulla di nuovo. Chi utilizza hacks/cheats/bots, è consapevole del fatto che può essere escluso dal gioco, ricevere un ban in poche parole.
Il programma non è rilevato da CheatBlocker, ecco perchè è undetected. Se fosse in un qualche modo rilevato dal server, me ne sarei già accorto da un pezzo essendo che utilizzo personalmente il bot da mesi nell'account principale e non solo, e non ho mai ricevuto ban (Che ci crediate o meno, mi è indifferente). Credo sia logico non utilizzare il damagehack dove ci sono altri player, di utilizzare le opzioni anti-ban, di utilizzare il farmbot con cautela (Personalmente non lo utilizzo), sapendo che gli altri player possono ugualmente riuscire a vedere il personaggio. Quindi, vorresti vedere un video di come si avvia il tutto? Se controlli, è già presente nella discussione ufficiale. Ho anche già scritto come PROVARE ad evitare l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile", nonostante anche il team di M2Bob avesse problemi con tale errore. Tutto ciò che serve sta già scritto all'interno della discussione, quindi ripeto, se non si sa come utilizzare un programma UTILIZZANDO LA TESTA, meglio evitare a priori. Lamentarsi di aver ricevuto un ban non porta a nulla, se non alla consapevolezza che si sta utilizzando un bot.
Non risponderò più a chi dice di essere stato bannato, o domande stupide del tipo "funziona su x server", sapendo che non funziona nei server privati ed è già scritto, anche nel titolo, ma purtroppo la gente non legge o non sa leggere, quindi chi vuole utilizzare il programma ben venga, altrimenti potete anche uscire dalla discussione e cercare qualche altro programma. Grazie per la lettura.


Pubblico anche la versione con GUI (Interfaccia grafica)!

Il bot contiene:

- english, romanian, turkey, deutch and polish language
- map with entities (ores, npc, mobs, boss, metins), which can be used for moving (even on another map, like from m1 to spider v1),
- farmbot, where you can choose to search metins, ores, bosses, or even individual mobs,
- skillbot, is using skills (da), upgrade stats and skills automaticly (you can choose the order), is working with mounts, and you can select player which bot should follow and buff,
- fishbot, where you can select how many repetitions bot will do,
- inventory manager
- pickupbot
- e altre molte funzioni...

Come utilizzarlo:

- Scaricare il seguente archivio:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

- Installare python.exe, assicurarsi di selezionare ""ADD PYTHON TO ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" durante l'installazione!

- Installare OpenBot.exe

- Aprire Metin2 ma non loggare. Andare nella cartella "OpenBot" dell'archivio scaricato, aprire l'injector, selezionare il processo metin2client.exe (Select), aggiungere la dll (Add dll) exLib.dll e premere inject.

- In WebOpenBot, cliccare su Login, senza inserire credenziali.

- L'account resterà salvato su Dashboard, adesso potete collegarvi su Metin2.

(In Dashboard, dovete cliccare sul nome del vostro personaggio per visualizzare il bot. Nell'ipotesi in cui non viene visualizzato, cliccare su View -> Reload)


Cliccando sul nome del personaggio salvato, visualizzerete OpenBot.





Source Code

Front: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
websocket-server: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
python-files: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot


OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione 2.1.5:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*] تم التحديث لاستخدام أحدث إصدار من eXLib.
[*] تمت إضافة وظائف جديدة
[*] تمت إضافة SpeedBoost (يمكن العثور عليه ضمن الإعدادات ، علامة التبويب العامة).
[*] طريقة التثبيت التي تم تغييرها (الآن لست مطالبًا بإضافة ملفات إلى مجلد اللعبة).
[*] الآن تعيد النقل الآني تحميل البيئة بعد كل انتقال فوري.
[*] إصلاحات الأخطاء الطفيفة.

الإصدار 2.0:

[*] أضف Farmbot (استخدم هذا في المزارع أو لتعدين خام المعادن)
[*] إضافة Skillbot (باستخدام المهارات النشطة مثل الهالة أو الشفرة المسحورة ، يتم تركيب الحصان ونزله إذا لزم الأمر)
[*] إضافة رادار (قائمة الأمثلة المثيرة للاهتمام حولها مع إمكانية الالتفاف عليها)
[*] إضافة AntiExp (تبرع تلقائيًا بنقابة exp do)
[*] إضافة ChannelSwitcher (الاتصال على الفور بالقناة المختارة)
[*] إصلاح الكثير من الأخطاء ، التعطل نادر جدًا الآن

الإصدار 2.1:

- تحسينات صغيرة لـ Waithack لـ Cloud Exploit -
 تمت إضافة المزيد من الضرر
 - سيحاول الروبوت الآن شرب جرعة زرقاء إذا كان لديك MP أقل من اللازم لإلقاء Poison Cloud. سيساعد هذا على الوحوش "MP Draining". مثل Red Forest ، إذا كنت لا تريد استخدام Auto Potion Bot. سيستخدم هذا اللون الأزرق بشكل أقل
الجرعات مقارنة بـ "روبوت الجرعات التلقائي"

-Fishbot Bugfixes

ميزة جديدة: يمكنك الآن استخدام الميزات المتميزة للبحث التلقائي داخل اللعبة مجانًا! (ميزة متجر العناصر لمدة 7 أو 30 يومًا)
- بما في ذلك الإملاء التلقائي للتهجئة (يمكنك استخدام هذا للحصول على وظيفة "Buff Bot")
- بما في ذلك الجرعات الآلية (يمكنك استخدام هذا للجرعات الأخرى ، مثل الجرعات الخضراء أو البنفسجية في النهاية)
 - مشكلة معروفة: لا يبدو أن Revive يعمل. إما أنني لا أعرف كيف يعمل "الإنعاش التلقائي" ، لكنني لم أتمكن من الإحياء تلقائيًا.

- إصلاح بعض الخلل الصغيرة الأخرى
 - إعادة بناء بعض التعليمات البرمجية (لا توجد تغييرات مرئية)

تم الآن إصلاح FarmBot و KeyBot و ActionBot والوحدات النمطية الأخرى.

الإصدار 2.1.5:
spambot ثابت
في الغالب إصلاحات الشوائب
تغير الرمز
في نهاية المطاف أقل من الحظر الأحمر
لا توجد ميزات جديدة أو ميزات محسنة

تحديثات جديدة:
- دعم أحدث إصدار من metin2
- تمت قراءة 3 وظائف جديدة: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback و SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback و SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) لمزيد من التحكم في العناصر الموجودة في الأرض. [/ CODE]

[B][COLOR=rgb(184, 49, 47)]بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يشتكون من تعرضهم للحظر[/COLOR][/B] : لا يوجد في حد ذاته ANTI-BAN بنسبة 100٪ (كما هو الحال عند استخدام M2Bob ، الذي قال نفس الشيء تمامًا ، ولكن لم يتم اكتشافه أيضًا). لا يوجد سوى بعض النصائح التي يمكن أن تكون مفيدة (لا بد لي من الكتابة بعدم استخدام x hack ، أمام اللاعبين الآخرين لأنه يمكن الإبلاغ عنك؟ أنا لا أفكر في ذلك) ، لا شيء جديد. [U]أولئك الذين يستخدمون الاختراقات / الغشاشين / الروبوتات يدركون حقيقة أنه يمكن استبعادهم من اللعبة[/U] ، ويتلقون حظرًا باختصار.
[U]لم يتم اكتشاف البرنامج بواسطة CheatBlocker[/U] ، ولهذا السبب لم يتم [B]اكتشافه. [/B]إذا تم اكتشافه بطريقة ما بواسطة الخادم ، لكنت قد لاحظت ذلك بالفعل لفترة طويلة منذ أن كنت شخصياً أستخدم الروبوت لعدة أشهر في الحساب الرئيسي وما بعده ، ولم أتلق أي حظر (صدق أو لا تصدق ، أنا لا تهتم). أعتقد أنه من المنطقي عدم استخدام ضرر التلف حيث يوجد لاعبون آخرون ، [U]لاستخدام خيارات منع الحظر[/U] ، [U]واستخدام Farmbot بحذر[/U] (أنا شخصياً لا أستخدمه) ، مع العلم أن اللاعبين الآخرين لا يزالون قادرين على رؤية الشخصية. لذا ، هل ترغب في مشاهدة فيديو يوضح كيف بدأ كل شيء؟ إذا قمت بالتحقق ، فهو موجود بالفعل في الموضوع الرسمي.[U]لقد كتبت بالفعل كيفية المحاولة لتجنب الخطأ "اللعبة غير متاحة مؤقتًا"[/U] ، على الرغم من أن فريق M2Bob واجه أيضًا مشكلات مع هذا الخطأ. كل ما تحتاجه مكتوب بالفعل في المناقشة ، لذلك أكرر ، [U]إذا كنت لا تعرف كيفية استخدام برنامج باستخدام رأسك ، فمن الأفضل تجنبه مسبقًا. الشكوى من تلقي حظر لا يؤدي إلى شيء[/U] ، باستثناء معرفة أنك تستخدم روبوتًا.
لن أجيب بعد الآن على أي شخص يقول إنه تم حظره ، أو أسئلة غبية مثل "يعمل على خوادم x" ، مع العلم أنه لا يعمل على خوادم خاصة وأنه مكتوب بالفعل ، حتى في العنوان ، ولكن للأسف لا يفعل الناس ذلك. لا تقرأ أو لا تستطيع القراءة ، [B][U]لذلك نرحب بأي شخص يريد استخدام البرنامج ، وإلا يمكنك أيضًا ترك المناقشة والبحث عن برنامج آخر. [/U][/B]شكرا للقراءة.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

أنا أيضًا أنشر الإصدار باستخدام واجهة المستخدم الرسومية (واجهة رسومية)!

يحتوي البوت على:

[كود] - اللغة الإنجليزية والرومانية والتركية والدوتشية والبولندية
- خريطة مع الكيانات (الخامات ، npc ، mobs ، boss ، metins) ، والتي يمكن استخدامها للتنقل (حتى على خريطة أخرى ، مثل من m1 إلى العنكبوت v1) ،
- Farmbot ، حيث يمكنك اختيار البحث عن ميتات أو خامات أو زعماء أو حتى حشود فردية ،
- يستخدم برنامج Skillsbot المهارات (da) ، يقوم بترقية الإحصائيات والمهارات تلقائيًا (يمكنك اختيار الترتيب) ، ويعمل باستخدام أدوات التثبيت ، ويمكنك تحديد اللاعب الذي يجب أن يتبعه الروبوت ويصقله ،
- برنامج fishbot ، حيث يمكنك تحديد عدد مرات التكرار التي سيقوم بها الروبوت ،
- مدير المخزون
- بيك أب بوت
- والعديد من الوظائف الأخرى ... [/ CODE]

[B]كيفية استخدامها:[/B]

- قم بتنزيل الأرشيف التالي:

*** نص مخفي: لا يمكن إضافته للاقتباس ***

- قم بتثبيت python.exe ، [U]وتأكد من تحديد "إضافة PYTHON إلى متغيرات البيئة" أثناء التثبيت![/U]

- قم بتثبيت OpenBot.exe

- افتح Metin2 لكن لا تسجّل الدخول. انتقل إلى مجلد "OpenBot" للأرشيف الذي تم تنزيله ، وافتح الحاقن ، وحدد عملية metin2client.exe (حدد) ، وأضف dll (إضافة dll) exLib.dll واضغط على الحقن.

- في WebOpenBot ، انقر فوق تسجيل الدخول ، دون إدخال أي بيانات اعتماد.

- سيبقى الحساب محفوظًا في Dashboard ، والآن يمكنك الاتصال على Metin2.

(في لوحة التحكم ، عليك النقر فوق اسم شخصيتك لعرض الروبوت. في حالة عدم ظهوره ، انقر فوق عرض -> إعادة تحميل)


بالنقر فوق اسم الشخصية المحفوظة ، سترى OpenBot.




-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

مصدر الرمز

الواجهة: [URL]https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend[/URL]
خادم مقبس الويب: [URL]https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server[/URL]
ملفات python: [URL]https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot[/URL]

Messaggio unito automaticamente:

OpenBot è funzionante, il programma è stato aggiornato dopo l'aggiornamento del 31/03/2022.

Gli offset di WebOpenBot sono aggiornati, il programma dovrebbe funzionare.


è stato constatato, o perlomeno si suppone che i ban (O l'errore con tanto di barra rossa "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile") siano automatizzati dal server.
Si sta cercando di capire come vengano effettuati tali controlli, sicuramente non in locale ma dal server. Vi tengo aggiornati.

Il programma è comunque funzionante.


Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653


Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

المسح الضوئي : https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - مصدر LevelBot المفتوح​


البحث عن المسار (حتى عبر الخرائط)
WaitDmg (بما في ذلك القوس)
جدار الإختراق
LevelBot (مع تغيير الموقع)
وعاء تلقائي وإعادة التشغيل التلقائي
صانع المتجر
مدير المخزون
النقل الفضائي
شراء / بيع تلقائي [/ CODE]




يعمل TeleportHack حتى على مسافات طويلة! (استخدم Shift)



انتظر نطاق Dmg




رابط جيثب: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

كيفية استخدامها:

  • ابدأ تشغيل العميل ولكن لا تسجّل الدخول.
  • استخدم أي محقن (يوجد بالفعل حاقن شديد) وقم بحقن eXLib.dll في metin2client.exe
  • تسجيل الدخول

دروس الفيديو:

[MEDIA = youtube] vFrf7FJQcXU [/ MEDIA]

ائتمانات: martinx1 لهذا العمل الجميل. قررت نشره هنا لأنه يمكن أن يساعد العديد من مطوري بايثون.

تنزيل أحدث إصدار 2.1.5:

*** نص مخفي: لا يمكن إضافته للاقتباس ***

تحديث v1.0 - الإصدار

تحديث v1.1:

[*] تم التحديث لاستخدام أحدث إصدار من eXLib.
[*] تمت إضافة وظائف جديدة
[*] تمت إضافة SpeedBoost (يمكن العثور عليه ضمن الإعدادات ، علامة التبويب العامة).
[*] طريقة التثبيت التي تم تغييرها (الآن لست مطالبًا بإضافة ملفات إلى مجلد اللعبة).
[*] الآن تعيد النقل الآني تحميل البيئة بعد كل انتقال فوري.
[*] إصلاحات الأخطاء الطفيفة.

الإصدار 2.0:

[*] أضف Farmbot (استخدم هذا في المزارع أو لتعدين خام المعادن)
[*] إضافة Skillbot (باستخدام المهارات النشطة مثل الهالة أو الشفرة المسحورة ، يتم تركيب الحصان ونزله إذا لزم الأمر)
[*] إضافة رادار (قائمة الأمثلة المثيرة للاهتمام حولها مع إمكانية الالتفاف عليها)
[*] إضافة AntiExp (تبرع تلقائيًا بنقابة exp do)
[*] إضافة ChannelSwitcher (الاتصال على الفور بالقناة المختارة)
[*] إصلاح الكثير من الأخطاء ، التعطل نادر جدًا الآن

الإصدار 2.1:

- تحسينات صغيرة لـ Waithack لـ Cloud Exploit -
تمت إضافة المزيد من الضرر
- سيحاول الروبوت الآن شرب جرعة زرقاء إذا كان لديك MP أقل من اللازم لإلقاء Poison Cloud. سيساعد هذا على الوحوش "MP Draining". مثل Red Forest ، إذا كنت لا تريد استخدام Auto Potion Bot. سيستخدم هذا اللون الأزرق بشكل أقل
الجرعات مقارنة بـ "روبوت الجرعات التلقائي"

-Fishbot Bugfixes

ميزة جديدة: يمكنك الآن استخدام الميزات المتميزة للبحث التلقائي داخل اللعبة مجانًا! (ميزة متجر العناصر لمدة 7 أو 30 يومًا)
- بما في ذلك الإملاء التلقائي للتهجئة (يمكنك استخدام هذا للحصول على وظيفة "Buff Bot")
- بما في ذلك الجرعات الآلية (يمكنك استخدام هذا للجرعات الأخرى ، مثل الجرعات الخضراء أو البنفسجية في النهاية)
- مشكلة معروفة: لا يبدو أن Revive يعمل. إما أنني لا أعرف كيف يعمل "الإنعاش التلقائي" ، لكنني لم أتمكن من الإحياء تلقائيًا.

- إصلاح بعض الخلل الصغيرة الأخرى
- إعادة بناء بعض التعليمات البرمجية (لا توجد تغييرات مرئية)

تم الآن إصلاح FarmBot و KeyBot و ActionBot والوحدات النمطية الأخرى.

الإصدار 2.1.5:
spambot ثابت
في الغالب إصلاحات الشوائب
تغير الرمز
في نهاية المطاف أقل من الحظر الأحمر
لا توجد ميزات جديدة أو ميزات محسنة

تحديثات جديدة:
- دعم أحدث إصدار من metin2
- تمت قراءة 3 وظائف جديدة: (SetRecvAddGrndItemCallback و SetRecvChangeOwnershipGrndItemCallback و SetRecvDelGrndItemCallback) لمزيد من التحكم في العناصر الموجودة في الأرض. [/ CODE]

بالنسبة لأولئك الذين يشتكون من تعرضهم للحظر : لا يوجد في حد ذاته ANTI-BAN بنسبة 100٪ (كما هو الحال عند استخدام M2Bob ، الذي قال نفس الشيء تمامًا ، ولكن لم يتم اكتشافه أيضًا). لا يوجد سوى بعض النصائح التي يمكن أن تكون مفيدة (لا بد لي من الكتابة بعدم استخدام x hack ، أمام اللاعبين الآخرين لأنه يمكن الإبلاغ عنك؟ أنا لا أفكر في ذلك) ، لا شيء جديد. أولئك الذين يستخدمون الاختراقات / الغشاشين / الروبوتات يدركون حقيقة أنه يمكن استبعادهم من اللعبة ، ويتلقون حظرًا باختصار.
لم يتم اكتشاف البرنامج بواسطة CheatBlocker ، ولهذا السبب لم يتم اكتشافه. إذا تم اكتشافه بطريقة ما بواسطة الخادم ، لكنت قد لاحظت ذلك بالفعل لفترة طويلة منذ أن كنت شخصياً أستخدم الروبوت لعدة أشهر في الحساب الرئيسي وما بعده ، ولم أتلق أي حظر (صدق أو لا تصدق ، أنا لا تهتم). أعتقد أنه من المنطقي عدم استخدام ضرر التلف حيث يوجد لاعبون آخرون ، لاستخدام خيارات منع الحظر ، واستخدام Farmbot بحذر (أنا شخصياً لا أستخدمه) ، مع العلم أن اللاعبين الآخرين لا يزالون قادرين على رؤية الشخصية. لذا ، هل ترغب في مشاهدة فيديو يوضح كيف بدأ كل شيء؟ إذا قمت بالتحقق ، فهو موجود بالفعل في الموضوع الرسمي.لقد كتبت بالفعل كيفية المحاولة لتجنب الخطأ "اللعبة غير متاحة مؤقتًا" ، على الرغم من أن فريق M2Bob واجه أيضًا مشكلات مع هذا الخطأ. كل ما تحتاجه مكتوب بالفعل في المناقشة ، لذلك أكرر ، إذا كنت لا تعرف كيفية استخدام برنامج باستخدام رأسك ، فمن الأفضل تجنبه مسبقًا. الشكوى من تلقي حظر لا يؤدي إلى شيء ، باستثناء معرفة أنك تستخدم روبوتًا.
لن أجيب بعد الآن على أي شخص يقول إنه تم حظره ، أو أسئلة غبية مثل "يعمل على خوادم x" ، مع العلم أنه لا يعمل على خوادم خاصة وأنه مكتوب بالفعل ، حتى في العنوان ، ولكن للأسف لا يفعل الناس ذلك. لا تقرأ أو لا تستطيع القراءة ، لذلك نرحب بأي شخص يريد استخدام البرنامج ، وإلا يمكنك أيضًا ترك المناقشة والبحث عن برنامج آخر. شكرا للقراءة.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -

أنا أيضًا أنشر الإصدار باستخدام واجهة المستخدم الرسومية (واجهة رسومية)!

يحتوي البوت على:

[كود] - اللغة الإنجليزية والرومانية والتركية والدوتشية والبولندية
- خريطة مع الكيانات (الخامات ، npc ، mobs ، boss ، metins) ، والتي يمكن استخدامها للتنقل (حتى على خريطة أخرى ، مثل من m1 إلى العنكبوت v1) ،
- Farmbot ، حيث يمكنك اختيار البحث عن ميتات أو خامات أو زعماء أو حتى حشود فردية ،
- يستخدم برنامج Skillsbot المهارات (da) ، يقوم بترقية الإحصائيات والمهارات تلقائيًا (يمكنك اختيار الترتيب) ، ويعمل باستخدام أدوات التثبيت ، ويمكنك تحديد اللاعب الذي يجب أن يتبعه الروبوت ويصقله ،
- برنامج fishbot ، حيث يمكنك تحديد عدد مرات التكرار التي سيقوم بها الروبوت ،
- مدير المخزون
- بيك أب بوت
- والعديد من الوظائف الأخرى ... [/ CODE]

كيفية استخدامها:

- قم بتنزيل الأرشيف التالي:

*** نص مخفي: لا يمكن إضافته للاقتباس ***

- قم بتثبيت python.exe ، وتأكد من تحديد "إضافة PYTHON إلى متغيرات البيئة" أثناء التثبيت!

- قم بتثبيت OpenBot.exe

- افتح Metin2 لكن لا تسجّل الدخول. انتقل إلى مجلد "OpenBot" للأرشيف الذي تم تنزيله ، وافتح الحاقن ، وحدد عملية metin2client.exe (حدد) ، وأضف dll (إضافة dll) exLib.dll واضغط على الحقن.

- في WebOpenBot ، انقر فوق تسجيل الدخول ، دون إدخال أي بيانات اعتماد.

- سيبقى الحساب محفوظًا في Dashboard ، والآن يمكنك الاتصال على Metin2.

(في لوحة التحكم ، عليك النقر فوق اسم شخصيتك لعرض الروبوت. في حالة عدم ظهوره ، انقر فوق عرض -> إعادة تحميل)


بالنقر فوق اسم الشخصية المحفوظة ، سترى OpenBot.




-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------

مصدر الرمز

الواجهة: https://github.com/Sheidaas/exploit-frontend
خادم مقبس الويب: https://github.com/Sheidaas/metin_local_websocket_server
ملفات python: https://github.com/Sheidaas/OpenBot
Cosa devo premere per fargli expare da solo? Tipo quello che ti offre metin gratuitamente. Sono riuscito a farlo raccogliere e pozzare da solo, ma colpire i mob?
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.