Offline Seth International | Catch'em Pet Revolution | Rework of the PvP | Skin effect System

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Evento Pirata Tanaka


Salve community di Seth, nella giornata di domani 11/09/2021 alle ore 17:00 CEST, tramite la chiave evento, droppabile durante il corso della vostra avventura da qualsiasi mostro, si avrà la possibilità di accedere nella mappa evento dei pirati tanaka parlando con l'npc yu-hwan. Questa sarà un'imperdibile occasione per potenziare al meglio i vostri pet e mount. Inoltre, potrebbero uscire allo scoperto pet e mount esclusivi che non troverete altrove. Vieni a scoprire le ulteriori ricompense che potrai ottenere affrontando e sconfiggendo il boss!


Server Update List Patch 1.1.3

With the present the Staff communicates the following change, fix and new implementations:

Mob, Boss and Metin
- Nerf HP Regen and update race (now Orc) of Gargoyle, Arges, King Wobba, Polyphemos, Red Chief and Bone Face
- Nerf HP Regen of Metin of Wrath and of Calamity
- King Flame obtained aggressive
- Fixed the race of Spider Eggs (now Animal)
- Death Reaper, Giant Beast, Red Chief, King Wobba, Polyphemos, Priest Baljit, The Pursuer updated from grade 5 to "Boss"
- Demon King, Proud Demon King, Tartaros, Hell Bastard, Erebos, Azrael's Spawn, Servant of Anubis updated from "Boss" to grade 5
- Ignitor, Szeal, Samael and Belfagor updated from grade 4 to grade 5
- Samael Reincarnated and Risen Belfagor updated from grade 4 to "boss"

- To have a Shaman and a Ninja in the team is not necessary to join in Nemere Dungeon

- Updated Leader's Book quest. Now is possible to obtain a Leader's Book every 5 "Boss" grade mob killed (no mob level limit)
- Added 7 new quests useful to know the Capital's NPC - Updated Teleport Ring

- Updated description of skill bonus scaling
- Fixed timing of Dispel
- Added +50% time for auto buffs of War, Sura and Ninja skills
- Added +25% time for Stealth - Added +100% time for party buff of Shaman

- Improved drop in Thunder Mountains map
- Improved drop of Enchanted Item from Metin Stones (100%)
- Added Piece of Fabric, Piece of Fabric+ and Unknown Medicine+ in the first floor or Azrael's Catacomb
- Improved drop of Demon's Gem+ in the Devil's Tower

Minor Fix, Update and Other

- Improved the Spawn Boss Seal and updated the relative description
- Fixed the Turnback bug of Goch, Myrmidones and Gow
- Fixed the client crash caused by the use of Shadow and Panker
- Fixed the Black King Costume (m) for Sura
- Fixed the Skins which were obtained without bonuses
- Fixed some translations and item names
- Improved the up of armours lv61+9, now can be up using Blessing Scroll and Dragon Scroll
- Updated Discord invitation link in-game
- Added Teleport Ring available from Shopkeeper
- Added Helper and Staff list in Friend Chat

giusto sconsigli cosa e perchè?
Messaggio unito automaticamente:

invece di sconsigliare andate rigiocare in quei server su cui avete giocato decine di volte che chiudono e riaprono con altri nomi almeno questo anche se è vuoto rimane aperto e se ha chiuso non ha nascosto di essere sempre quello mo riaproo quelli che hanno già chiuso e tutti li ad aspettare la stupidità umana nn finisce ma idi stupirmi
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