Discussione Crack Handshake with windows

Ultima modifica:
Have a try with hashcat for Windows. Since you know that the key is only random digits you don’t need a wordlist on file, just specify the charset (0-9) and the length. Example for 12 numerical digits:

hashcat.exe -m 2500 -a3 cap.hccapx ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d

Otherwise just create a usb live with kali or similar distro and use the tools that you want, that will use full GPU power even in live mode.
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Utente Bronze
30 Marzo 2021
hi, I need to know if there is a way to crack the handshake of the networks from windows, since here I have a 3060 ti and on the pc where I have kali linux is from 1990, I would like to do an attack on 12 numerical digits, small letters and letters large, from my windows, only with aircrack-ng I end up creating a text file of 2tb (that is my maximum space) instead if I do it from kali via airgeddon the program tries the fonts automatically without generating files, how can I do to crack this handshake from windows 10?