Offline Mt2Classic - Server launch! 03.05.21 - Pay2Win Abolished The whole ItemShop in ShopCoin GAINABLE ONLY by PLAYING

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Seeing how I got treated on the discord trying to discuss high level issues I must say that this server is totally not recommended.
Well as I'm leaving the server pretty soon this is the last post I'm making here, this will be very polite
will include criticism and resume every mistake that has lead to this point of the server, it will be long
if you read it all, thanks. I will take a delete on this post as a case of censorship and make sure it's known
outside this discord server otherwise.

First, the start of the server, we got to the server thanks to a known streamer that wanted to play here a create
community, the avg amount of people we got here thanks to that goes around 100-200 active players, which at this date
26/07 95% have quit the server, why? Read below to know.

1. We start with the early days of the server, there were a lot of issues with mpoint farm, showing the server still
needed a lot of balance, it was on such an early development point that the server until multiaccount patch shoul've
being categorized as a BETA. For example we had cases where captain bestial (10 min respawn, 2 per ch and reign) gave 1k points
when chief orc, gave 300-500 points if you where lucky. As today, the server isn't balanced at all, high level content
is not worth to play point-wise but I will cover that later. They nerfed captain bestial making some happy, others that
abused it for life, angry.
2. Then we encountered guild blacksmith bug working as a blessing scroll (yeah, a BETA), they said they punished abusers
but nothing went public so we never knew what was the punishment or if they even punished anyone, transparency
on bans should be the FIRST thing on a server, with this came staff try of giving TEMPORAL BANS to hackers instead of
permanents, they needed to make a poll on the community like wtf, it's common sense to permanently ban hackers

3. Multiaccount issue, they took a whole month to address this issue and they addressed it to the wrong direction,
low level points gain wasn't op, higher level points gain was stupidly low, they took 4 weeks, making everyone who
wanted to compete FORCED to abuse multicharacters, a lot of people got angry from this issue and then instead of buffing
high level points they just nerfed low level.

4. Artificial difficulty non existant on oldschool metin2
For example you cannot put two rings at the same time or two thiefs gloves
5. High level balance is non-existant, 80% of high level players actually left because the staff is not willing to fix the balance of this group of player, me included

6. Events incidents: they did a moonlight box event, instead of normal event we got a decaffeinated weird one where on 4 hours the most we got was 100 boxes, we complained about it and [GM]Rhyan said that "this is not a restaurant, if you don't like it, leave it" guess what Rhyan? We all left

The current population of the server will actually leave on 1-2 months after they discover that the server is not balanced at all, if you complain about the flaws the server has you get either insta muted or banned, they looove to censor his users.

You actually invest your time better on metin2 game forge servers fighting with bots.

If you are a developer and want to create a server, COPY this server and fix the flaws it has, this server had a lot of potential but it has been horribly driven, if you copy it and balance/advertise it properly, you are guaranteed to succeed.
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Bella Ciao
Seeing how I got treated on the discord trying to discuss high level issues I must say that this server is totally not recommended.
Well as I'm leaving the server pretty soon this is the last post I'm making here, this will be very polite
will include criticism and resume every mistake that has lead to this point of the server, it will be long
if you read it all, thanks. I will take a delete on this post as a case of censorship and make sure it's known
outside this discord server otherwise.

First, the start of the server, we got to the server thanks to a known streamer that wanted to play here a create
community, the avg amount of people we got here thanks to that goes around 100-200 active players, which at this date
26/07 95% have quit the server, why? Read below to know.

1. We start with the early days of the server, there were a lot of issues with mpoint farm, showing the server still
needed a lot of balance, it was on such an early development point that the server until multiaccount patch shoul've
being categorized as a BETA. For example we had cases where captain bestial (10 min respawn, 2 per ch and reign) gave 1k points
when chief orc, gave 300-500 points if you where lucky. As today, the server isn't balanced at all, high level content
is not worth to play point-wise but I will cover that later. They nerfed captain bestial making some happy, others that
abused it for life, angry.
2. Then we encountered guild blacksmith bug working as a blessing scroll (yeah, a BETA), they said they punished abusers
but nothing went public so we never knew what was the punishment or if they even punished anyone, transparency
on bans should be the FIRST thing on a server, with this came staff try of giving TEMPORAL BANS to hackers instead of
permanents, they needed to make a poll on the community like wtf, it's common sense to permanently ban hackers

3. Multiaccount issue, they took a whole month to address this issue and they addressed it to the wrong direction,
low level points gain wasn't op, higher level points gain was stupidly low, they took 4 weeks, making everyone who
wanted to compete FORCED to abuse multicharacters, a lot of people got angry from this issue and then instead of buffing
high level points they just nerfed low level.

4. Artificial difficulty non existant on oldschool metin2
For example you cannot put two rings at the same time or two thiefs gloves
5. High level balance is non-existant, 80% of high level players actually left because the staff is not willing to fix the balance of this group of player, me included

6. Events incidents: they did a moonlight box event, instead of normal event we got a decaffeinated weird one where on 4 hours the most we got was 100 boxes, we complained about it and [GM]Rhyan said that "this is not a restaurant, if you don't like it, leave it" guess what Rhyan? We all left

The current population of the server will actually leave on 1-2 months after they discover that the server is not balanced at all, if you complain about the flaws the server has you get either insta muted or banned, they looove to censor his users.

You actually invest your time better on metin2 game forge servers fighting with bots.

If you are a developer and want to create a server, COPY this server and fix the flaws it has, this server had a lot of potential but it has been horribly driven, if you copy it and balance/advertise it properly, you are guaranteed to succeed.

You failed on Epvp and now you are trying here. Unfortunately, besides being a toxic and problematic player, you are also a profound liar. Literally everything you said is a lie. You even went so far as to ask someone to COPY our idea, which we have worked hard on, and this says a lot about you. Our goal is to create a pleasant community, without deeply toxic players. Behavior of this type will never be tolerated. A greeting
  • Mi piace
Reazioni: Esto
Mi rende triste il fatto che venga proposto un server pay2winless e il responso sia questo, soprattutto considerando il fatto che Fraga abbia sempre e solo portato server di qualità.

Questo è stato il server che ha generato più hype in assoluto, perché il concept alla base era veramente innovativo, il server era totalmente bug-less e lo staff è stato onesto da giorno 0.
Se oggi non ha 6.000 on è per l'estrema difficoltà del server, se dovesse essere riproposto in futuro in un concept più "user-friendly" non mancheremo di certo.

Più che altro non viene nemmeno molto sponsorizzato, peccato. Vero che è estremamente hard ma è impossibile renderlo user friendly visto che è proprio il nocciolo del server.


The Original Experience - Completely Free

Mt2 Classic aims to retrace the Original Metin2 Experience being the only server that manages to stay true to the mechanics of the old times.
And completely eliminates any Pay2Win element from the game by making the whole Item Shop gainable only by playing.

Early Adopters Exclusive

Register now to get an Experience Ring on your first login!
Every account created before the official launch date will receive the ring completely
for free!

Register Now!

Why Mt2 Classic

In every other server, even the official ones, the main focus is to get to the end game, and since it takes a very short time to reach most of the Core Metin2 Features are lost or overlooked. All while requiring players to spend lots of money to progress.

Mt2 Classic goal is to bring back these features while eliminating the real money element. This translates to a challenging and interesting gameplay, through the whole adventure starting from the very beginning. Doesn't matter at what level you currently are, there will always be something to do and you might even think to stop leveling up if that's useful to your game strategy.

Metin2 is a Multiplayer Game and the classic experience will value it by making players interact. Gamers will find themselves collaborating, be it for a strong trading market or to deal with the game's challenges. It will be the norm to find groups forming in the various maps to complete different tasks creating also true meeting points as it once was.

In the past, MMORPG were characterized by giving you the possibility to play the game in the way you preferred. For example, it wasn't rare to find players that used to trade and to leverage the game economy to acquire better gear, just like an entrepreneur. The approach of Mt2 Classic to the game really values and rewards players who think outside of the box and make the most of these dynamics.

Thanks to all these characteristics Mt2 Classic will be a thriving game experience, rich of interactions between the players, that won't fail to deliver an always intense adventure for the whole journey.


Classic Content

The game as it was before any content update and before the coming of "Grotto of Exile", when the strongest weapons are level 65 and 75 and the best armors are level 70.
Hardcore gameplay with a slow but steady progression that will value every achievement.


Pay2Win Abolished

Mt2Classic's philosophy is to have every player on the same level and avoid a Pay 2 Win approach.
The whole Item Shop is exclusively accessible through Shop Points gainable only by playing.
Cosmetics, and other game quality improvements (which do not affect progression), are buyable in the Skin Shop
with real money through the use of Shop Coins.



While main content and gear are what they used to be back in the day there was no real reason not to backport Costumes and even Mounts, inserted as Skins for your horse.
Find your style with plenty of different options, a big selection strictly from the Original Metin2 content.


Offline Shops

Who said you snooze you lose?
Offline Shops will give you the freedom to turn off your computer and keep making money.
You'll be also able to double the normal available item slots and get real time notifications of sales.


Quest Engine Improvements

Quests have been made more intuitive to guarantee a smoother experience.
More Quality of life improvents, such as the Enemy Preview, will help you further.


Improved Horse

You won't need any item anymore to call your horse. Because of this the horse menu, hated by many players, has been removed too.
A simple keypress is all you will need to call and ride your horse.
Moreover, horses have no collisions when unmounted and are now skinnable with mount skins.


Multi Language

Client is currently translated in 7 languages (English, Italian, German, Spanish, Romanian, Turkish, Czech) with additional languages coming soon.


Bot Protections

Bots and other forms of automation always gave an unfair advantage to players using them.
Mt2 Classic is equipped with in-house developed protections, both client-side and server-side, with euristhics analysis to find and stop bot users.


Better Graphics

The experience may be classic, but graphics quality doesn't have to be!
Built in support for Anti-Aliasing and High Refresh Rate will please your eyes, with more advanced shaders coming soon!


Bigger Inventory

Originally Metin2 used to have two Inventory pages. Mt2 Classic has four.
Expand your inventory and fill them all.


Bonus Page

Monitor all the bonuses currently affecting your character, pin your favorites and find quicky any bonus thanks to the search bar.


Channel Switcher

Quickly switch channel without having to logout and login back.

Register Now!

Punta alle persone estere e non Italiani sennò entro un mese farai la fine di tutti i server punta sull'estero l'Italia per ultima. Ovviamente ci sarò buona fortuna (sarà una sorta di wom2?)
Ciao ragazzi! Grazie per la fiducia che ci state dimostrando! Le persone giocano, gli iscritti aumentano. Per chi si lamenta della difficoltà: semplicemente il gioco è stato pensato così, e che si aspettava un esperienza semplificata andrà via, e va benissimo così. Non è il target di player a cui puntiamo. Miriamo a creare una community solida con il tempo, a cui piacciono le nostre meccaniche. Chi fa rumore è perché non ha letto la presentazione. Le persone che l'hanno letta e compresa giocano e si divertono. Vi aspettiamo in gioco e grazie ancora a tutti!
Penso proprio sia un qualcosa destinato ad una nicchia di utenti amanti dell'oldstyle puro e che hanno voglia di dedicare il loro tempo libero a questo. Il concept è azzeccato pienamente.
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