Unmantained [RELEASE][GF] eXLiB - The Python Advanced Module + OpenBot (LevelBot, Teleport , WaitDmg, AutoPickup, FishBot, Wallhack, SearchBot, Spambot, Farmbot.)

Una guida contrassegnata come Unmantained contiene informazioni su un argomento obsoleto, non più utile o files non aggiornati da parte del creatore.
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.
Ultima modifica:
ragazzi mi dispiace dirlo ma è successo la stessa cosa anche a me..purtroppo ho commesso l'errore di aver usato l'account principale..quindi mi pare strano sia undetected. Il mio consiglio è di evitare il teletrasporto..poichè solo dopo averlo usato in modo "assiduo" son stato bannato. Mia modestissima opinione.
Aggiornato, hack nuovamente funzionante. Non dovete scaricare nuovi file, l'aggiornamento verrà eseguito automaticamente.

Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653

Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione v2.0:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now

Messaggio unito automaticamente:

Aggiornato, hack nuovamente funzionante. Non dovete scaricare nuovi file, l'aggiornamento verrà eseguito automaticamente.

Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653

Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




TeleportHack funzionante anche sulle lunghe distanze! (Utilizzare Shift)



WaitDmg Range




Link GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Avvia il client ma non loggare.
  • Usa qualsiasi injector (è già presente extreme injector) e injecta eXLib.dll su metin2client.exe
  • Loggare

Video tutorial:

Crediti: martinx1 per questo bel lavoro. Ho deciso di pubblicarlo qui perchè può aiutare molti sviluppatori in python.

Download ultima versione v2.0:

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Update v1.0 - Release

Update v1.1:

[*]Updated to use the latest version of eXLib.
[*]New functions added
[*]Added SpeedBoost (can be found under settings, general tab).
[*]Changed installation method (now you are not required to add files to the game folder).
[*]Now teleports reloads the environment after each teleport.
[*]Minor bug fixes.


[*]Add farmbot (Use this to farm metins or to mine ore)
[*]Add Skillbot (Using active skills like aura or enchanted blade, is mounting and dismounting horse if needed)
[*]Add Radar (List of interesting instances around with posibility to warp to them)
[*]Add AntiExp (Automaticly donate exp do guild)
[*]Add ChannelSwitcher (Instantly connecting to chosen channel)
[*]Fix a lot of bugs, crashes are very rare now

C'è stata una manutenzione in cui non si sa, se e che cosa è cambiato, ma il programma è aggiornato e funzionante.
Il bot al momento sembra essere sicuro. Forse stanno pianificando qualcos'altro in futuro in merito ad antibot o anti cheat, o cambiano alcune cose per quanto riguarda il problema del gioco momentaneamente non disponibile.
Utilizzatelo con cautela.
Aggiornato, hack nuovamente funzionante. Non dovete scaricare nuovi file, l'aggiornamento verrà eseguito automaticamente.

Per chi ha problemi con l'errore "Il gioco non è momentaneamente disponibile" clicchi qui ---> https://www.inforge.net/forum/threa...searchbot-spambot-farmbot.604428/post-5190653

Rilascio un modulo Python avanzato con molte funzionalità per tutti gli sviluppatori Python.

Con questo modulo gli sviluppatori potranno creare quanto segue solo utilizzando python:

Inject python scripts
Access the entity list
- Create a route using path-finding -
Create fast fishing-bot
Pickup range filter
Use older functions like GetPixelPosition
And much more!

Come utilizzarlo:

  • Modificare il file script.py
  • Utilizzare un qualsiasi injector (Io utilizzo Extreme Injector)
  • Essere nella lista dei server o nella scelta del personaggio
  • Injectare eXLib.dll
- Get(<string> filePath) returns <bytearray>
Similar to old app.Get, allows to extract any file encrypted.

- IsPositionBlocked(<int>x,<int>y) returns <boolean>
Allows to check if a map position is walkable(mobs don't count), true if is walkable or false if is not walkable.
Note: For better pathfinding, unblocked points that are close(1 unit) to a blocked point, are considered blocked too.
There is a bug with objects, since i can't figure out how to load the objects.

- FindPath(<int>x_start,<int>y_start,<int>x_end,<int >y_end) returns <tuple>(x,y)
Finds a path between 2 points.
The path will not contain the current point.
It's possible to edit the maps, by changing the files in Resources/Maps, 0 represents a blocked location and the 1 represents a walkable position. The module will generate a new map if the same does not exist.

- SendPacket(<int>size,<bytearray>buffer) return None
Sends a packet to the server bypassing any encryption set.

- SendAttackPacket(<int>vid,<byte>type)
Sends an attack packet to the server, the type is usually 0.

- SendStatePacket(<float>x,<float>y,<float>rotation_ angle,<byte>eFunc, <byte>uArgs)
Sends a packet containing the current state of the main player, can be used to change position,rotation and attack state on server side only.
The value eFunc can take the fallowing values: CHAR_STATE_ATTACK,CHAR_STATE_STOP,CHAR_STATE_WALK
If eFunc == CHAR_STATE_ATTACK then the uArgs value can take one of the following values:
otherwise the value can be NULL or CHAR_STATE_ARG_NONE
All this constants are defined in the module.

- <dict>InstancesList
Is a dictionary containing all vids currently in sight as keys and values

- IsDead(<int>vid) returns 1 or 0
Returns 1 if the instance with the vid provided is dead or doesn't exist and returns 0 otherwise

- SendStartFishing(<word>direction)
Sends a packet to the server to start fishing, the direction parameter is a word only understandable by the server(will be converted in the future).

- SendStopFishing(<byte>type,<float>timeLeft)
Sends a packet to the server to stop fishing, the type can be any of the following parameters:
- SUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was solve successfully.
- UNSUCCESS_FISHING -> The mini game was not solve.
The timeLeft represents the time left to fish.

- SendAddFlyTarget(<int>vid,<float>x,<float>y)
Sends a packet to send an arrow at an enemy.

- SendShoot(<byte>uSkill)
Sends an attack packet to the current selected enemy (should be used after SendAddFlyTarget).
uSkill can be:
- COMBO_SKILL_ARCH -> Normal attack.

- BlockFishingPackets()
Blocks client from sending fishing packets (this module will still be able to send)

- UnblockFishingPackets()
Unblocks client from sending fishing packets.

- DisableCollisions()
Disable client colisions with objects and the terrain (Wallhack).

- EnableCollisions()
Enable client colisions.

- RegisterNewShopCallback(<callable_function>callbac k)
Sets a callback function, that will be called whenever a new private shop is created arround.
That callback will be called with the shop vid as the first argument.

- <string>PATH
Path of the location where the library was injected

- GetCloseItemGround(<int>x,<int>y) returns a tupple (<int>vid,<int>x,<int>y)
Returns the closest pickable item in the ground relative to the position given.
The items will be fitler acording to the pickup filter (see below).
Also, it will ignore items owned by other player.

- SendPickupItem(<int>itemVID)
Sends a packet to pickup an item from the ground

### Pickup Filter
A filter o be applied when calling GetCloseItemGround, by default the filter is set to pick items not present in filter.

- ItemGrndDelFilter(<int> index)
Delets an item id from the filter.

- ItemGrndAddFilter(<int> index)
Adds an item id to the filter.

- ItemGrndOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to only return items in the filter.

- ItemGrndNotOnFilter()
Changes the filter mode, to ignore all items present in the filter.

- ItemGrndFilterClear()
Deletes every item in the filter.

### Simulation of old functions
These simulates the functions that were removed from the modules by Gameforge.
This functions can also be accessed from their older modules.

- GetPixelPosition(<int>vid) returns a tupple (x,y,z)
Returns the position of the player by vid

- MoveToDestPosition(<float> x,<float> y)
Moves to a destination.[/CODE]

Tutte le funzioni sono disponibili nel modulo eXLib, per utilizzarle basta importare eXLib.
Per eseguire il proprio script, basta semplicemente modificare script.py.
Questo script verrà eseguito dopo che la dll è stata injectata.
All'interno della cartella c'è uno script di esempio.

*** Testo nascosto: non può essere aggiunto alla citazione ***

Scansione: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file...a97c112eaac09e1aa6efadbfba97c3c179b/detection

OpenBot - LevelBot OPEN SOURCE​


PathFinding (Even across maps)
WaitDmg (Including bow)
LevelBot (with change location)
Auto-pot and auto-restart
Inventory Manager
Auto buy/sell




¡TeleportHack funciona incluso a largas distancias! (Usar Mayús)



Rango WaitDmg




Enlace de GitHub: https://github.com/MetinOpenBot/OpenBot

Cómo usarlo:

  • Inicie el cliente pero no inicie sesión.
  • Use cualquier inyector (el inyector extremo ya está presente) e inyecte eXLib.dll en metin2client.exe
  • Iniciar sesión

Video tutorial:

[MEDIA = youtube] vFrf7FJQcXU [/ MEDIA]

Créditos: martinx1 por este hermoso trabajo. Decidí publicarlo aquí porque puede ayudar a muchos desarrolladores de Python.

Descargue la última versión v2.0:

*** Texto oculto: no se puede agregar a la cita ***

Registro de cambios:
Actualización v1.0 - Lanzamiento

Actualización v1.1:

[*] Actualizado para usar la última versión de eXLib.
[*] Nuevas funciones agregadas
[*] SpeedBoost agregado (se puede encontrar en configuración, pestaña general).
[*] Se modificó el método de instalación (ahora no es necesario que agregue archivos a la carpeta del juego).
[*] Ahora teletransporta recarga el entorno después de cada teletransporte.
[*] Correcciones de errores menores.


[*] Agregue farmbot (use esto para cultivar metins o para extraer mineral)
[*] Agrega Skillbot (usando habilidades activas como aura o espada encantada, es montar y desmontar un caballo si es necesario)
[*] Agregar radar (lista de instancias interesantes alrededor con posibilidad de deformarlas)
[*] Agregar AntiExp (donar exp do guild automáticamente)
[*] Agregar ChannelSwitcher (Conexión instantánea al canal elegido)
[*] Soluciona muchos errores, los bloqueos son muy raros ahora
Ya bueno pero funciona para em metin2.es ????
Il bot è sicuro in tutto e per tutto, tranne per i frammenti, che a quanto pare vengono "monitorati" da gf.
ho avuto diversi ban per questo motivo :)
l'ho appena provato ed è semplice da usare. Qualcuno mi saprebbe dare una dritta su come settarlo al meglio? Magari per evitare che il pg crepi o che si bugghi. Grazie !
Ultima modifica:
i would like to know if metin2 has some tool to identify your ip so they can ban the other accounts that try to enter with the same ip where you dont have the hack
Discussione chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.