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Ciao a tutti, ho visto che state facendo ancora eventi quindi siete aperti sicuro, ma quando vado sui link per il download o registrarmi mi esce impossibile caricare la pagine :confused:
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Ciao a tutti, ho visto che state facendo ancora eventi quindi siete aperti sicuro, ma quando vado sui link per il download o registrarmi mi esce impossibile caricare la pagine :confused:
Ciao a tutti, ho visto che state facendo ancora eventi quindi siete aperti sicuro, ma quando vado sui link per il download o registrarmi mi esce impossibile caricare la pagine :confused:
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  • New! Automatic PvP Tournament 2v2. It's in beta phase but should work without problems.
  • New! System Options to choose between Day/Night, Snowfall on/Snowfall off, Snow on/Snow off (
  • Rewrited the PvP Tournament System. It's in beta phase but should work without problems.
  • Now in the Weaponry Sura PvP Tournament, Enchanted Blade/Enchanted Armour/Fear skills are blocked.
  • Now in the Mental Warrior PvP Tournament, Strong Body skill is blocked.
  • Now in the Healing Shaman PvP Tournament, Cure skill is blocked.
  • Added an affect that block permanently the player if the duel has not started yet in the arena of the PvP Tournament.
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